The Chosen One

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A new year, still the same old Ruby Mallory. At least she has her loved mother, Miss Elderwood. Ruby was always a quiet child yet an adventurous child.


Ruby Mallory collapsed off the edge of her bed. Seems like she was in much of a deep sleep that her body's still heavy. She slowly and pushed herself up, her palms brushing against the ground, brushing away the dust off her pants when she has her balance. She dragged her feet towards her closet where she has a good yawn and afterwards grab her brush. Her hair was quite tangled, incredibly messy which took some time. Despite the difficulty, in the end, she was able to finish and have plans for the day with perseverance. "
Morning mom!" She yelled and strutted towards her for a kiss on the cheek. She smiled, so did her mother. As always, her mother tied her hair up like how it has been since young... which is without her father. Ruby Mallory has divorced parents, her father travelled far away and left because of Ruby Mallory being different from them. Ruby had gorgeous long pink hair, they had brown. Ruby had red charming glowing eyes; her parents had dark brown, so her father said, "She's NEVER going to be part of the "Elderwood" family".

Despite being a separated and poor family, they continued to grow as years goes- by, staying strong. As Ruby once said, "Single Mom, poor Mom, at least I have a loyal Mom, hardworking Mom that will do anything for me to be happy."

Sooner, Ruby planned on visiting the library that had just been built near her house. She ran swiftly and stepped in. However, it was quiet and isolated. This made Ruby's curiosity grow even greater as she asked herself, "Aren't new libraries suppose to be packed with people?" She shook her shoulders and walked towards a bookshelf. The books looked normal however when Ruby actually tried to read them, she felt like it was another language. She raised one eyebrow and scoffed, "No wonder nobody is here... Anyways where are the librarians?"


"GET out..."

The voices in Ruby's head got louder and louder to the extent that she fell back. However, she was able to recall something. Whoever that was messing with her must be the shadow that approached her. Ruby could not move, when she blinked, that figure disappeared. However, it did leave what seemed like an invitation letter on her unmovable body. She was helpless and therefore, fainted off to sleep.

28 March 1288 1.18 A.M.

She twitched continuously in the flickering lights. Her head hurts and she felt like her brain was playing tricks with her. She kept seeing the figure everywhere, even when she tries to close her eyes. She could sense danger as the temperature of her body increases. Her body was trembling, then, she sat straight up on her bed. There was shattering of glass in the living room, there was a sound of thunder at the same time. Ruby did not understand, wasn't she just in the library? Suddenly, a strong wind pushed her. There was difficulty breathing and she coughed continuously then fell down. The wind stopped and she ran out of the room in a hurry.

"Mom? Wh... what hap... happened... I..." Ruby asked as her eyes welled up with tears. She clenched her fist and hold the stone statue, her mother, close to her chest. Tears started trickling down her cheeks. Crestfallen, she felt that underneath her knee gave out on her as she fell onto the ground with the statue in her arms. She caresses her mother's stone face and tears dripped onto it. Her mother tried to protect herself, there was blood all over the room, glass on the floor and everything everywhere. Ruby looked up and saw that invitation letter again. She reached for it, opened it and read it.

Dear Ruby Elderwoods Mallory,

You have been invited to Questalyia to start a journey where the magic begins. Please do be reminded NOT to tell anybody about this as the consequences are severe.

If you wish to come, the details are below.

Time: 5.30 A.M.

Place: Qal Train Station

When; 28 March 1288

Thank you for your time.

Being left alone with no other choice, she sighed, closed her eyes and lowered her head.

28 March 1288

5.20 A.M. Qal Train Station

"Does anyone know where the train to... Questalyia is?" Ruby asked the crowd, but nobody answered. However, there was this tall person with black hair, she tapped Ruby's shoulder.

"It's over there." That person said with a calm and deep voice, her face was covered, and she was wearing a black suit.

"Why are yo-." Before Ruby could finish, the person was in no sight, "That person must really be in a rush."

On the train, Ruby sat alone, staring out the window daydreaming. She heard footsteps approaching and suddenly flinched.

"Morning miss, why the frown? Did something not go well for you, I would love to help! Oh my, this is so rude, is this seat taken?" A girl with emerald, green eyes and long brown hair asked.

"No really it is fine, this seat is not taken," Ruby answered.

"Well, let me introduce myself so this won't get awkward!" The girl giggled and said, "I am Ridikus, Ridikus Riddles and you must be...?"

"Ruby, Ruby Mallory." Ruby told her, smiled and pulled her hand out, "Nice to meet you Ridikus."

"Great to meet you, Ruby!" She chuckled and shook her hands. After putting her hand down, she asked, "Pink hair and red eyes, magnificent! Is that real?"

"Oh, I often get that a lot but yes, that indeed is me, my... mother... said that I had it when I was born..." Ruby answered but looked down, "Yeah that's right... my mother did." Ridikus was left speechless, she sat back and closed her eyes.

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