Chapter 5

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I don't think that was the response he was looking for based on how his eyebrows scrunch together and one corner of his mouth lazily tilts upwards.

There's a curiosity in his voice when he says, "Yeah, actually it is. You know about King of the Road?"

Although I shouldn't be offended, I don't give myself a second to think before sharply answering.

"I know enough about it to guess that you won't be checking off the Crook Nollie Heelflip you've been trying to do on that rail for the past hour."

I instantly regret saying it as soon as the words leave my mouth, but the grin that spreads across his face lets me know that it didn't bother him one bit. If anything, he might have enjoyed it.

"Ouch, yeah, I guess that answers my question," he laughs and gestures to his knee before continuing, "Can't ya see I've got a bum leg? Kinda hard to pop myself up when I've got this thing dragging me down."

His expression is playful and sweet, his laugh contagious enough to make me start giggling too.

"Judging by the shape that you're in, I can tell it's been a long 12 days," I smile back up at him.

"I love doing King of the Road, but my body is ready for it to be over. We've been grinding relentlessly this whole trip because we all want that prize so fucking badly," his face turns into a goofy, pleading look when he says, "And those extra make-out points could be the ones that ensure our victory."

In all truth, I wouldn't mind kissing this guy at all, but I don't think I'm done giving him shit yet. I'm having fun going back and forth with him.

"Or maybe if you just landed your trick, you wouldn't even need the extra make-out points. Plus, I've got my own beer that I can drink at home," I tease.

"Hmmm, maybe you're right," he looks at me for a second longer and then raises an eyebrow as he says, "But we could make this interesting instead. How about if I can go over there and land the trick in one more try, you have to make-out with me. If I don't, you can have a beer and we'll leave you alone. No kiss needed."

The Winnie that I know would NEVER do something so spontaneous. Sure, I've been known to smooch a person or two after I've had some drinks at the bar, but sober Winnie is much more timid and self-conscious than tipsy Winnie is. This guy is hot, like hot hot. Under ordinary circumstances, a man this good-looking absolutely wouldn't approach me looking for a make-out session in broad daylight. Traveling to the other side of the country and finding yourself in the middle of a KOTR challenge isn't your typical every-day situation though. Plus, it's just a kiss, and who knows if he'll even land the trick?? All I know is, I'm tired of feeling so fucking scared to live my life how I want to.

So I consider his offer, then hesitantly nod my head in agreement.

"You've got a deal. As much as I would love to see that trick go down, I have a feeling that box is going to be left empty in the book."

With a (mostly) confident smile, I extend my hand out to him so we can shake on it. He happily takes my hand into his, and the game begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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