Secrets Of Her X

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      As the fog of unconsciousness lifted, she gradually opened her eyes, groggily taking in her surroundings. The floor creaked as she groans, picking herself up from the ground and her palms scraping against it. Everything, the walls, herself, the colours seem to have been washed out. What caught her attention was Destin, she was in the middle of the room motionless. She kept staring at the floor, the colours of her began to fade. She reached into her pocket and grabbed a piece of paper out.

        Oh, his trying so hard,
        Literally so pathetic.
        I don't get it, why does he always wear that gear?
        Various people talk about how weird he is.
        And worst! He thinks that he's sneaky, ridiculous.
        Well, his yellow hair is brighter than his future.
        Oh well, who cares anymore.
        Only those red eyes of his scares the Questalyia out of me.
        Didn't want to talk to him, but it always feels so dark here.
The paper said.

     Destin crumpled it up and threw it into a drawer. The pink light exploded through Ruby's eyes once again, a shimmering gateway materialised before her, the edges coalescing into a stable portal, pulling her in with all might. She tried to grip onto the table but got sucked in. Her hair got caught in the breeze as time went back, flashing the scenes that had just happened.
     As the darkness receded, she struggled to her feet, her legs wobbly, her arms outstretched for balance, like a newborn fawn. Everything that happened was all a dream, she did not make Destin into a stone, there was no footsteps. Her left eye was sore, her breathing laboured. She fixed her right eyes on the space around her, as if reorienting herself. Destin hastened away, her footsteps quick and light to not be heard as if trying to escape a looming shadow. Ruby looked around, lowered her head and chased after her in a hurry. She strutted along the corridor and to a painting where the wall opens under Destin's command. There was a resplendent portal that beckoned with an irresistible allure awaits for Kate Destin. She stepped into the shimmering portal as Ruby gets in too. Slowly, it got smaller til it's gone.
      Ruby fell onto the floor, which made a loud thud. That was when she noticed that she was about to get caught. Luckily, there was a shelf near her. She crawled over, hand over hand.
      "WHO IS THERE?" Roared Destin loudly. Ruby clamped her hand over her mouth holding back an answer. She sat firmly leaning against the shelf, holding her breath.
      "What was I even thinking, nobody would follow me," said Destin and then reached out to her pocket. She kept staring at the floor as the colour of her gets washed away. It was the same paper as her dream, it was unbelievable. Was it a coincidence? Her actions were the same, she threw the crumpled paper into a drawer. When she left, Ruby used her levitation spell to slowly pull it towards her. She kept it in her pocket, being cautious.

      She walked down the hallway, Ridikus ran up to her.
     "You silly gem, where were you? It's getting late, we've got to get back to our dormitory. Goodnight," said her as she grabbed onto Ruby's arm and pulled her.
      "Can't I stay out for just a little longer? You're not my mother," asked Ruby as she hit her hand away.
      "You know how strict Questalyia is, especially Professor Avery! She'd literally get us into a ton of trouble! Come on Ruby..." begged Ridikus.
       "Can I at least stay at your room for tonight, we need to discuss something,"
       "Fine, but if they catch you, you'll be in hot water."
       "Trust me, I'll be fine."
       "Alright then, that's what you said yourself."
       Ruby was laying on the floor as Ridikus laid again the bed.
       "So... you're saying that there have been suspicious activities going on lately?" Ridikus asked.
        "Yes, indeed..."
        "But how? She may be mean by she would never do something like that!"
        "Didn't I already say, she knows about the shadow, the void that killed my MOTHER was her, THE SO-CALLED SHADOW!" Hollered Ruby in frustration, "Wait I hear someone... I think they heard us! Fuck, close the lights I'm going to hide." Professor Avery barged into the room; she was vigilant.
       "I know your awake, where is she?" she asked.

Nobody replied.

       "Don't play dumb," she yelled, approaching the bed and kicking it. Ridikus bounced up as they locked eyes with each other.
       "What... are... you talking... about...?" she smiled awkwardly, pretending to not know anything. Professor Avery kneeled onto the floor, she snatched Ruby out and pulled her by the back of her shirt.
       "Back to your room NOW!" said Professor Avery, "At least make it less obvious, don't shout. You're a loud and noisy one... Ruby Mallory." Ruby nodded as she rushed out of the room.
      As time passes, the darkness from the outside slowly turns bright as the sun rose high up. She stretched her arms and head, her eyelids still heavy. She pushed herself up from bed and changes into her uniform. The bell rang and she sighed, grabbing her bag and running out of the dormitory.
     "Good morning!" greeted Leon.
"Morning Leon, um... Why are you outside?" asked Ruby.
"My pet, Mr fluffle, ran towards this direction and I seem to not be able to find it!" he cried.
"Oh, well I hope you'll be able to find it, I'll keep a lookout," Ruby said.
"I appreciate lots, thank you." He said, smiling.
Matthew struggled to run as he came to Ruby.
"Ruby! Ruby! I think there might be something you would want to see..." he told her.
"What happened?" Leon asked.
"The professors found a shattered window at the third floors library! Kate framed you Ruby, their furious right now, come on guys!" Matthew answered and walked with a rapid and deliberate stride in a sense of urgency.
"I better get going, I wish you luck," said Ruby as she moved with a swift gait, following Matthew.

"Exactly, I saw that pathetic little girl with pink hair running out of the library! She thought she could escape, seriously?" said Destin, "I was lucky enough to survive from Void, she was the one that let the shadow in! I suspect Void is still among us..." She was honestly acting so great that everyone believed her, except for Matthew and Ridikus.
"What terrible lies, please don't tell me you guys actually believe her?" said Ridikus.
"Are you accusing me of lying?" cried Kate.
"What in the bloody hell is going on here? What's this about me getting framed?" Ruby strutted over.
"Ruby Mallory, we have been informed that you're the culprit that destroyed schools' property and also letting the Shadow in," Professor Malson said, furrowing her brows.
"No, no! I did not! Leon was with me right, back me up!" Ruby denied.
"Um..." Leon was unable to speak, his lips were shivering, "I... can't remember..."
"How? It just happened yesterday!" Ruby yelled.
"So, you admit?" Professor William asked.
"Well yes, no... I don't even know anymore!" She replied, completely stressed.
"It can't be, Ruby would never do such a thing!" Matthew tried to explain.
"All she has done since she arrived was to create trouble," scolded Professor Avery.
"It's all Kate's fault! Oh my goodness!"
"You're blaming it on me? Your pathetic, I'm just telling them the truth." Kate blared.
"I was getting chased by Void, she broke in, I tried to fight her off, I failed, I hid, Kate saw as we were in the same room, I left and escaped, I was lucky to escape and survive or I wouldn't even be talking right now," explained Ruby.
"I know my daughter well, she doesn't tell lies." Said Professor Williams.
"Let's leave this for later. Everyone, get back to your classes, Ruby Mallory, meet me in my office at the end of the day." Professor Malson demanded and turned away. The hall was filled with noises, the students scattered across as Ridikus placed her hand over Ruby's shoulder.
"Be calm, it's going to be fine." Said Ridikus. Ruby nodded as she took a deep breath, moving her foot towards her class.

"Morning students, I'm hoping for you guys to have the greatest sleep you've ever had last night. So, let's see, take a seat take a seat! We have some history to learn today!" said Professor Ivy greeted, "All right my dears, let's start with nature, surprisingly it is the first element found!"
"I'd rather be sleeping instead of listening to this but since I'm getting forced why not, I would totally be glad to participate in this class," said Ruby sarcastically.
"Can anyone tell me who founded the nature element? "Asked Professor Ivy.
Everyone raised their hand up, except for Ruby.
"How about you darling?" she asked Ruby. However, she did not speak a single word. She was muttering, unsure what to say. "Alright then, how about you sir?"
"The nature element was founded by 2 sisters, Evelyn Deller and Isabella Deller." He answered with confidence.
"Nerd, I don't get it, how do people have the guts to answer questions?" she mumbled under her breath.

After class, the bell rang, Ruby and Ridikus strode out the classroom, exhausted. They walked through the hallway, getting stares from others. They backed up, giving way to her in a bad way as if they were trying to avoid her. They giggled, they gossiped, Ruby felt under pressured. She suddenly loses her ability to walk and felt like there was a strong wind behind pushing her forward. She fell, everyone chuckled. She got up in fear, her head tilting up and notices the presence of Kate Destin. She lifted herself up, stomping towards her. She leaned against Destin and yelled, "Are you just going to try get me expelled when it's barely a week? For what? Running into you? You're the reason my life went upside down!"
"Oh Mallory," said Destin, grinning and lowering her voice, "Why so tense?"
"You psychopath!"
"They won't believe you, my father is a professor."
"Fight me then, you coward."
"Ruby don't! She's not worth it..." cried Ridikus.
"Ooh.." Deric, Olivia and Kate breathed a surprise. Kate shoved everyone aside and strutted towards Ruby, her gaze remained fixed on Ruby until she drew near.
"You should be careful of what you wish for..." chuckled Kate. She leaned nearer and slightly bending her knees, knocking on the top of the head with her clenched fist. She slowly dragged herself backwards as she whimpered, "Pr... Professor... M... Malson?"
Ruby and Ridikus turned back with a sharp movement but only to see no faces, just the students around them. Kate and her friends laughed, teasing them.
"You really thought she would be there?" Asked Olivia.
"Such pathetic, isn't it?" Deric asked too.
"Don't overdo it, let's not make Ruby and her ridiculous friend cry, we'll be dead meat," told Kate. She shrugged off her bag, letting it slide off her shoulders, and handed it to Olivia, who caught it and held it for her. They turned and walked away, her hand covering it hide a laugh, as they persisted in teasing Ruby, their jests and snickers trailing behind them. Ruby was seething with anger, her face red with rage, and her eyes blazing with fury as her voice trembling with indignation, uncertain what to do or say. She lowered her head, biting on her lips and she leaned against a wall, kicking it as hard as possible in frustration. She crossed her arm, staring onto the floor while Ridikus tried to comfort her.
"There must be something we can do to make the professors believe you!"
"There's no use, it is like the whole school is against me. Forget it, I'll just accept whatever's coming at me," said Ruby is a low tone. She sank onto the floor, wrapping her hands around her legs, sobbing. Deric dragged his foot towards her. He reached her hand out with his eyes softened. She looked up, and their eyes met in a moment of pure connection.
"Are you here to ruin her life? Go away!" Yelled Ridikus.
"No, I'm helping can't you see my gosh..." he said, giving a dismissive glance and his eyes rolling heavenward. Ruby grasped his hand, accepting his assistance, and he pulled her up as she lifted herself with his help.
"Why?" Asked Ruby out of curiosity.
"Uhh, stop asking questions," answered Deric, "I'm your senior so give me some respect when you talk girl."
"I don't waste my time respecting people," scoffed Ridikus.
"Which shows that I'm better," he said sarcastically.
"Stop fighting, we have another class to go to," Ruby broke them apart, "you're a nice guy but we have no time right now. Sorry." She seized Ridikus's arm and dragged her to class, refusing to let her lag behind.
"Why did you say that, Ruby? He was literally teasing you and worse, arguing with me! Are you really going to believe someone u just met or ur friend?" Ridikus said while getting dragged.
"I'm sorry, I just can't be mean to people, you know who I am." Ruby apologised.
Seated at the back of the class, Ruby's hand supported her head, her eyes scanning the pages with a mixture of boredom as disinterest as she turned them one by one. The students were supposed to do their individual works in class, but she was lacking. She lay onto the table as her grip relaxed. Her pen fell down onto the floor, rolling. Right when she was about to fall asleep, someone knocked on her table. With a heavy sigh, her eyes fluttered open, revealing a deep exhaustion.
"Sorry Miss," said Ruby as she sat up straight. Professor Avery shot her a sideways glance as she turned her back on her.
"I'm so stressed out that sleeping wont help," cried Ruby, "I need an idea or a way on how to make them believe me."
Upon hearing the bell, the students quickly filed out of the classroom and headed to the Great hall, where they collected and formed a large group, settling down and chatting.
"Settle down and hush, this is important," Professor Malson shouted loudly, her voice ringing through the air, "so as you know Questalyia is in danger, Void is among one of us but has not attacked yet." The whole hall was filled with cries and fear as she yelled once more, "Silence!"
"Do not be fearful as we will all do as much as we can to protect you all. Each of you guys all need to stay cautious and do your part. Without further ado, continue what u guys were doing, thank you for your time."
"My dear, this is awful," Matthew said.
"Right! Who would actually do something like that?" Ridikus asked, turning her head.
"Not me, I'm just getting accused!" Ruby remarked taking a sip from her glass of water, "I'm literally starving, I haven't eaten all day okay." She grabbed the plate of salad and started savouring it. Once she devoured her food with relish, she heard giggles. She looked irritated and turned her back with a scowl on her face. It was Destin once again, however, she wasn't laughing at Ruby, instead, it was Leon. Leon shot her a fierce glare, his eyes blazing with frustration as they began to glow red with an otherworldly intensity. She was caught in the act; her face fell as she slumped back in her seat. She was fearful of the consequences of her action.
"She's never scared, what happened to Leon?" a thought struck her, "It's the end of the day, I'm going to go to the office." She stood up, smoothed her clothes, and headed to the office with a sense of resolve.
"I'm sure I can think of something..." she mumbled under her breath. With a gentle touch, she knocked on the door, her fingers drumming a quiet rhythm. With a quiet composure, she waited until the door creaked open and a voice beckoned, "you may enter."
With a hesitant glance, she poked her head through the doorway, then stepped forward, her feet carrying her to the table with deliberate slowness. She lowered herself into the chair and settled with a quiet sigh.
"Even if I told you anything, you won't believe me, only Destin just because her father is a professor, right?" she asked, her voice laced with despair and desperation, feeling utterly defeated and hopeless.
"No? Tell me the side of your story," said Professor Malson.
"I found a piece of paper with clues of who Void was after, however, it mysteriously vanished," said Ruby. Malson leaned towards her, with her hands on the table.

"Where did you find it?"
"I... Found it on the floor where Void broke in..." she lied. She started fidgeting with her hands, afraid that she may be in trouble.
"You remember when I got injured because of Destin? Right, that was when I was limping towards a library and ran into Leon. He did tell me to not go in there but I kinda ignored his advice. I went it, the door was locked behind me as Void appeared. The window was already broken, the books were everywhere on the floor. I fought her to protect myself, I failed and ran. I locked myself in a room and Kate was there too. I think that she thought I was the one that let Void in, please professor, you know I would never do such things!"
Malson did not answer. She lifted herself up, and slowly walked towards the window.
"That black hair girl, she might just be jealous of you after all. You know... your story may not sound believable but may be through. I'll talk to the rest soon, you may leave." She stood motionless there, her eyes softened.
Ruby's feet seemed rooted to the spot, but then she swiftly turned and hurried out of the room, her departure marked by the soft rustle of her clothes and the creak of the door. Right when she closed the door, Kate covered her mouth with her hand and pushed her to the wall.
"If you try do anything, ill make your life miserable," she warned, and slowly putting her hand down. Ruby nodded, trying to look away with tears swelled up in her eyes.
"What did you tell her?" Destin asked, pushing her firmly against the wall.
"I didn't tell her anything bad about you, please leave me alone..." Overwhelmed with fear, a tear streamed down her face, a gentle, mournful sound accompanying each quiet sob, as she struggled to contain her grief.
"Good, you better not be lying, I want you out of Questalyia, if you tell anyone about this, you'll be as dead as your mother," Destin's voice dripping the malice while grinning. She pushed Ruby against the wall with a forceful jab, sending her crashing into the unyielding surface as she groans silently. As she doubled over in agony, Kate turned on her heel and strode away, abandoning her to her suffering. With a pained expression, Ruby took slow deliberate steps, her feet dragging as if weighted down by her suffering. Each breath was a struggle, but she forced herself to keep moving, determined to escape the agony that had been inflicted upon her.
She dragged herself back to her dormitory, laid flat on her bed with sobs. "Do anyone actually care about me?" She thought, hugging her knees and leaning her head against the wall. This feeling was weird, it felt like the pink in her hair, the red in her eyes, the colours in her was washed away. She felt isolated, everyone would give her stares if she were to walk out. Living a life in this hell was terrible, she wished she could just melt in the warm hands of her mother.
"Mom?" Ruby asked cluelessly.
"It's Ridikus, are you okay?" She asked, being dumbfounded.
"Ruby, can you open the door?" Matthew asked, knocking gently. She raised her eyebrows and approached the door.
"Why are you guys here?" Ruby pulled open the door, her hand flying to her face, covering her tears as best as she could.
"We're here to help, we'll surely show that who the real culprit is," said Ridikus with a determine look on her face. Ruby slowly walks back and sit down at the edge of the bed with a deep frown, her lips remained sealed. The Riddles sat on the floor, ready to solve this mystery.
"Sooo, who did you last see before-" She asked calmly. Ruby's eyes slowly shifted towards Matthew as Ridikus speak, he was gesturing for Ruby to come down onto the floor. Her eyes shifted back to Ridikus; she was glazing at her. She cocked an eyebrow, crossing her arms as she waited patiently for an answer.
"Repeat?" Asked Ruby as she sank down onto the floor, her body relaxing into the softness of the carpet beneath her. For some reason, she felt tension between Matthew and her, remaining eye-contact. Her eyes doubled in size, her heart starts to flutter instantly, and soon her gaze dropped onto the floor. "Am I falling for him...?" Her mind for full of thoughts.
"Ruby Elderwoods Mallory!" Ridikus was tired of her, "listen can you!" She got back to her senses and nodded.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Who did you last see before you entered the room?" She asked, "I will not repeat myself again."
"Leon, I think his name is Leon Kan, but his nice and clumsy."
"Do not get fooled by words Mallory, you can get manipulated." Said Matthew, leaning towards her and just a few inches away from her face. Ruby pushed his face away gently, she laughed it off.
"Ha ha.. um, noted."
"Okay... so after you tried escaping what happened? How did Kate know or why assume you were the one responsible for everything?"
"Everyone keeps asking me this, fine. I ran, locked myself in a room which Destin was also in. I didn't really talk to her but you know, teleported away. I was stressed okay, I didn't get a chance to hear a single word she said."
"Alright, I've got some information and some stuff... Last question, did you get a clue on maybe who the culprit was?"
"Wait, remember that time I showed you the piece of paper? You were observing every detail! Please tell me you can remember something!" Begged Ruby, voice barely audible, frustrated as she glazed at Ridikus.
There was a long pause of silence, Ruby and Matthew glanced at her, hoping an answer would come out of her mouth.
"I can only remember the colours yellow and red, anyways, where's the paper?"
"I... lost it..."

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