Part 10: What?

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Unknown POV:

I had to spend the whole day with Sabrina today, but she is the whole time being 'cute' with Niall. Ugh. I would kill him, to get her. But when should I get everthing ready for getting her? Soon really soon. I will get her when she is alone.

Sabrina's POV:

I wake up after a very good night with Niall, we watched a movie and made out. I love to spend time with Niall, he is so sweet and listens really good.

I hear a knock on a door and I look up.

"Come in." I say and lay my head back in the pillow.

"Goodmorning Princess." I hear Niall say.

"Goodmorning Prince." I giggle.

"Mind if I come lay with you?" He asks while climbing on the bed.

"No." I giggle and look at the at side of the bed were Niall already lay down.

"I have a busy day today, there are a few interviews in the hotel across from here, so if you need me, I will be there in room 368 at the thirth floor." he says while stroking my cheek.

"Okay." I say while holding Niall's hand that strokes my cheek.

"The boys will come after and they probably will stay for tonight. Is that alright?" He asks, hoping I would say yes.

"Ofcourse." I smile.

"Yeay!" he cheers and hugs me.

We look at each other for a while and we talk about a lot.


Niall is off to the hotel right now and I'm watching tv. There are a few interviews that we record yesterday on the tv and I'm pretty happy with the result of it.


Who could that be? I walk to the front door and see Cheryl and Simon standing there.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I ask a little confused.

"Hi Sabrina, we want to talk with you." Simon says seriously.

"Uhm sure, come in." I say and lead them to the living room.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask.

"Nothing thank you." Simon says.

"Same." Cheryl says and we all got a seat on the couch.

"So Sabrina, because you won the XFactor, you get a price, to record a album and some money but Simon and I discussed about it and we thought that it was better to record a album at Syco Records then at the XFactor. Because you will get a contract for 3 years and it will be easier to get famous." Cheryl says while looking at Simon for a few times and he nods.

"Uhm, yes, sure when can I come and take a look at the contract?" I ask.

"I have it here." Simon says and takes the contract out of his jacket.

"Take a look at it and call me when you are ready to sign the real contract." Simon says and stands up from the couch.

"I will, thank you so much." I say and also stand up from the couch.

I lead them to the front door and say goodbye. I walk back to the living room and watch the news.

"Sabrina Neace a victim of Michael Dickson? The XFactor star Michael Dickson had cut Sabrina Neace backstage at one of the rehearsels. He was angry at her and tied her up. He cut in her wrist what you can see at these pictures, they were covered by make up when she had to perform." The presenter says. I look at my wrist and see the scars only for little bit. They are almost gone and I'm very happy with that.

Just when I wanted to switch from channel, I get a text from Oliver:

Hi Sabrina, is it true that Michael cut you? X Oliver

I immediately text back because we are good friends and I don't want to let him wait.

Hi Oli, yes it's true unfortunately, can can come over, then we can talk about it. Ok? X Sabrina

A few seconds later I got a text back.

Sure are you staying at Niall's?


I will be there in a sec.

I lay my phone back at the couch and walk to the kitchen. I know Oliver loves green tea with cookies, maybe Niall has it here. I take a look at all the kitchen cabintes and find everything I need. I take the tea maker and in the meanwhile I place the cookies at a plate and already lay it down at the occasional table. I walk back to the kitchen and make Oliver's tea, I hope he will come soon, I don't want that his is tea is cold when he arrives.


I walk to the door and see Oliver is standing there.

"Hi Oli! Nice to see you again!" I smile and pull him into a hug.

"Hi Sabrina, I'm glad to see you." He smiles back.

"Come in." I say while closing the door.

"So, what happend with Michael." He asks while hanging his jacket on coat hanger.

"Please come further." I whisper.

"What's wrong?" He asks worried.

"Uhm well, I will tell you everything." I say with a little break. "We were fighting and he got really mad. I ran away but he chased me. He tied me up with some tie rapes and then cutted me. I blacked out so I didn't felt anything of it and I woke up in my dressing room." I say really quickly.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I'm not going to repeat that." I say, I don't want to think of it again.

"Sabrina, I'm so sorry for you." He says and pulls me into a hug.

"It's no big deal Oli, don't worry, Michael is out my life now and I don't want to think to much about it." I say while smiling weakly.

"Sabrina, it is and I'm glad that Michael might go to prison for it. I will be here for you, ok?" He smiles at me. He has a really cute smile o my god.

"Thank you Oli, I love you." I say. "As a friend." I add while laughing.


Hiiiii, how are you all? Sorry it took a week since my last update but I was kinda busy and I really had no inspiration. I hope you like it, and who do you think that the Unknow person is?


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