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Chapter 6...admiration

(y/n's POV:)

For a few days, i noticed something with catnap. Whenever he's around the others, he'll ignore me and act like nothing ever happened. But when it's just us, he's always flirty. I was off work today, so me and f/n was just chatting about our usual things. "Sooo y/n, how was your first week of working at playcare?" f/n asked. The first thought that came to my head is Catnap. "uhhh, well i gotten along with everyone!" i replied. "Did you finally get along with Catnap? Dogday told me everything." I froze at the last sentence.

"What did he exactly tell you?.." my face was turning red

"He said you too couldn't get along or something."

I sighed in relief.

"Why? did anything else happened between y'all????" F/n asked in curiosity.

"Uh No! uhm , me and Catnap are still having issues here and there but overall , better then how it was in the beginning !" I say hoping that satisfied f/n.

"Hmm, Okay.." They studied my face for a moment. "Well i have to get going now y/n. i'll see you at work tomorrow!" F/n gets up and i followed them to the door. We give each other a hug as an goodbye. 'Why am i getting this feeling ?' Ever since that little 'incident', i keep getting this unsettling feeling. It's like i'm being watched... i try to brush off the feeling as if i'm being paranoid, but i just cant. sometimes i heard stuff outside my window , but it could be a stray cat.

Tomorrow, i have to open the playcare . That means, getting up way earlier then usual. i groan at the thought of waking up early. But hey, atleast i'll get paid more!

(Dogday's pov:)

It was sunday, me and the critters stayed up and just talked about our whole week. Well , not this time. Too much happened this week. We were all sitting in the living room. it was only 9:27 PM.

"Soo about this week.." crafty said.

"Guys, let's just not talk about it. i mean we all had a hard time this week." i say everyone nodded their head

"I'm just gonna step outside" Catnap says. I've grown suspicious of him. He always says that but he doesn't come back until 12:30 am. i wouldnt say anything about it to him, if i did he would obviously deny it. No one thought the same tho. He was about to step out until i caught up with him and stopped him. "Wait! Catnap!" i yelled after him. he turned around and didn't say anything. he had a annoyed expression on his face. "Look, i wanna apologize for what i said Catnap. all of that was completely my fault." I say. "Atleast you know half of it was your fault." he says coldly. he continued walking off. i was kinda hurt, but Catnap is a difficult person. But all i can do is be patient.

i went back inside and walked to the living room. Everyone was already asleep. 'Already?' i thought to myself. i chuckled , everyone is really that exhausted ? I put a blanket on everyone. As i laid down on the couch and closed my eyes.


(y/n's POV:)

As i go into the factory, everything was very dark. i was obviously scared, i mean anything can pop out of no where! I grabbed a flashlight that was on the counter.

Luckily i made it to my office. I went to the back and turned on all the lights. Then i went back to the main area. My next task was to wake up the critters. i was halfway to their house.




A 'hand' covered my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist. i immediately reacted, i bit the han- PAW?! They let go of me and squealed , i turned to see who it was. i wasn't surprised. "CATNAP?!" i yelled. He looked at me with a big grin. "Heyyy moonlight.~" he said then got closer to me. i just stood there. "Your so beautiful.." He says, you were already blushing. You already knew Catnap enough , he's doing this to get a reaction from you. He likes how you reacted. It's almost 8:00 that's when the others wake up. 'i cant let the others know. i need to stop him before they see!' i thought to myself . Catnap was just admiring me, he grabbed my waist gently and pulled me closer to him. 'i wanna stop him but i also cant.' i loved this feeling. my stomach got butterflies, i was blushing like crazy. i wasn't paying attention to the time until we heard someone....



End of chapter...

in the moonlight 💜 ~ (Catnap x Fem reader!) Where stories live. Discover now