Chapter 36 - surgery.

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A week later, the day of Charlotte's surgery arrived, bringing with it a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. The early morning sunlight streamed through the windows as Charlotte and Mia prepared to head to the hospital. The air was thick with unspoken emotions as they gathered their things, Mia's quiet strength offering a sense of calm.Charlotte, dressed in comfortable clothes and her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, glanced at Mia, her face a mask of nervous determination.

 "I can't believe today is finally here," she said, her voice trembling slightly despite her best efforts to stay composed.

Mia reached over and squeezed Charlotte's hand. "It's going to be okay, Charlotte. You're in good hands. We've prepared for this, and you're going to get through it."

Charlotte nodded, though her eyes betrayed her unease. They made their way to the hospital, the drive filled with a quiet tension. Mia did her best to keep the atmosphere light, sharing stories and reminiscing about happier times, trying to distract Charlotte from the looming surgery.Once they arrived at the hospital, they were greeted by the familiar sterile environment of the waiting area. Charlotte checked in at the front desk, her hands trembling slightly as she handed over her identification and insurance information. Mia stayed close by, offering a reassuring smile and a comforting hand on Charlotte's back.As they waited for Charlotte to be called, Mia could see the worry etched on her face. She took a deep breath, determined to be as supportive as possible. 

"Remember, we're just one step closer to getting this done and moving forward," Mia said softly.

Charlotte managed a weak smile. "I know. I'm just... anxious. What if something goes wrong?"

Mia gently brushed a strand of hair away from Charlotte's face. "You're in excellent hands with Dr. Jensen and the surgical team. They've done this countless times, and they know exactly what they're doing. It's natural to feel nervous, but we'll get through this together."

Their time in the waiting area seemed to stretch on forever. Eventually, a nurse came to escort Charlotte to the pre-operative area. Charlotte gave Mia a tight hug, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and hope.

 "I'll see you soon, okay?"

Mia nodded, her voice steady but soft. 

"I'll be right here, waiting for you. I love you."

"I love you too," Charlotte whispered, before following the nurse down the hallway.Mia watched as Charlotte disappeared around the corner, her heart heavy with concern.

 She took a seat in the waiting room, trying to steady her breathing as she flipped through a magazine, though her mind was clearly elsewhere.The hours ticked by slowly as Mia waited, her thoughts a whirlwind of anxiety and hope. She occasionally glanced at her watch, willing time to move faster. Every time a nurse or doctor walked through the doors, Mia's heart leaped into her throat, hoping for an update on Charlotte's condition.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a nurse came to inform Mia that Charlotte's surgery had been completed successfully. Mia's breath caught in her throat, and she could hardly believe the words. 

"Charlotte did great," the nurse said with a reassuring smile. 

"Dr. Jensen will be out shortly to give you a detailed update."Mia exhaled a shaky breath, her relief palpable. 

She settled back into her seat, trying to calm her racing heart. Her mind replayed the moments of Charlotte's bravery and the strength they both had shown throughout this ordeal.A short while later, Dr. Jensen appeared, looking tired but pleased.

 "Charlotte's surgery went well. The team was able to address the issues with her heart, and she's now in the recovery room. She'll need some time to wake up from the anesthesia and then we'll be able to get you in to see her."Mia nodded, tears of relief filling her eyes. 

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