Hey painty!! (Lightbrush part)

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Lightbulb POV:
"Hey is MePhone4 even gonna continue this season,I mean he hasn't given us a challenge in a a few weeks?" Suitcase asks me. I have been comforting her after her whole confrontation with nickel and all that since nobody deserves to be sad!!!(idk why I just saw both of them getting along) and plus...I miss painty and TT and fan and...I just have nobody to talk to...anyways I gotta answer her question!! "Uhhhhh i don't know suits..I mean I'm sure he will eventually continue the season it's not like he's out scouting new contests haha!....right?" I chuckle nervously as I have a looming feeling that he would actually do that- "Pfft- haha yeah right he wouldn't just leave us hanging like that I'm sure of it,besides I know you miss the bright lights and stuff." How did she...I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to her about it I mean I don't wanna be hurting in silence. "Actually yeah I do miss them...a lot especially Paintbrush...they had the confidence to come out to me and..ever since then- no I think even before that I developed these....feelings for them? I don't know." I say with my voice breaking. "Oh em gee Lightbulb you have a crush!!" Suitcase says with a high pitched squeak. "A crush?? Noooooo I just really miss them is all....right?" I say unsure of myself. "Lighty I know what I'm talking about I mean- I have a crush on BB I think I would know whether or not you have a crush!" She says excitedly. "Then how come you don't know BB likes you back?" I ask teasing her a little.( creator here I'm just saying basecase has no fans I know but yk they could reconcile u never kno also I don't want her liking balloon to be a plot device) 'Creator shut up' (sorry Lightbulb continue) Anyways before Suitcase could say anything MePhone pops up and says...some shocking news
"Heyooo contestants soooo uhm there won't be any challenges for a while sooooo I talked with OJ and he's giving you guys rooms in the hotel woohoo you can thank me now you get to see your friends or whatever" he finishes then walks off with cookies in hand. "OMGA I CAN FINALLY SEE THEM AGAIN" shoot did I say that out loud?!? "Hahaha we get it you miss the bright lights but you don't have to be so loud about it ya know?" Baseball says. "Yeah you're gonna burst my ears drums" knife added. "EEEEEEEKKKK I CAN SEE BALLOON AGAIN OH MY GOSH I SHOULD ASK HOW HES DOING I HOPE HES OKAY" suitcase says even louder. "What is with you girls and bursting my ears, calm down I miss nickel too but that doesn't mean to deafen us!!" Baseball remarks. "Sorry!!" Me and suitcase say in unison. 'I wonder if everyone especially....them...missed me? Hopefully I get to see them while I'm there.' I think excitedly (well ofc ur gonna see him he lives there-) 'CREATOR SHUT UP' (okay okay geez fine)

Paintbrush's POV:7:16 P.M
"FANNNN!!!" I screamed my roommate's name,why? Well this little idiot spilled half of my art supplies because he wanted to feature some of my paintings on 'Fan's FAN-tastic Features'. "IM SORRY IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I'LL PAY YOU BACK FOR THE DAMAGES I PROMISEEEE!!" He cried begging for mercy, he wasn't getting any from me though. "AND HOW PREY TELL ARE YOU GONNA DO THAT???" I asked aggressively. He starts, "Well I-" Oj then bursts into the room. "Perfect timing" Fan whispers. "GUYS COME DOWN TO THE LIVING ROOM I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE" OJ says, panting like a dog..did he just run up all those flights of stairs?? Anyways I make my way down with my roommate who luckily escaped a serious ass whooping, he's lucky I didn't bring out my chancla (he's high key Hispanic to me you gois) anyways we make it down to the living room where I see, well pretty much damn near everyone from the hotel only people that were missing were...balloon and microphone. I think I know where balloon is because I saw him run outside,wonder what made him so upset maybe I should check on him? Hmmm maybe later. "S-so what d-d-did you c-c-c-call us down f-for?" Bomb inquiries. "Yeah OJ what's up?" Trophy asks "Well I had a talk with MePhone aaaaandddd the contestants of season two need a place to stay while it's on hiatus sooooooo they are coming to stay in the hotel. "REALLY??" We hear a voice beam..it was nickel's one thing's for sure he misses his best bud baseball. To be honest I can't complain since I miss...her. I miss her energetic personality, her random love for oatmeal raisin,which is odd but still cute, her adorable pet crab Baxter,who likes me surprisingly, I just love her....i love lightbulb. "Helloooooooo earth to Paintbrush" Fan said, it snapped me back to the current situation. "Someone's thinking long and hard about his querida~" Test tube teases. "Oh shut up you two" I snap back. "Y'know you can just tell her about this crush I'm sure she'll like you back" Fan says with a bit of certainty in his voice. "I mean it worked for me and TT" he says followed up with a kiss on her cheek and a smirk. "That's because I set you up, y'know because you were a little pussy when you were around her" I replied with a smug look "Hey don't call him that!! You- you- JEEBWEEZER!!" She retaliated. We all laugh at how hilarious the situation was...maybe this wasn't that bad. We soon hear the front door open and we see the contestants walk in one after the other. First Baseball, then knife and then we see two girls skipping along together and giggling and one of them was ....lightbulb "la luz de mi vida" I softly whisper. Test tube heard it but I don't care. "OMGA EEEEE HEY PAINTY!!!!" She said darting straight for me, of course Baxter was safely tucked away beforehand. "Lightbulb watch out!!! You could-" as soon as I said that she dove on top of me and I soon heard a *CRACK*. "JEEPERS LIGHTBULB ARE YOU OKAY???" Test tube said concerned (they heal like humans in this AU if that makes sense-) "Owwww that hurttttt, but it's okay because painty is here!!!" She said while warmly embracing me, slightly glowing because of how happy she was...to see me? 'This is nice' I thought right before she got up. She went on to hug the rest of the bright lights. "SOOOO DID YA MISS ME??" She said ecstatically. "OF COURSE WE DID BESTIE" Fan squeaked loudly. "Yup I missed you" test tube replied clearly busy thinking about a new invention. "How bout you painty? Did you...miss me?" She said with a lower tone,that was strange but she eagerly awaited the reply. "Of course I missed you silly goose heck I never stopped missing you!!" I said more cheery than ever. "OMGA YAYYYYY" she was gonna dive on me again but this time suitcase stopped her. "Oookay lighty please be careful you don't wanna shatter" she said with a voice full of concern. "Thank you by the way for taking care of her while we were eliminated" I said with softness in my voice. "It's okay if anything I should be thanking you, you changed her a lot and in a good way, she's an amazing person!!!" She finished. We all were smiling and celebrating the contestants' return but where is balloon and mic? I would think balloon would be here because of suitcase....i have to go check in on him with suitcase...but that's a tomorrow problem (my bc is that paintbrush over the month grew fond of balloon like his little bro) right now I just want to live in this moment with my favorite person ever....amor de mi vida,lightbulb.

OMG HIIII CHAPTER FINISH HOW YA LIKE THE LONG CHAPTER I JUST WANTED TO MAKE UP FOR YESTERDAY YK!!! Anyways LIGHTBRUSH shippers enjoy the fuel and Nickloon fans dw its coming soon just needed a break from the angst fest that is the first two chapters

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