Mothers day ( filler )

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Today kakashi had gone out with obito. He had give me some time to spend with my sons.

Mina :- Hello my champs.

Mitsuki:- Hello mother.

Kawaki:- Hmm.

Mina :- Kawaki you know you can give reply to me properly.

He didn't say anything.

Mina :- Anyway today is mothers day. We will spend out time with each other. I am so excited.

Mitsuki:- Me too mother.

Kawaki:- What with this day.

Mitsuki:- On mothers day kids spend their time with mother and buy her gifts. That why father give us money to buy gifts.

Kawaki suddenly look pale.

Mina :- Is something wrong Kawaki?

Kawaki:- umm no.

We then go outside. I see hinata, hima and boruto their they were playing in park. I didn't disturb their time.

I then go towards a cinema. It was emotional movie.



Mina was just looking at kawaki who has tears in his eyes but no sound. She then look at mitsuki who was focused on movie.

After the movie was finished they go to river side and sit on grass.

Kawaki:- umm

Mina and mitsuki look at him.

Kawaki:- Are you I mean is mitsuki your real son ?

Mina :- By blood no and by heart yes.

Kawaki just look at her.

Mitsuki:- Mother How you meet father ?

Mina face turn red.

Mina :- Hmm when I was 7 some people bully me because of my hair.

Mitsuki:- What's wrong with your hair ?

Mina :- It’s red. That's why.

Kawaki:- So what's problem with that ?

Mina look at her two sons and suddenly start to laugh.

Mitsuki:- is everything okay Mother ?

Mina :- yeah. you both didn't found my red hair odd ?

Kawaki:- I don't think there is something odd about your hair.

Mitsuki:- Yeah it's pretty.

Kawaki:- Hmm.

Mina look at them.

Mina :- thanks.

Kawaki:- C-can you conti-nue ?

Mina :- Yup. So because I got bully I run away to forest. I was crying and hating my hair. I had kunai with me so I try to cut my hair but...

Her face grew red.

Mitsuki:- Father stop you ?

Mina look at mitsuki.

Mina :- how do you know that ?

Kawaki:- Because you only turn red when you think about him or talk about him.

Mina face turn more red.

Mina :- It’s not li-ke that.

Kawaki:- Continue.

Mina :- He stop me and ask me the reason when I tell him he say " if someone doesn't like my hair, it's their problem. you need to love the way you are because that's made you who you are." He then say he like my hair. He was the first man who compliment my hair.

Both sons look at their mother who was as red as her hair.

They both sigh.

Kawaki:- So what about your marriage ?

Mina :- About my marriage?

Kawaki:- Yeah who was the one who proposed first?

Her face turn red. Both got their answer.

Kawaki:- Never mind.

Mitsuki:- So mother what was your love story like ?

Mina :- Hmm it was like long time crush same as hinata but she had crush way to long before me.

Mitsuki:- So you were the one who had crush on father?

Mina face turn red out of embarrassed. She definitely don't want her sons to know about her crush.

Voice:- Nu-uh I was the one who had crush on her but to idiot to know that.

All turn their head to see kakashi standing there. He came and sit beside Kawaki.

Mina :- d-ear what ar-e y-you doi-ng here ?

Kakashi:- I was just wondering here and there when I see you three. I decided to come here I was bored.

Mina :- H-How mu-much yo-u hear ?

Kakashi look at his wife.

Kakashi:- Hmm from the part where someone got crush on me on first meeting.

Mitsuki:- In other words everything.

Mina face become red out of embarrassment. She find it silly that she just got crush because he compliment her hair.

Kawaki:- So will you tell us about your love story?

Kakashi:- Sure. I like Mina since the day I first time meet her. I mean I always guard her but meeting was different. She was running in forest and was going to cut her hair and I stop her. It was first time I touch her soft cheek and silky hair. I feel like I want to protect her. I thought it was because of she was my sensei daughter so I always ignore those feelings. I never ever see her when she was near me I treated her the way I treat everyone. I guess I didn't mind her that much back then because she was always there. But things changed when she go out for training for 2 and half years. She go without meeting me or any of us just give note and leave. Then I start to feel what impact she had done. When the wait was finally over I meet her but I was injured I wanted to hug her but can't. When I see her after years she had grown up into a lady. Mature, intelligent and powerful. I start to dream about her I thought it was because she had become lady but then I know it was because I want her to be my lady.

Kakashi stop talking he then look at Mina who was now unconscious on grass.

Kakashi:- When she fainted ?

He doesn't sound shock or surprised.

Mitsuki:- when you say you start to dream about her. btw what type of dream ?

Kakashi:- never mind. So when I got to know how I feel I push those feelings because she was my sensei daughter.

Kawaki:- Wow you can dream about your sensei daughter but can't accept the feelings?

Kakashi just glare at him.

Kakashi:- I push those feelings for 8 years. When Mina came to me telling she like me I push her away. Then I realised I was idiot and then go back to confess her. After 2 weeks dating I propose her then we got married.

Mitsuki:- Just after 2 weeks dating?

Kakashi was gonna say sometimes but Kawaki say first.

Kawaki:- He was getting old that's why.

Kakashi glare at his oldest son.

Mina suddenly start to wake up.

Mina :- Umm h-how lo-long was-

Kawaki:- Just some minutes.

Then hatake family start to go their home.

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