Professor Avery

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"What are you doing?" A voice which was soon recognised asked.

"N- nothing Pro- Professor Avery." Stuttered Ruby. "Really."

"And may I ask what is up with these... ashes on the ground?" Added Professor Avery, who was cocking an eyebrow while she examined the ground.

"Oops." It was an unexpected response, but it was the first word that came to mind. Ruby made sure to concentrate on her breathing to make no suspicions but forced a slight smile. Her chest rising and falling, Professor Avery stood up with the fabric at her right knee dirty. Ruby stood, nervously but nodded.

"Oops? Seriously? A childish statement." She felt her tears were swelling up in her eyes, but she contained them despite the pain. You see, Ruby really never liked the loud noises, even when someone raises their voice the littlest.

"Sorry, professor." A little crease appeared between her eyes but maintained her expression.

"Wait til Professor Opal hears about this, you might as well be..." there was a moment of silence, just the students chatter in the air, "punished of your actions." That's right, the books she was studying about were Professor Opal's class, creatures, which Ruby struggles with. However, all she could do now was sigh and accept the fact it was her fault, which wasn't.

"Such an indolent child, just like your father."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused."

"How dare you talk about my father like that, he was..."

"Ignorant, inattentive, exactly like you."

"I am neither of that!"

"Just because you saved Questalyia, it doesn't make you the best person in the world." Avery hissed, Ruby straightened her shoulders, glaring at the professor's scowl.

"Ruby, we should go." Ridikus said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh yes, I am totally fine with this." Bellowed Ruby, with her teeth gritted. Before she could say another word, she was dragged away, to a hallway.

"Ruby! Control your emotions!" Whispered Ridikus in a furious tone. "She's a professor, not some student! She has more power over you." A

"Do I look like I care?" Ruby tries to lower her voice, furrowing her brows as she speak. "My father, I don't really like him, but he's my father."

"Please, I really don't want you to get in trouble."

"Whatever." Replied Ruby in a tone that seemed more of annoyance than calm. "She is evil somehow and I just know it. Why else would she want to get all mad at me for nothing."

"You're overreacting." Ridikus looked up at the ceiling and back down at her, crossing her arms near her chest.

"I am not!" Ruby raised her voice, feeling like tears were swelling in her eyes.

"Calm down. Things can't end like last time. How about we just go grab tea and something to cool you down?"

"Fine," her voice lowered, "but just don't talk about me like that." She presses her lips into a thin line, as if hesitating something, but all she added in a whisper was, "please."

    "No fighting, please." An unfamiliar shout from afar echoed across the hallway.

    "Hm?" They both tilt their heads towards the direction as they cocked an eyebrow.

"We weren't fighting!" Ridikus spoke loudly, trying to avoid drawing the attention to themselves. Through the crowd at the end, came a red-haired guy, kind of short.

"Well, from the other side, I could hear shoutings. Whether you did or not, it is my duty to ensure that everyone is safe." He told them. Ruby couldn't help herself but crack a smile at the corner of her lips.

"Who made you the prefect here?" Asked Ridikus, cocking an eyebrow.

"As Professor Malson had said, I have been appointed to be the first year's prefect."

"I suppose you're a first year that really don't understand anything?" Chuckled Ruby teasingly who was biting her lips to resist any further laughters.

"Excuse you! I am Tyler, a third year and your senior, not some... first year." Hissed Tyler, puffing his face. He took a deep breath and jolted upright. "You should apologise, if I was the other prefects, despite your heroic actions, you'd be in the headmaster's office..." he spoke urgently, "already!"

"I apologise for my ignorance and arrogant attitude, mister Tyler." They apologised with a hint of sarcasm. The prefect left with a nasty look on his face, they really ruined his day she supposes.

"There's an exam coming up in a month's time and nobody told me about it?" Asked Leon frustratedly as he storms over, carrying stacks of books that looked like they were on the edge of collapsing.

"Here, let me help." Ruby said, taking a few steps forward as she grab half the stack, pushing it against her lap to steady it. "Have you seen Matthew?"

"Oh, I saw him at the other side of the garden. There's a white hair lady there along, you may want to get there soon, you'll never know if they will be dating or something." Chuckled Leon, turning his head towards the garden. Unfortunately, the trees were blocking the view. As soon as she heard that Matthew was with another lady, her grip on the books weakened, the top few dropping onto the ground. She widened her eyes, raising her eyebrows, bending her knees forward while she retrieves them.

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