𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8: 𝓘 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾

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I woke up and saw an extra pair of clean clothes on my bed, 'Who could've left me these?' I thought and wore the clothes.

I came downstairs and saw Keller attempting to make breakfast, he noticed me and opened his arms wide, I ran into him, hugging him. "Did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded, Keller was relieved to hear that and kissed my cheek. "Keller, what did you and your father talk about while I was asleep?" I asked and he turned to me with a soft smile, "He told me that if I loved you, I had to show it to you. Belle, what do love about me?" He said and I thought about it.

"Your personality to me, you changed it for me. I love that, not just your body.." I said and he hugged me again, his body felt so warm. Keller went back to the food and French toast too. We ate together and his mother came downstairs, "Well good morning! Belle, since it's your day off, why not come to the beach with us, I gave your father a call and he said you should enjoy yourself. He misses you dearly, you can see him before we go." Ms Priscilla said and I loved that.

Keller bought me a yellow bathing suit with a covering, I loved it and after that I visited my father and grandparents, "Aish, child, when are you going to get married and have a family so you could take over the cafe?" Grandma said and I grew shocked, "Is it true that you're having me take over? What about me dream to be an author?" I said and father shook his head, "It'll have to wait, honey, you're able to run the cafe, we're not getting any younger here!" He said and I shot to my feet, "First you press on me about marriage and now you're saying my dreams are relevant because you need a young body to help more and stop chasing their dream?" I said and walked out to Keller's car and we left.

Distraught was written all over my face and Keller held my hand, "Did they hurt you?" He asked and I shook my head, "They needed a young body to keep the cafe working and my dream of being an author is irrelevant to them. They're pressuring me to get married too." I said and Keller couldn't stand to see me sad.

We went to the beach and Keller jaw dropped when he saw me in the bathing suit he got me, it was a two piece and I used the yellow covering, tying it to my waist, "Keller, have you been staring at me the whole time?" I asked and he blushed, "Belle, that's because you looked beautiful, shall we go on a walk together?" He said and I nodded.

We walked on the beach, the waves crashed on our feet, I still felt sad at what my family said to me, Keller wrapped his arms around me. "Belle, I promised you that your dreams of becoming an author will come true, don't give up hope." Keller said and I smiled softly, "Thanks Kell..." I said and I stared at the sky.

We headed to the beach house, "Ms Cilla, I'd be happy to live with you all and I promise to work hard." I said and she smiled, "Honey, don't overwork yourself to death. Keller told me what happened with your family, but having you with us is a blessing. You're family in this household and out, if anyone picks on you, they pick on all of us." Ms Cilla said and I smiled.

I stayed with Keller and his family, I went out for a late night stroll and then I sat on the sand, admiring the sea and the moon, "What are you doing here all by yourself?" Keller asked and I immediately shot to my feet, "I was out here for a stroll." I said and he hugged me, "Don't be out here all alone, it's very dangerous at night. And since it's just us, why not got into the sea and swim naked?" He said and I blushed.

He took his shorts off and went into the water, "Come on, Belle. The waters great." He said and I blushed red, I took off my covering and then my bathing suit, I waded into the water and it felt lukewarm, I managed to get to Keller, he held me in his arms. "Keller, won't we get caught?" I asked and he shook his head, "No, we won't be caught, unless you decide to blow our cover." He said and kissed me, then kissed my neck, "D-don't tell me that you plan to have me right here." I gasped and he smirked, "I do plan to have you right here and right now." He said and we got out of the water, he laid back on the sand with me on top of him. "Ride it." He said and I shook my head, "I don't know how." I said and his hand was on my hip, he pulled me close and then pushed back, I followed along until he holds my hips in place and thrusted his hips upwards and went rough. I held my moans in and the he sat up and kissed me.

I couldn't take it, the pain, "Keller.." I moaned, he thrusted hard and deep into me, "You're mine, Belle and only mine." He whispered. We got our bathing suits back on and headed inside, I showered first, deep in thought, 'My dreams are my inspiration to become an author, but not irrelevant. Hearing my family say that is just down right sickening to hear.' I thought and then Keller called my name, I snapped out of it and he was in the shower with me!

"Wh-what are you doing? You can't be in here with me!" I exclaimed and he laughed, "I'm not hear to fuck you. I was checking on you, at first I called your name, but you were trapped in thought. Is it what you family said?" Keller said and I nodded truthfully to him.

I didn't like what my father said, my dreams are apart of me, if you don't dream, life is nothing but meaningless.

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