Part 21: Interviews and Acoustic Hangouts

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3 weeks later (3 days for album release):

"So Sabrina, are there any plans for you and Niall to get married soon?" The interviewer asks. At the moment I have a interview with a magazine I never heard of. We are in my hotelroom but most of the space is filled with lights and camera's, really annoying because it's hard to walk to the toilet. After this interview I have an other one with I believe an American magazine. 

"No, just like Zayn and Perrie already said, it takes lot of time to get everything perfect. When Niall and I both have a few weeks off, we might plan somethings." I reply. 

"Okay, are you planning on having kids?" 

"Uhm we never really talked about kids, but I would love to have kids when we are a little bit older."

"Good, you might be a little bit to young." 

"Yeah, I mean I'm only 18." I laugh. 

"Yes, can we now talk about your debut album, The Last Look, that will come out in three days?" 


"So you already released one song, A Sky Full Of Stars, when are you going to release your second single?"

I look at my manager, Mark, who nods, so I can say it. 

"Well in three days my album come out, just like you said and one week after the release, I will release my new single."

"That's great! Because a lot fans have been waiting for your music." 

"Yes, unfortunately it had to be released later then was planned." 

"Yes, that's true." The interviewers says while looking in his notebook looking for the next question. "So are planning going on a tour?"

"I can't answer that, sorry, but you will hear more about it when the album is out."

"Okay, thank you Sabrina. Sorry but our time is over." The interviewer says while getting up from his chair. I also get up and shake the hand from the interviewer.

"Thank you from coming." I smile and wave him goodbye. 

"You have 10 minutes to rest." Mark says.

"Great, I need some coffee." I say while walking to the little kitchen in the hotelroom. I don't understand why there is a kitchen in a hotelroom, I mean you have a restaurant downstairs.

I grab a cup and put it under the coffeemaker. I wait for it to be ready and take a few sips from it after it is ready.

When I finished my cup of coffee, I get a message from Niall.

From Nialler:

'Hiii princess, how are the interviews going?'

To Nialler:

'Hii prince, I just finished the first one, only one more to go.'

From Nialler:

'Great and after that interview you had an acoustic hangout right?'

To Nialler:

'Yes, I will be back for out dinner, don't worry.'

From Nialler:

'That's settled, see you soon love. xx'

To Nialler:

'See you soon babe xx'

"Sabrina, the next interview will start in 1 minute." Mark says while looking at his Ipad. 

"Yeah, I only need to go to the toilet, calm down." I say while rolling my eyes. I hate to be commanded all the time, but I need to because I'm a teenager. 

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