136-Pedro and Isabel-el cuerpo del deseo

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Pedro and Isabel sat on the sun-drenched bench in the park, their children playing nearby. The laughter of little feet echoed—their son, Tomas, chasing after butterflies, and their daughter, Sofia, twirling in her pink dress.

Isabel leaned against Pedro's shoulder, her eyes on their kids. "Pedro, do you ever wonder how we got here?"

He smiled, his fingers entwined with hers. "All the time. What do you see?"

Isabel's gaze shifted to the distant jacaranda tree—the one that had witnessed their love, their struggles, and their triumphs. "I see a future, Pedro. Our kids growing up, making memories."

Pedro nodded. "Tomas with my eyes, Sofia with your laugh."

Isabel chuckled. "And they'll run through fields, chase dreams, and climb this very hill."

Pedro closed his eyes, imagining their children's laughter, the scent of jacaranda in the air. "And at night, we'll sit under the tree, tell them stories of our adventures."

Isabel kissed his cheek. "They'll know about Pedro—the man who danced with fire, who loved against all odds."

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Pedro and Isabel held each other—their hearts entwined, their souls dancing among the purple blossoms of the jacaranda tree.

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