127-Clara, Lu, and Em-Clara, Lu, 'n Em

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Clara, Lu, and Em—three friends bound by laughter, secrets, and a shared love for takeout food—gathered in Clara's cozy apartment. The air smelled of soy sauce and anticipation as they unpacked their bounty: steaming containers of noodles, dumplings, and fortune cookies.

"Em," Clara said, her chopsticks poised over a pile of lo mein, "what's the secret ingredient in your famous dumplings?"

Em grinned, her eyes twinkling. "Love, of course. And a dash of mischief."

Lu snorted. "More like a truckload of mischief. Remember the time you swapped the soy sauce with spicy chili oil?"

Em shrugged. "They needed a wake-up call."

As they slurped noodles and swapped stories, Clara noticed the way Lu's gaze lingered on Em. Lu, with her quiet strength and hidden vulnerability, had always been the glue that held their trio together.

"Lu," Clara said, "you've been awfully quiet. What's on your mind?"

Lu fiddled with her chopsticks. "I've been thinking about my parents. They want me to take over the family business—the antique shop."

Em nudged her. "And?"

"I want to travel," Lu confessed. "See the world, find hidden treasures, maybe fall in love."

Clara leaned back, sipping her jasmine tea. "Why not both? Take the antique shop global. Antique-hunting in Paris, romance in Rome."

Lu's eyes widened. "You think I can do it?"

Em reached across the table, squeezing Lu's hand. "You're a wild card, Lu. You can do anything."

They laughed, the sound echoing off the walls. The fortune cookies lay untouched, their messages waiting to be revealed.

Clara cracked hers open. "What's yours say, Em?"

Em read aloud, "'Adventure awaits around the next corner.'"

Lu's turn. "Mine says, 'Follow your heart, even if it leads you far from home.'"

Clara's fortune was simple: "Friendship is the greatest treasure."

They exchanged glances, understanding passing between them. Their takeout feast was more than food—it was a ritual, a celebration of their bond.

As the night deepened, they made promises: Lu would inherit the antique shop but also explore the world. Em would keep stirring mischief into her dumplings. Clara would write stories that spanned continents.

And together, they'd savor every bite—the noodles, the laughter, and the dreams

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