Chapter 12: Nightly Encounters

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Its ears twitching while it looked through the night, the Loboan pointed to the faraway spaceship in the forest.

Ever since Ben got a new form, that he had called "Benwolf" for lack of a better name, he was excited to use it. When the Omnitrix got scratched and Ben was transforming, he almost thought he'd become a werewolf. His bodyguards took him aside while Gwen and Kai were busy with their Grandpas, and they told him that, in fact, he was becoming a new alien.

He was a Loboan, an alien from Luna Lobo, a moon from the same solar system as Ghostfreak, though they had no idea why the alien who unlocked that sample stole technology and why it was harming innocent villagers nearby. He was told Anur aliens hated outsiders for some reason, which Sixsix suggested could've been the one time Galvans teleported the entirety of Anur Transyl into the Null Void, the prison dimension Phil was trapped in at the moment.

Ben wasn't sure he wanted to know what it was like in there, but he hoped the Yenaldooshi was buried and snoring under all those rocks. At least, he liked being in his new form, though he wished he could've heard about the Omnitrix's sampling methods sooner. Who knows, he could've turned into his latest aliens sooner, Master Control or not. He also wished to see if the slow transformation applied whenever his watch got scratched.

He wondered if his dad would've let him become a Chimeran that way... Who knows what he would've looked like as a hybrid?

Sixsix and Kraab seemed amused enough by his antics, he had been jumping around trees and scaring off wild animals while doing so. Their liege was much more energetic, much stronger, much more dangerous with every adventure that passed.

They had to stop themselves from asking Ben about his crush on the Kai girl. Who knows how Vilgax would take it if his son was enamored with another human...

Though she did seem to prefer his alien forms over his human one. Ben felt offended that she'd prefer taming him like a beast over liking him as a crush. Seems she took the words 'puppy crush' too literally, it was understandable that Ben wouldn't be interested in talking about her for a while.

"Here he is." excitedly growled Benwolf, wagging his tail.

The Omnitrix beeped and he timed out before he could do anything.

"Oh come on! I wanted to show him this new guy!"

"He will be glad to see it when the Omnitrix recharges, young master. Reaching the ship's main room will take enough time to do so." advised Kraab.

"Fine." pouted Ben as they walked through the Chimerian Hammer's entrance. "Let's get going, then."


The night was cold, he was freezing.

This wasn't anything new, he was used to living on the streets. But it had been a while since he was himself again, no alien skin to warm him up.

Kevin grumbled as he munched on an already half-bitten, stale-tasting hot dog. He didn't have the alien powers anymore, he couldn't take money from banks and public places anymore. Back to looking around for food and pickpocketing again, at least until he found a way back to New York.

Or until he found where Tennyson was hiding.

It pissed him off that Vilgax drained him from all his powers, except for his absorption abilities. What did he get from doing that? Why did he do that? Did he lie to Kevin when he told him he hated the Tennyson family too? Kevin couldn't even remember what Vilgax said before they fought properly, all he got was a headache for trying.

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