Him and I

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"Vernon, what do you think?"

The black haired man shook his head side to side in an attempt to wake himself. He didn't know what was more tiring, not being able to sleep for weeks in a row or this damn meeting he currently sat in. He had a feeling the two were tied pretty tight.

"I think," He stood up abruptly, the eyes of his subordinates all shot up to follow his moving figure. He paid no mind to the questions in their eyes as he walked to the glass windows decorating the meeting room. His eyes stayed trained on the moving cars while he spoke once more, "It's your job to figure that out without having to bitch to me. I don't know what I pay each of you for if you can't even solve a little disturbance." He turned to face the table once more, the table littered with useless men and woman his dad called the company board. If he didn't know any better he would think they paid his father hefty sums to even be in the room. But he had to admit they could be useful sometimes, although those times have been very few and between.

An older man with salt and pepper hair scoffed, all eyes moving to find the sound. "I don't think us asking what you want us to do is bitching, Mr Chwe," the old man leaned back in his chair, his eyes holding Vernon's own. Vernon felt his eye twitch lightly but he held his expression tight, best not to show any emotions to these vultures. They like to swing down on the first sign of weakness, and everyone knows emotions are a weakness in this field. He fixed on a proper smile while he played with the buttons on his cuffs, his demeanor causing the older man to let out another scoff. "What? Nothing to say? I thought you had-"

"Mr Samuel I suggest you watch your tone before I send you out of this meeting room with a broken nose." Vernon voice was clipped as he spoke. He didn't need to say more than that, the old man shut him mouth and sank back into his chair. Vernon tried to hold back the smile that threatened to spread across his lips, that's what he thought.

"Now, does anyone have anything else to add? Hopefully something a little more helpful than Mr Samuels tantrum." The board let out a few quiet chuckles before they cleared their throats and remained quiet. Of course, so fucking predictable. A bunch of useless pricks.
"Alright then, you're all dismissed." The group quickly stood and grabbed their belongings, bee-lining it to the exit in the blink of an eye. He didn't understand why they were so afraid of him, it's not like he could even go through with those threats. At least not without ending up with a black eye of his own. He rolled his eyes while his fingers buttoned up his suit, smoothing down the wrinkles that decorated the material as he made his way out of the room. His feet carried him into his office, his hands moving to slam the door shut behind him. He knew his father would come barging in any minute now so some moments of silence before that was welcome. Hence why he dashed over to his desk and threw his body into the cushioned chair, his head leaning back to rest against the soft material. He let loose a ragged sigh before his door swung open, a mad looking Mr Chwe barging in. Wow, just like clock work.

"Vernon! What the actual hell is wrong with you?! Threatening a board member in front of other ones is the most childish thing you've ever done!" His father stomped over to his desk before throwing his hands down on it, the wood shaking from the impact. Vernon didn't flinch, his body had gotten use to his father's fits, in more ways than one.

"He said I was bitching-"

"Oh big fucking deal! They say all kinds of shit. It's your job to ignore them, but you can't even seem to do that. God could you be any more of a disappointment?"

Vernon shook his head lightly, "No, hard to be anything but one. Especially since you've already made your mind up about it."

His father's face turned red, Vernon was surprised steam wasn't coming out of his father's ears by now. But he knew if he said even one more word that all hell would break loose, and he wasn't in the mood for that today.

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