The best way to cheer up after a nightmare.

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Branzy smiled softly as he looked into the living room. Today had been a good day so far! The kids have been well behaved all morning!! Branzy sighed happily as he saw them playing in the living room. Failboat was on his phone, like usual. Failboat actually did start playing some of Branzy's video games, though he always made sure to ask permission. Even though Branzy had told Failboat multiple times that he didn't need to. Though Branzy's guessing it's some sort of trauma based thing.

Skip and Jay where playing with there toys together. Role playing like they where cool space explorers travelling the galaxy.

Rekrap was cuddled up on Failboat's lap with his plushie in hand. And Branzy thought this was the most adorable thing in the world, and secretly snapped a picture of it.

And Sandiction-... wait... where was Sandiction?

Branzy immediately started panicking, but tried to play it cool on the outside. He immediately started looking all over the house for Sandiction.

After 10 minutes, Branzy looked into the bedroom, Finding a tiny Sandiction playing with his plush pig and building a Minecraft lego set he had begged Branzy for the night before. Branzy let out a sigh of relief, glad that Sandiction was okay. He smiled softly and walked over to the boy

"Hey buddy... whatcha doing?" Branzy asked in a calm demeanour, trying not to startle the boy too much.

Sandiction jumped a little, looking a little worried. As if he thought it was wrong to be playing with his toys. Sandiction normally didn't speak much, especially not to Branzy. But Branzy just guessed that he was a genuinely shy boy

"N-nothing... j-just playing-..." Sandiction had a little stutter, his tone full of nerves.

"Thats cool!! Can i sit with you for a bit?" Branzy asked, trying to be as friendly as possible. He knew Sandiction wasn't fully trusting of Branzy yet.

Sandiction just hesitantly nodded yes. Branzy sat down right next to him, but he must of sat too close to what the boy was comfortable with, as Sandiction scooted a little away from Branzy. Branzy very clearly noticed, but decided not to bring it up.

"I see you really like lego's... would you like me to help you build it?" Branzy asked, hoping this would help build a little comfort within Sandiction.

Sandiction nodded again. As he started building the lego set again, this time with the help of Branzy. Sandiction holding his plush pig in one arm the whole time.

They spent the next hour building. Branzy making small talk with the young boy. Branzy learnt that Sandiction really, REALLY liked animals, especially pigs and chickens. He also learnt that Sandiction wanted to work with animals when he grew up. Though not as a vet. The idea of the animals dying in his hands was too scary for him. Branzy found this adorable. Well, except the death part. And he made sure to make a mental note of this. For any future events like Christmas, or Sandictions birthday.

Branzy also couldn't help but see himself a little in Sandiction. Maybe it's the fact they looked similar. Like they could be biologically related thats how similar they looked. Or maybes it's the fact he could relate to the kid in some things. Maybe it's a bit of both. I mean, he see's himself in all of these kids. That's part of the reason he adopted them specifically. But he saw himself in Sand the most.

Branzy then realized how late it was getting. Realizing he needed to put the kids to bed, he quickly stands up, holding his hand out for Sandiction, might as well start with him while he's here.

"C'mon. Let's get you to bed..." *Branzy said in a soft tone.

Sandiction hesitantly took Branzys hand. Branzy then lead him to the bed that was like 10 inches away. He quickly laid Sandiction down, and tucked him in.

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