1* (the first day.)

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(pls read..)
*This is my first time making a story ! sorry if some parts are booty or have bad gammar!!!
(i'll try to post a chapter each week! but heads up i been very busy bc of school.)
Guys lmk what you think
(ALSOOOO Catnap is an adult , we're going to act like he isn't theo bc that would be weird. anyways )*
((Also all the critters are gonna be a lil taller lmao if that makes sense ))
Chapter 1...the first day.
y/n's pov....

*Beep beep, beep beep* Getting startle from the loud ass noise, i opened my eyes in frustration to being woken up. I rolled to the other side of my bed and turned off my alarm. "5 more minutes.." I say to myself, as i rolled over to lay on my stomach. As i was about to shut my eyes again , i hear my phone buzzing . *RINGTONE PLAYS* "ughhhh." i groan , as i reached over to the dresser beside my bed (I FORGOT WHAT ITS CALLED.) , to grab my phone. "Hello?" as i say after answering. "Y/N GET UP YOU HAVE TO GET TO WORK!!! IT'S ALMOST 8:00 A.M!!!!" f/n (friends name) yelled into the phone . "What time is it?.." I asked, as i yawned. "DUDE ITS 7:37 AM!!!?" after f/n said that, my eyes widened. "OH SHIT." I yelled , as i hung up the phone. I threw the covers off me and rushed to change. I ran to my closet and grabbed the uniform i had to wear. It was a baby blue, neck collared shirt, with some black slacks. It wasn't really to much, so it was no biggie. After i put on the uniform i rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face , and did my hair. I just put my hair in a ponytail (or you can leave it down! let's just say you just brushed your hair). I didn't really do makeup, so i just put on some lipgloss.

*( TIME SKIP)*..

As I arrived, i seen f/n waiting for me outside. They instantly noticed me when i got out my car. f/n ran up to me. "hey y/n! glad you made it in time." they said cheerfully. "yeah... i hope im not too late! i forgot to grab my phone on the way out. i was in a rush.." I say as i looked away in embarrassment. f/n chuckled "It's alright , cmon i gotta show you where you have to work!." f/n grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.

*(another time skip.)*

Through the whole walk to playcare, f/n just explained how everything worked and stuff about playcare. They even mentioned something about a group called, "The Smiling Critters". When i first heard that i was very concerned. They ended up explaining who they were. It was a group of critters that also helped around in playcare. There are 8 of them. Dogday, is seen as the leader of the whole group apparently. Bubba bubbaphant, is an elephant that is really nerdy. Craftycorn, is a unicorn that is very artistic. Bobby bearhug, is a bear that is very cuddly. Kickin Chicken, is apparently the cool one. Hoppy hopscotch, is a bunny. Picky piggy , is a pig that cooks. Then lastly, Catnap. He's a cat that helps kids sleep using this red gas. I thought that part was weird. anyways, they also had a show . i remember kids talking about it. i even thought about watching it! F/n finally led me to my office. "i'll be around, good luck on your first day y/n!" As they leave the room. It was very quiet but peaceful. The office was kinda small, but i'm sure i'll get used too it! As i settle in, i wanted to explore the actual playcare.

i left my personal office and made it to a hallway, i look at my surroundings to get used to the whole atmosphere. it was kinda a long hallway, but i eventually found a door. As i was about to placed my hand on the handle, a strange voice came from behind me

"Who are you?."
(end of chapter!)

* HEY GUYS I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER. PLS TELL ME HOW YOH FEEL ABOUT IT SO FAR!!!! I know it didn't end it off something wow so exciting but i'm so tired 😭. I might make another chapter later on!

Thanks for reading (>_<)/

in the moonlight 💜 ~ (Catnap x Fem reader!) Where stories live. Discover now