Where The Magic Begins

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       The day of the arrival, Ruby stared at the building in amazement.
       "This.. is." Before she could finish, a professor walked by and pushed her aside. "Watch where your goi- you know what fine." Ruby said and scoffed. Suddenly, another girl walked past and almost made Ruby fall back.
      "Where are your manners? Ugh! People here are just... rude." Ruby yelled on the top of her lungs. Everyone turned to look at her, she was embarrassed. "Apologies."
      "The day haven't even started, and I have absolutely already ruined my reputation? This is ridiculous." Ruby mumbled under her breath. At the school hallways, she walked back and forth, looking around and around in a panic. "Anyone? Please help? Where is class 1-8? Please! I'm gonna be late for class!" She cried. Suddenly, she bumped into the same girl. "Watch where your going freak! What are those eyes for?" She looked up at Ruby while talking, "Oh it's you, the pathetic one... How sad and lonely, come on Olivia grab my bag, we've got a class to go to."  Ruby was annoyed for that attitude but at the end, she managed to find class 1-8.

Ruby panted and she ran into the class.

"Late on the first day?" Professor avery scolded, "Two more times, you'll receive detention. Now, stop interrupting these students that want to learn and go sit somewhere." Ruby did not argue back but lowered her head and embarrassingly dragged her feet to a seat beside Ridikus.

      "I saved a seat for you! Anyways, were you not able to find the class?" Ridikus asked, giggling, "trust me, I also had trouble finding it!"
      "Trust me, I ran into this brat who didn't even help me! She called a pathetic freak, what is wrong with her?" Ruby complained, "this school is filled with toxic students."
       "Sometimes life is not perfect, well, wanna sit next to me for lunch in my room later?" Ridikus asked.
       "Sure, why not." Ruby answered.
        "Shut your mouths and get out of my class! Don't be a nuisance." Professor Avery warned and we all swiftly moved out of the class.

        While Ruby and Ridikus wander by the cobbled stoned pathway, a hand reached out and dragged them both in.
       "Kate! Let her go! Please!" Ridikus cried, trying to escape from Olivia who was holding tightly onto her hands.
       "You seriously think you can try get me late on the first day? Your pathetic little wuss-" before Kate could strangle Ruby any further, a spell was casted onto Olivia, causing her to levitate and fly towards Kate. They all collapsed on one and the other as Matthew ran, with a cry, "Rid! Are you okay?"

There was no answer.

       Ruby slowly opens her eyes; she saw a light.
       "Where am I?" Ruby jumped as she bounced up her bed.
        "You are in the nurses, you fainted and luckily, we brought you here before the injury got any worsen." Ridikus said.
        "Um, who is he?" Ruby asked.
         "Hello I'm Matthew, Matthew Riddles! The one that saved you." Matthew greeted, "I am Ridikuss' brother."
           "Woah, you've never told me you had a brother. Well, I guess we have to get to whatever class it is next, come on don't worry about me." Ruby told them and dashed off.

      Outside of Questalyia, in the forest, the students gathered there and was separated into two. Ruby was unfortunately paired up with that girl she hated.
      "Prepare to get ended you peasant! I, Kate, Kate Destin the family of a destiny, also so called the greatest of them all! You shall not get in my way!" Kate chuckled as she glared into Ruby's eyes.
      "You wish, Kate." Ruby told her.
"Greetings my Questalyia darlings. I am Professor Malson, the greatest of them all and the headmaster of this school. I have gathered you all along for a friendly fight. This way, we can learn about how much we can control our powers. However, I want this to be a harmless fight! The consequences shall be severe if one is harmed severely. Now, let's start, shall we?" Professor Malson asked and soon disappeared into light.
     "Let's start shall we Miss whoever you are." Kate said.
      "I have a name Destin? I'm Ruby Mallory and lets just do this quickly and harmlessly!" Ruby yelled.
       Kate waved her hand, causing a spark of flaming fire to burst towards Ruby. Ruby swings her own cloak, and the fire flew at a tree. It started burning as the leaves break down into ashes, falling through the breeze. Ruby instantly reached her hand out, Kate tried to cast a spell, but it was too late. She fell backwards, whimpering but got back up in fear, her eyes trembling as her hands shakes.
      "Im going to get rid of you!" Bellowed her weakly, waving wildly at Ruby.
      "That's against the rules, Destin!" Blared Ruby, she could see flames in the eyes of Kate's, sharp and fiery swords began to appear in the air, aiming at her. She stepped back, with her eyes widened, petrified with fear and the inability to move or speak. The swords flew at her, Ruby's tears swelled in her eyes as blood spurted, she was slashed atrociously. She staggered backwards and clenched onto her face, her knees giving out and collapsing onto the floor feebly and debilitated. Her blood seeped into the earth, tinting the grass scarlet with her blood. Now, the place was stained crimson as her head lands onto the ground.
       "Wait!" Kate gasped, plunging towards the helpless Ruby.
        "I.. Pleas... I.." she was lost for words as she fell to her knees, overwhelmed with fear and sorrow, "Mallory!"
All of a sudden, the tree started to collapse due to the fire, Kate tried to grab Ruby but ended up escaping herself. The fire seems to have spread swiftly around them as Matthew dashed over, carrying her to safety. He ran breathlessly, panting while not daring to let her go. The blood was leaving a trail and dripping onto his warm hands, their hair, cloak was getting caught by the wind. The flames started burning the forest, tree by tree down as time goes by. Professor Avery rushed out of the school; she could not believe her eyes. She sighed as she clapped her hands. The water vapour from the lakes rises up to the sky at a fast rate, connecting with each other to form clouds. Then, it started raining continuously until the fire was extinguished entirely. Everyone evacuated safely, except for Ruby. She was lowered to the floor as every student gathered around. Kate stood foot by her body, she bit her lips and didn't dare to look at her.
       "Ruby! Wake up!" cried Ridikus. Everyone was looking at each other, worried for Ruby.
       "Is she going to be alright?" Matthew asked the professors. The only reply was a shook of their shoulders.
       "Did you not understand how dangerous that was? You literally could have killed Ruby, I swear Kate Destin, you are getting on my nerves so grow up." Professor Avery scolded ballistically as she furrowed her brows. She stormed off before letting Kate say a single word. However, all Kate did was look at the ceiling, she scoffed.
       "What's there to be sorry about." Kate muttered under her breath.

       "Ruby? Are you okay? Your.. face... It's bad, the injury is awful."

Ruby awoke abruptly and encountered a face, which was Matthew. Ridikus slowly approached the bed, she placed her hand by hers. Ruby laid motionlessly for a while, gazing into the light, then to Matthew. He smiled and Ridikus slapped his head.
       "Matthew are you in love or something? She's my friend and to make it even worse, you guys just met!" said Ridikus. Matthew chuckled.
       "Oh sis, it's just an act of kindness." He chortled, then cleared his throat, "Ehem, do you seriously think I'm that kind of guy? Oh goodness..."
       "Hush up Matthew, we need to go to our next class. Let Ruby rest, it has been a tiring day for her already and we don't need you to make it even WORSE!" said ridikus.
        "Fine." he said sharply and soon, they disappeared. Ruby slowly closed her eyes once again.

         Not long later, the bell rang. Professor Malson came in carrying two cups of tea. "May I assure your alright?" she asked. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm alright." Ruby answered, holding onto the cup. She took a sip and turned to the clock. "Oh, dear it's late I can't stay here for that long.." she mumbled. "What's that?" Professor Malson asked. Ruby shakes her head and bounces off the bed. She hitched away and looked back.
       "Thank you for taking your time to visit." She thanked and continued.
        On the way to find Ridikus, she ran into someone and fell. "I'm so so so so sorry! I'm just a lazy Leon!" he apologised, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to!"
       "It's totally alright." Ruby answers as she reached her hand out to help him up.
         "I appreciate that." said Leon as he gets up. Before Ruby could take another step, he told her, "If I were you, I would not go into that room."
However, she ignored that and marched off. She opens, twisted the doorknob and enters. As she was about to close it, she heard a noise, it sounded like electricity. She whirls around with a sudden movement, directing her attention above. It was a big shadow figure, who terrified her to the core. She jumped out of a skin, her heart pounding like a bongo drum.
        "Sorry for interrupting... I'm just gonna leave..." whimpered her while she backs up. She was locked in piercing stare, unable to move anymore. Her voice trembled, "um..."
        "Ruby Mallory, we've met again." said the shadow.
         "Who are you?" asked Ruby.
         "I am Void, the nightmare and thunder behind the shadows, now, prepare to die." Void jeered as she stood ready to end her life. She threw a spell shattering the glass on the mirror as Ruby threw herself sideways. She flicked her finger; the book flew at void, but she caught it. It flew like a bullet at her, she collapsed backwards. Blood gushed from her nose, dripping down to her mouth in a ghastly display. "HELP!" she raised her voice. Ruby bolted and attempted to slam through the door. Void's eyes blazed with fury as she unleashes a barrage of thunder that Ruby barely deflected with her shield. Turns out, it wasn't strong enough and before the shield broke, a brilliant flash Illuminated the room, she whisked away emerging from the other side of the door. The door was blasted apart, but she didn't hesitate, dashing forward with laboured breathing towards the haven ahead. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she let out a heart-wrenching scream which echoed through the hallway. She slides aside, locked the door in a panic as she walks backwards.
          She looked; it was Kate.
          "I've already got a lot in my mind, leave me alone you coward!" Ruby cried, shoving Kate aside.
           "Ruby, pleas-" before Kate could finish, Ruby was not there anymore. She laid back and collapsed on the floor. The door barged open as Void enters, "Where is she?"
           "The Ruby."
"I.. She.." Kate struggled to talk, "I.. don't know.. where she went.."
"Fear is for losers, pull it together. Don't mumble or whimper when you talk, its ridiculous." Void roared as she faded into the shadows. Ruby was perspiring, she dragged herself out and glanced.
"Did I just lie to... her?" She thought to herself, "whatever it is, I'm going after her, what is she even on about?"

Ruby wandered through the hall; she could feel that someone following her.
"Leave me alone whoever that is." She turned sharply as Kate was pushed backwards, "Kate?"
"What are you on about? Tell me right now." She glared at Ruby, holding firmly on her arm that it hurts.
     "Mind your own business!" Yelled Ruby, pushing her away. She was under so much pressure that she broke into tears and anger. Her power went uncontrollable as Destin turned into stone, foot to head.
     "You're going to regret this!" Screeched her in pain, clinging onto the wall for dear life. The whole room turned so silent that her heart pounding could be heard. An ominous footstep fast approaching made her not hesitate to dash away in a state of panic, seeking safety in the opposite direction. Undeterred by the throng of people, she had no other way but to push through the crowd, her determination to escape driving her forward. She reached an abandoned restricted library and threw herself behind the bookshelf. The sound of the footsteps sent chills down her spine as she sunk to the floor in fright. Her head started to spin, she grabbed firmly onto her hair as a bright pink light exploded through her eyes, causing a loud thud to tremble the room. Everything was blur, she eventually passed out and fell flat on her face.

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