Q' and A's

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This segment is dedicated to any questions that the readers may bear; with regard to the book, the story, the characters, the author—myself—or even Bharatanatyam in general.

Any requests are also welcome (to an extent).

Basically any and everything that I would be able to answer.

You could even ask about med school doubts.

Okay, maybe that was too much, but yeah, you get the gist.

⟨⟨== So, post your questions here ==⟩⟩

And I shall try my best to answer.

Q. How is Medschool treating you? How are you coping? ♥️

A. Medschool is definitely treating me like crap for sure. But. I'm there, I'm surviving, I see the sun the next day, so, it's not too bad I guess. I'm coping up—won't lie and say that I'm not—but it's a work in progress.
♥️ Here's one right back at you ('cause I think you actually get me 😭)

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