A normal night out!

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The four boys ran out of the school, smiling happily as they saw Branzy and Failboat waiting for them. The blonde man looked slightly annoyed, though his face softened once Failboat saw the four boys.

"BRANZY!!!" Sandiction yelled, running up to Branzy and hugging him tightly.

Branzy chuckles and hugs Sand back.
"Hey, bud!! How was school?"

"GOOD!! Ms. Wilson let us have free time today!! I drew a picture of us all!!" He held up a piece of paper with the words "My family" on it, and a drawing of the six of them together.

Branzy felt his heart melt, a warm smile emerging onto his face.
"Aw, thats great, Sand!"

"Who knows, Sand. Maybe Branzy will put if on the fridge for you." Failboat said, smiling down at the young white haired boy.

"OH! Why, of course we can!" Branzy's smile got wider as he spoke.

"YAY!!" Sandiction smile, practically jumping up and down.

Branzy nods, before turning to the other boys.
"So, i was thinking, that we should all go to the grocery store, and maybe go to the park after!"

"YEAH!!" All of the screamed.

"I wanna go to the park!!" Rek exclaimed excitedly.

"It'll be so much fun!!" Skip said.

"I guess it couldn't hurt..." Failboat said, trying not to smile at how excited the younger boys where.

"Alright! Now just get into the car and we-"
Before Branzy could finish, the boys had already started rushing to the car. Branzy chuckled before following them, getting into the car with the rest of them, before driving off to the nearest grocery store.

The ride was quite calm for a change, all the boys did was talk with each other and play eye spy. Branzy wasn't complaining though, he liked it being semi quiet for a change.


Once they arrived, Branzy helped the four youngest boys get safely out of the car, before grabbing a couple of bags after.

"Alright! And remember, no wandering off." Branzy said sternly. Before gently grabbing Sandictions and Reks hand. Failboat grabbing Jays and Skips, just as a precaution so they don't run off and get hit by a car.

The six enter the store, Branzy making sure to grab a cart. They begin making their way down each and every aisle.

"Branzy, can we get candy?" Skip asked, looking up at Branzy with pleading eyes.

Branzy sighs. "Sorry, but no. We already have enough candy at home. You won't need more for a while."

Skip whines. "But Branzy!! Pleeeeease?"

"No. Skip."

Skip whines more, pouting a ton. But Failboat picks him up and calmed him before he could cause a scene.

They continue to make their way down the aisles. They eventually made their way to the frozen foods and drinks aisle. Branzy opened one of the freeze, grabbing a few boxes of frozen pizza, before turning around and putting them in the already halfway filled cart. He turned around and started to make his way to the next freezer over, but then he accidentally bumped into a man.

"O-oh my god. I am so, so sorry sir!" Branzy stammered.

The man stared at Branzy, and Branzy could practically feel the mans red eyes piercing threw his soul.

"It's... quite alright." The man said, brushing his white hair out of his face.

Branzy felt his face heat up slightly. There was something so scary, yet so charming about this man.

The two stared at each other for a minute, Branzy playing with the bottom of his black sweater vest before the man spoke.

"So... what might your name be?" The man said, his expression softening slightly.

"Oh! Right... my name's Branzy!" Branzy smiled. "What's your name?"

"... My name is Clown."

"Well, it's lovely to meet you Clown!"

"Yes. It's lovely to meet you too, Branzy"

The two of them end up having a ten minute conversation. While the five boys just stared at them, well.. it was more glaring at them. Especially Failboat and Sandiction.

"Say, could i perhaps get your number?" Clown said.

"Oh! Of course!!" Branzy said.

Clown smiled, handing his phone to Branzy. Branzy gladly took it and punched in his number into Clowns phone, before handing it back to him.

Alright, i must get going now, message you later Branzy." Clown said, before turning around and walking away.

Branzy smiled more, before turning to the boys.

"Sorry about that... but, we best be going now! We still have to go to the park!!"

The boys all nod, and they make their way to the checkout. Paying before heading back to the car and driving to a nearby park.


Once they all arrived at the park, the boys all race out of the car and towards the playground. Branzy following right behind them, just at a walking pace.

Jay immediately runs to the swings, sitting on them and kicking his feet excitedly.

"BRANZY BRANZY!! PUSH ME! PUSH ME!!" Jay exclaimed! A big smile on his face.

Branzy smiled and walked behind the swings, he then started pushing Jay, and Jay just giggled happily.

Skip and Sandiction were happily running around and playing tag, while Rekrap repeatedly went down the slide,
Forcing Failboat to watch him go down.

"You can't catch me!!" Sandiction yelled in the distance.

"No fair!! You have longer legs!!" Skip yelled back.

Branzy couldn't help but chuckle at that, he then continued pushing Jay on the swings.

They spent the next hour at the park, but it was soon time to go home. Branzy grabbed the handles of the swing to stop it from going any longer.

"Alright boys! Time to go home!!" Branzy yelled, so they would all hear him.

The boys whined, even Failboat looked slightly upset that they had to leave. But they reluctantly head back to the car.

They all get into the car and Branzy started driving.

"So, i was thinking. Since you've all been good today, how about we get some Five Guys for supper?"

The boys cheer in excitement, causing Branzy to smile again.

"Well, i guess it's settled then!" Branzy chuckled. He was sure the boys would remember today for a while.

"A Family isn't just blood." A No Name SMP famficWhere stories live. Discover now