Wanna hang out alone sometime?(FINALLY A NICKLOON BONDING)

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Hi y'all!!! Since it's the weekend i wanted to give y'all another oneshot!! Enjoy~

Nickel's POV: 7:36 A.M
I wake up to check my phone and see dozens of messages, most from the friend group but some were from baseball and...SUITCASE AND BALLOON?!?
That's new? Never knew they would text me privately unless it was mandatory? Oh well that's the perk of having friends ig-. Oh lemme check those for a sec. I check the group chat... lots of havoc as expected, there's fan and lightbulb arguing about pancakes and waffles- paintbrush test tube and suitcase was trying to calm them down. Then I check baseball's dms...oh good god he was having a crisis.
Ya see he has never been kissed by a girl before and...he didn't know what to do about it. So I'm gonna get to that later lemme see what suitcase texted me about. ITS THE SAME THING HUH??!? Anyways I will deal with those two messes later, now lemme check balloons dms. I open the chat to see him asking me about if I enjoyed the hug...that's odd why would he ask me about that?? Well the hug was...nice, warm, comfortable and just overall amazing...wait a sec why am I thinking like that!!! That's weird hahah I'm gonna stop now! When just quickly read through the rest of the texts before a specific one caught my attention... the words "do you wanna hang out alone sometime?" Those words made me feel some type of way like there were butterflies in my stomach....NO NO NO!!! I am not gay!! Much less for balloon!! Ugh get a grip nickel it's not like he would even... Suddenly I heard the door swing open and it was balloon being pushed by suitcase and lightbulb into our room. "COME ON BESTIE GET UR CLOTHES WE ARE GOING TO THE BEACH!!!" Suitcase shouted looking excited. "Oh haiii nickel we are gonna go to the beach!!!" Lightbulb waved. "Wanna come?" Balloon and suitcase asked at the same time. "JINX YOU OWE ME A DR FIZZ!!" Balloon said quickly. "You forgot to knock on wood~" suitcase says smugly knocking on a wooden desk. "YOU MADE THAT UP NO FAIRRR~" he whined. Hehe he looked so adorable when he acted like that....HOLD ON NONONONONO NOT GAY NOT GAY NOT GAY! (Gay gay very gay!!) 'SHUT UP CREATOR' (OH STFU YOU HOMO) ugh anyway
I gotta say something or else I would look weird. "Uhhhh yeah sure I'm down!" I say while getting up from my bed and getting my shades and sunscreen. (Aight I know damn well he don't need sunscreen but bear with me) "YAYYYYY LETS GOOOO!!!!" Suitcase and Lightbulb scream, running out of the room together. "Those two are weird aren't they?" I said pointing out their bubbly attitudes. "Oh leave them alone! They are just having fun!!" Balloon chimes in. "Oh by the way you still considering hanging out alone?" He asks with a longing expression. "Uhhhh sure bud! But when?" I ask the taller boy. "Uhhhh maybe next week?? I wanna spend this week with the friend group just to get used to everything ya know?" Balloon suggests, looking down at me with those gorgeous emerald eyes and smiling. "I- uhhhh y-yeah yeah sure!" I say stumbling on my words a bit. Ugh that was embarrassing! "Heheh the stuttering is adorable~" he teases. "Ughhh shut upppp" I say with a little nudge to his side. "Haha...ya know nickel you aren't half bad!" Balloon smiled at me. "Y-you too...buddy" I say giving back a warm smile. He walks up to me and gives me another hug and then whispers, "I'm so glad I forgave you.." into my ear. I swear I was blushing so much it was embarrassing....WAIT NO IM NOT FALLING IN LOVE WITH BALLOON OH GOD OH GOD!!! "Uhhh w-we should g-g-go now!" I say nervously. "OH SHOOT YEAH LETS GO!!!" He grabs my metal hand and drags me downstairs to meet up with the others...that smile...his eyes that sparkle so nicely in the sunlight AND moonlight and most of all...that personality....i lik- no...nooo oh god....
I love him don't I?....


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