Fragile state

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I didn't respond. What would I even say? I could easily be tied back to the bed.

I didn't want that.

He was definitely undeniably attractive. Had he approached me at a bar, I would have thought about how handsome he was.

It's not the current circumstances, though!

"Why did you not just ask me on a date, Colton? I would have said yes, you didn't have to do all this to me." I tell him softly, my voice beginning to waver.

"Honestly, Hannah, if you ever got to know me, you would have run for the hills. At least now, I can keep you. You can't run away. No one will touch you; accept me. You're mine; I couldn't let you potentially get away." He tells me as though I were dumb.

"Besides, you didn't have a life. Nobody is even looking for you." He tells me, looking at me seriously.

I look for any sign of lying. Any sign of fault.

"What?" I ask slightly, pulling away in realization that nobody would come save me. Nobody cares. Nobody cares!

My lip was quivering and tears were forming.

"Oh, my sweet baby, I'm still here. I got you. I'd never let anything in this world hurt you. I was honestly disappointed in your family for not reporting you missing. I mean, it made my job easier, but still, you'd expect at least one person to report you missing." He pulled me to his chest, moving my legs so I was sitting in his lap. As he brushed my hair out of my face, he rubbed small circles in my back.

More seemingly uncontrollable tears fell. I'd really be stuck here forever. With my captor. No police are looking for me.

I didn't know much about Colton except that he was dangerous and a murderer.

He thinks he can control me, which I suppose in a way he can. After all, he is my captor.

I believe I'm going ill. Almost 3 months here. No other faces. Apart from his. I longed for the small amount of freedom he'd give me. The larger intervals of light he felt I had earned.

I'm beginning to fall for him, despite my slight rationality still present. Screaming Leave run! Run! He's crazy! He's a murderer! You cannot fall for murder. What are you thinking? You cannot find him attractive. You can't!
Despite all that, I am. I'm going ill; a doctor would confirm.

I craved even his small touches; I was physically touch-deprived.

It was part of his plan. The plan is to break me mentally.

"Colton?" I ask, trying to get his attention after I've stopped crying.

"Do you think maybe one day, when you trust me, we will ever be able to leave the house?" I ask carefully, not wanting to upset him, and get chained back up, my ankle still red and raw.

"Perhaps one day, Hannah. We both know that's a while away. Not forever, but a while. Just be good, and it will be here before you know it." Colton responded carefully, choosing the words to lessen the blow to my already fragile state.

Love in Captivity: Chains of ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now