Chapter One What The F just Happened

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August 7th

(Erza Scarlet) Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!! Natsu cried out with determination in his voice at our opponent who's a rouge mage named Malelix, I used my various armors to protect my younger teammates from Malelix's attacks, on my right Grey and Lucy were trying to turn his right flank while Meredy and Ultear were trying to turn his left flank, which left Natsu Happy and I take him head on.

Don't get too cocky Natsu I called out to one of my oldest friends and my pseudo little brother, When have I ever gotten very cocky Erza? I shot him a look that said really? Happy Alpha Bash Dive!! Aye Sir and so Happy picked me up into the air and once I was far above Malelix I said now Happy! Happy then proceeded to drop me and as I fell down towards the ground I transformed into my Flame Empress Armor and I had my Flame Empress Sword in my right hand while in my left hand I had my shield ready.

As I reached the ground I barrel rolled into Malelix and I slashed him across the face which drew a bead of blood onto my sword and I then kicked him onto his back and as he attempted to get back up I planted my plated boot onto his chest thus preventing him from getting back up, I held my sword to his throat and I said with determination in my voice it is over Malelix you're defeated.

Instead of surrendering he started to laugh manically and he said in a dark voice it's far from over Titania and before I could react he punched me hard enough that I coughed up a little bit of blood and then he crane kicked me off of him and into a nearby wall as I hit the wall my Flame Empress Armor shattered into a million pieces, ERZA my teammates called out and as I tried to get my feet I couldn't get up and so I looked up and I saw a purple magic ball flying towards me, I closed my eyes in anticipation of my final breath.

As I laid there on the ground I waited for the end to come but it never did and so I looked up and I saw that Natsu had caught the magic ball in his hands and said while he focused Erza get out of here! I slowly got to my feet and I said No not without you guys, I can't hold it much longer Erza! HAPPY get Erza out of here the blue feline flew into the fray and he picked me up and lifted me out of the danger.

Once I was clear of the danger Natsu roared Fire Dragon's Iron Fist before he threw the ball onto the ground and then he punched the ball with all his strength, The next thing that happened was a blinding white flash and then everything was still, Happy put me down this instant I commanded the blue Exceed to put me down.

Once Happy had placed me down on the ground I ran as fast as my battered body would allow me to the site of the explosion and when the dust settled I saw a very peculiar sight where my teammates once there was three toddlers laying strewn about, Meredy Ultear and Juvia were unaffected by the magical explosion because of the magical shield that Ultear had placed.

I cradled little Natsu into my lap and after a while he opened his eyes and he said Mama! I was about to correct him that I am more like a big sister to him than a Mom but I realized that I would be wasting my time with explaining it to him, I picked up Natsu into my arms while Ultear picked Gray meanwhile Meredy picked Lucy and then we all headed back to the guild hall, As we walked back I thought to myself What The F Just Happened!!!

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