Hey little bro...wanna talk?

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HIIII before u start the chapter I just wanna say thank u for the reads I rlly appreciate it!!! Also I am a multishipper if u didn't know alr- anyways the siblings ever!!! And we will have 3-4 POVs this chapter anyway let's get into it

Paintbrush's POV: 11:23 P.M
"Whew well that party sure was fun!!" Fan says,looking exhausted. "Yup..it really was..*yawwwnnn*" Test tube replies. "Hmm painty ya mind carrying me? I'm super...slee....py" lightbulb requests,and I follow suit for mi princesa. I scoop her up into my arms and she knocks out cold. Of course the other two tease me for it. "Ooooooooooh y'know at this point just kiss her" Fan teases. "Yeah! Just kiss her right now I'm sure she wouldn't even notice" test tube added. Honestly I want to really badly and I wouldn't mind...but she still has that crack on her face... 'I have it fix her' I thought to myself as my face shifted to an expression of concern. "Still thinking about that crack?Just fix it in the morning,you need rest." Test tube said. As usual she was right but....i don't care about me,she's cracked and I need to fix her. "I can't just leave her like that I'm gonna patch her up in the infirmary,then I will be able to sleep better,is that cool with you guys?" I ask with a tone of tiredness. "Meh fine just don't complain about how little sleep you got tomorrow, I literally CANNOT with another tangent" Fan complained,I mean he has a point. "Fine as long as you bring breakfast up for me and you don't bother my sleep AGAIN" I say with a stern expression. "Deal,take care of your little princesa~" fan says mocking me. "Yeah good night fan, goodnight TT" I say turning around heading to the infirmary. "Night paintbro" Fan and TT say in unison. I get to the infirmary but before I enter, I see the lights are on. 'Huh? Who's in here this late' I think to myself, maybe it's just tissues? No he's only allowed here if Soap and Test Tube is here. Whoever it is I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Though I do peek inside just in case and there I find... balloon, what's he doing here? Is he...no it can't be, but...why is he here? I go to turn around and leave the fixing lightbulb for tomorrow,but I can't go back now. So...I step in...

Balloon's POV: Before Paintbrush arrived- when they arrived

I just came back from the back garden y'know usually that helps me calm down but this time my stress levels went like through the roof I feel so worthless someone should just pop me right now. 'That vision of him....my brother...I hate him..i HATE him I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM....but he's right...I killed mom, if only I didn't walk into that street mom would be alive right now... I miss her, I miss her a lot and with my brother taking care of me (since his dad was a piece of shit who didn't deserve custody) it only got worse, he would burn my hand on the stove, he would hit me, he would try to pop me and even though he didn't, looking back on it now, I wish he did... I hate myself I hate being in this body why won't I just die?' I think to myself as I make deep-ish slits into my wrists. I look down at the blood flowing from my wrists, the feeling made me sick to my stomach but it was almost, comforting? I don't know... I go over to the medicine cabinet and grab the antibiotics and the bandages to cover my wounds. That was until I turned around to see...Paintbrush holding lightbulb. 'First of all, aweeeee. Second of all oh god no not them I can't let them see me like this again..they deserve better' I think to myself before they spoke up... oh boy. "What the fuck are you DOING??" They whisper- shout clearly to not wake their "girlfriend". "Uhhhhhh I can explain??" I say with an 'Shit I just got caught' expression on my face. "Yeah you better have a fucking GOOD explanation for this." They say with a stern voice. I whimper at the sudden sternness, they catch on and apologize. "Sorry I'm just...really tired and I have to patch up lightbulb just...explain why you would do this to yourself again." They said with a softer tone of voice,they knew I didn't like shouting,at least one person did... "Heh..sorry for worrying you like that...I didn't mean for you to walk in I just.....Nickel- he-" and before I could continue I hear a deep breath from the taller object as they rested lightbulb onto one of the beds in the infirmary. "Him again?? Bro...wait can I call you bro?" They asked with uncertainty. "Yeah you can but go on" I say with curiosity. "Nice!! Anyways as I was saying...you can't keep beating yourself up about that guy, he doesn't act like he wants your company. Please stop hurting yourself mentally AND physically over the fact that he can't fucking let go of season 1, it's been years since that happened" Paintbrush continues... I guess they are right maybe I shouldn't try to talk to nickel for a while but that would be pretty hard since the guy is my roommate. "Okay I'll try my best!" I say with a more cheery tone "Nice to hear little bro y'know that was a nice talk" They say with a smile while reaching for the items to fix up lightbulb. (Guys idk what he would get to fix her not even gonna lie) "Oh by the way paintbrush" I start. "Yeah lil bro?" They ask. "Are you and lightbulb a thing? Cause you really seem to care for her~" I say teasing them a little "URGHHHH not you too!!! Cmon mannn" they say with a voice of annoyance. "Hey hey! There's no shame in a little crush, just confess soon I want her as my sis-in-law she seems fun!!" I say with a smirk. "Hehe yeah she is fun" they say with a proud look on their face. "Well I'm all done fixing her up and I am SUPER tired so I'm just gonna carry her to bed,promise you won't say anything??" They plead with me. "Yeah I won't tell as soul as long as you don't tell anyone about the...cutting thing...I promise I will get better!!" I say with a half smile. "Sure just..take care okay bro??" They say with a soft expression while picking up their "girlfriend". "I will..take care...uhhhhh??" I stumble for the word to call them because of the...non binary thing- "Bro is gender neutral so it's fine" Paintbrush says while leaving. "Goodnight Balloon" they say halfway out the door. "Good night paintbrush!!" I half- shout. 'Hm...maybe I should take their advice, I mean there's no harm in not trying to force my friendship onto Nickel' I think to myself as I finish wrapping the bandages and head upstairs to me and Nickel's room. I finally arrive to the room, I don't know why but I had the urge to peep through the door and I saw, baseball?? 'Huh that's odd what's he doing here?' I ask myself as I see baseball talking to nickel, their speech is quite muffled so I don't hear what they are saying. I burst into the room, then they suddenly stop talking. "Oh uhhhh hi balloon! Didn't see ya there..." Baseball said in a shaky, nervous tone. "Soooo what were you two talking about?" I ask, knowing that most likely I wouldn't get an answer. "Oh nothing really..just mind your fucking business okay??" Nickel chimes in, cruel as always. "I wasn't talking to you but okay." I snap back, while crawling into my bed. "Ugh the nerve of him, right BB?" He desperately asks for back up on his end but to no avail. "You took a jab at him unprovoked, *whispers something to nickel*" after the whispering from Baseball, Nickel immediately looks defeated...strange. "Oh well I'm gonna go to bed talk to ya tomorrow Nickel, oh and see ya later Balloon." Baseball announces while walking out. I turn to look at Nickel, who has a saddened expression on his face... 'I wonder what that was about, in fact I wonder what they talked about while I wasn't here...guess I'll never know' I think before drifting into a deep slumber.

Baseball's POV: Time: While balloon was talking with Paintbrush - when balloon was at the door

Me and Nickel are in my room after the little party they threw for the current season 2 contestants. He said he wanted me to bring him to my room to talk..about what exactly?? I don't know but I guess I'm about to find out. "Sooo what is it you wanted to talk about?" I ask with a hint of curiosity, what he said next was super unexpected. "I think I wanna forgive balloon but I don't know how to go about it, in short I think he still hates me and wants to manipulate me but he seems really nice and I wanna get to know him better..." I admits in with a shameful look on his face. "WHAT?!? All that bickering in season two, which by the way you treated him unfairly in the first place and you put him into a completely one sided rivalry, then you try to make his only friend vote him out which resulted in your elimination as well, making me and suitcase MENTALLY DAMAGED!! And only now you decide you wanna change and forgive him??" I ask with a lot of aggression and frustration in my voice. "Look I know what I did was wrong and I'm trying to change for the better but....i just don't want to be vulnerable to betrayal..." his expression saddened and his voice broke while saying this..I kinda feel bad for him but I have to make him face SOME kind of consequences for his actions. "Hey...it's a start, but y'know that doesn't excuse your actions..it's an explanation yes, but it isn't an excuse" I sternly tell him. "Earlier I....I made him cry, which I didn't mean to do but...I did I just he wanted to talk to me and I put this wall up to protect myself not knowing I hurt him that badly...I want to show him I've changed" he says with a bit of hope in his eyes. "Well do that, show him how you changed instead of constantly pushing him away, I'm sure he wouldn't mind your company if u just called him to talk in private Y'know" I say reassuring him. "Yeah! Okay I will...thanks BB I can always count on you!!" He says with a smile..a smile that was rare for most, not for me. "No problem Nicks" I say with a chuckle. "Ew that's even cringier than the other nickname stopppp" he says playfully. "Oh gosh leave me be with this, besides it suits you!!" Before we could continue balloon bursts (I just realized the pun oh god) into the room. (Yada yada yeh yeh we saw that in balloon's part) before I left though I whispered to Nickel, "keep acting like that and he will never see the change in you" I whispered before leaving and telling them both goodnight. As soon as I exited the room, and before I went to mine, I whispered to myself "good luck nicks" then I went to my room.

Nickel's POV (short one I literally cannot with the long ones anymore) After balloon fell asleep

I dwell on baseball's words as I watched balloon drift asleep.. "dang not even a goodnight...I fucked up" I whisper to myself as I just lay awake reflecting on everything that I did...what I said... suitcase...baseball...Balloon....i hurt them...especially suitcase and balloon.... I owe them an apology, but when would be a good time to apologize??? I bet they hate me and would refuse to even talk to me. I lay there wondering what to do, then it hit me...a letter!!! I could write a letter to them both saying that I wanna talk in private then apologize formally!! 'I'm such a genius' I think to myself before realizing...I don't have a pen or paper near me at the moment and I don't wanna turn on the lights sooooo I decide tomorrow would be the day I get the things needed for my plan to apologize... 'okay I'm actually doing this...tomorrow' I think to myself as I finally fall asleep.


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