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Chapter 7...questions

(Hoppy's POV:)

I was getting ready to go on my morning jog. it keeps me energized for half of the day. Usually when i do go , everyone would be awake whenever i got back. I accidentally fell asleep on the living room floor, same with everyone else. Well besides Dogday, he was on the couch. It's his favorite spot. When i went upstairs i noticed kickin' chicken in his room. He was admiring himself in his mirror. i went to my room and stretched. Kickin walked in, "Hey hoppy! what are you up to?" He asked "Good morning! i'm just getting ready for my morning jog." I reply as i stopped what i was doing.

"You go on jogs?"

"Yes dumbass!" i say chucking. He side eyed me.

"Can i come?" He asks

"Well of course!" i pause for a moment "you need to go on a jog" I said while laughing. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "i'll be waiting downstairs then" he left the room finally. I would say me and kickin are pretty good friends. well more like best friends.

i went downstairs to see kickin chatting with bubba. "Hey kickin come on!" i yelled. This woke up dogday and crafty, but it didn't matter it was almost 8:00 anyways. Everyone has to be up before 8. Me and kickin was about to walk out until he paused for a moment "Wait i have to grab a water real quick." he says . "Your too extra" i say and rolled my eyes. He dashed into the kitchen . i went outside to wait on him. I looked around, then i noticed 2 people. Catnap and.... Y/N? THEY LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE KISSING? I stood there in shock. i was just watching this go down. Until kickin came out, closed the door. He didn't realized what was happening until he seen my face. He looked at the direction i was looking at.


kickin yelled. They both stopped and they both stood there. Me and kickin looked at each other , our jaws were dropped. no one said a word or anything. Then we seen y/n slowly turn her head around. i couldn't take this awkwardness anymore, i started laughing. kickin still stood there, same expression and all. i elbow his arm to knock it off and laugh it off.

i walked off while, dragged kickin by the arm. i couldn't stand being in that same situation anymore, even kickin. "Hoppy?" i look at him, "Yeah?" .. "Do you think catnap and y/n are.. dating?" he asks for my opinion. "WELL OBVIOUSLY YEAH!" i yelled. "there's no other answer!" i added. "Yeah , but weren't they like hating each other at some point?" He says. "your right your right ..." .... then an idea popped in my head . it also seems like something came into kicking's head. "WE SHOULD TEASE HIM ABOUT IT UNTIL WE GET A ANSWER!" We both shouted at the same time. We both laughed then gave each other high fives. We're gonna have so much fun with this kind of info!


(3rd person POV:)

Catnap and y/n both didn't say a word. They were both embarrassed by what just happened. Y/n immediately pushed catnap away from her. She was really red by now . "They shouldn't tell the others!.." only said that Catnap just to comfort Y/n. deep down he knew hoppy and kickin. They were kinda assholes and thought they could do whatever. He knew they were gonna tell everyone. Y/n started freaking out. What was she gonna do? what if they question her? what if-. "Y/n it'll be okay. look just act as if nothing happened at all!" Catnap then patted y/n's shoulder, thinking it'll comfort her some kind of way. She just looked up at him and gave a slight smile. But wasn't comforted in any kind of way. After that they went to their own separate ways.

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