Part 17: Google Hangouts and Escapes

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Sabrina's POV:

I wake up after a 2 hours long nap, and go sit up from the couch in my dressingroom. I grab my phone and see it's almost half past 10. The show will end soon, I think it will be a good idea to lock my room incase the boys, especially Louis, wants a revenge. 

I walk to the door and lock it, so the boys can't come in. I walk to the fridge and grab some ice tea, god I'm thirsty. I put it in a cup and slowly drink it. 

I walk back to the couch and grab my phone. I open Instagram and look at some comments I got on a picture I posted from the boys on stage. Everyone is or happy for me or angry that I 'stole' their boys. I love the 1D fandom but they can be really mean as well. 

What can I do? I'm so bored. Wait.

"Google Hangout in 10 minutes! See you soon." I smile while putting the caption at a picture of myself for instagram.  I do the same at Facebook and Twitter.

Within a minute I get lots of comments that they are so excited. I love my fans so much, they are so sweet. Without them I wouldn't be able to do what I like the most, making music.

I get up from the couch and look at the room, I need to clean up, it's a mess. I quickly clean everything up, which mostly likely means I replace them to the other side of the room XD (me in reallife).

I take some blankets to cover the couch a little bit and put some cushions for a nice look. I grab one of the camera's that are laying here for no real reason? Strange.

I connect the camera to my laptop and put it on.

"Hii guys! Welcome to my hangout! I really needed to do one because you have been asking me lots of things and now I finally can answer them." I smile at the camera. 

"I remember being one of them saying, are you going to bring out your album soon? Yes, it will be out next month, it has been replaced because of my accident but when it is out there will be lots of stuff coming, so get ready." I widely smile because I already know what it going to happen.

I look at the comments: 'Can you say hi to Emily, Sabrina?'

"hi Emily." I wave at the camera.

"But how are you guys doing? I mean I also get to know you all better."

"We are great.' 'Could be better.' 'Everything is better when I see you." I read out loud so my fans know what I'm reading.

"That's great, yet sweet, thank you so much." I blow a kiss. 

"When is your next single coming out?" I say while reading some questions. "I don't know if I can say this but a week before my albums comes out. I'm really excited about it because that song really means a lot to me."

"What was the first time you thought, you really are a famous/well known person now? Uhm I think that was when a girl around my age asked my for a selfie with me, I really was shocked. I was like huh? Me? Haha." I smile thinking back at the memory. 

I keep answering questions for a while till I remember something I need to say. 

"So, I need to tell you all something and it's important." I take a little pause.

"I'm going to launch my own book, I wrote it before the accident but I finished it after. I hope you love it, you will hear more about it soon." I smile.

*knock knock*

"Yes?" I shout.

"Sabrina open the door!" I think Louis shouts.

"Oh gosh, sorry guys, I have to go now. Byebye." I say and wave to the camera. 

"YOU ARE NOT COMING IN!" I shout and walk to the door, making sure it's locked. 

"You are not sure of that princess." Niall says. Oh...

Where can I get out? I look around and see a little window where I might fit in. I take my jacket and put a chair in front of the window so I get reach it easier. 

I open the window and slip through it. Because a big part of my dressingroom is underground, I don't have to land and immediately touch the ground. I get up and see lots of fans who just came out of the arena shouting my name. I wave at them and walk to the railling they are behing. 

"Did you like it?" I ask them while coming closer.

"We loved it so much!" Two of the girls say with lots of excitement. One of the has a shirt on with Nabrina on it.

"That's great! But oh my god I love your shirt!" I smile.

"Thank you so much! You are so lucky to date Niall! But why did you climb out of that window?"

"I put a prank on them and I know I have to run when they are knocking on my door. Do you want a picture?" I ask while taking a little peek at the window I just came from. I think all of the boys are pretty wet right now. Louis probably though it were normal ones and started trowing with them all over the room, then he got backfire and got wet by himself as well.

"Yes!" They say and grab their phones.

I take a few pictures with fans and then realize I have to run.

"Sorry I have to go now, I hope I will be seeing you soon." I smile and start running to the other side of the arena. 

I climb over a railing so I get into the arena but not via inside. I want to go via the stage. I walk to the standing bit and see that they are already cleaning everything.

"Sabrina? What are you doing here?" Mark my tour manager asks while walking up to me.

"I kinda am into trouble so I went and decided to go for a walk." I say with an innocent smile. 

"We were worried, and what did I say about pranks?" Mark says.

"Uhm, I forgot?" 

"Better be, go back to the bus and go rest, tomorrow is a busy day." Mark says and walks a way.

I do what he says and climb over the stage to backstage. I run to my tourbus I share with Niall and walk to the bathroom. 

Strange I didn't saw one of the boys tho.

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