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'Y/N where are you going?'

Y/N stopped wearing her shoes and looked at her older brother.

'Jong suk oppa? I am going to the cafe near the restaurant.'

Jong Suk frowned.

'Why? Are you going to meet someone there?' Jong Suk asked.

Y/N hesitated but still nodded her head.

Jong Suk sighed.

'Take Felix with you.'

'Yongbok? Why?'

'He wants to go out to drink coffee. But I have to meet your Sang Yeob oppa. But we will meet at my office. So I can't take Felix with me.'

'Can't he go alone?' She frowned.

'His credit card is on hold.'

Y/N made an "oh" face and nodded.


Jong Suk patted her head before walking away as Y/N shouted Felix's name.


'Yes, noona!!'

'Get ready! You wanted to have a coffee right? Call Dino and Mingyu and Taehyung oppa too. Ah, I will call Taehyung Oppa and let him tell Mingyu too. You call Dino.'

[Since Taehyung and Mingyu are brothers]

Felix nodded and called Dino.

Y/N also called her cousin before leaving the house with Felix.

She smirked because she had to go on her first date with Jungkook. With her brother and cousins there, it will be much easier.
It took 10 minutes to drive to the cafe.

As soon as Y/N and Felix walked inside the cafe, she noticed Jungkook sitting in a corner.

The whole cafe was empty.

She had her doubts that it would be empty so that Jungkook could spend time with her easily without any distractions.

She sighed in relief.

'Stay here and see what you want to drink. Don't order now. Our cousins will be here soon.'

Felix nodded.

'Where are you going noona?'

He held her hand preventing her from walking away.

She looked back at him.

She noticed that Jungkook had also noticed her and was looking at them.

'I found someone I know. I will talk with him a little okay?'

Felix looked at Jungkook since he was the only one here and nodded.

One of the staff came at that moment.

'Sorry ma'am, sorry sir. The cafe is limited today-'

'It's fine. I know them.'

Jungkook's clear and slightly deep voice spoke.

The staff stood for a second before nodding his head.

Y/N patted Felix's head as she went towards Jungkook.

'Hello.' She greeted him with a happy voice.

'Are you happy because you brought your brother here, on our date?'

Jungkook tilted his head as he crossed his legs and looked at her.

Y/N shook her head.

'I mean I am happy because I don't have to be alone with you.' She rolled her eyes before continuing, 'But I seriously didn't bring him first. My older brother asked me to bring him. So don't mind. A few cousins of mine will be here too.'

Jungkook was a little bit angry but he knew that it was only their first date.

He nodded as he took out the contract.

'I suppose we will be working on them before your cousins come?'

Y/N nodded.

'Yes. Taehyung oppa will be here too.' She said.

She glanced at Felix who was sitting on a chair, closest to the entrance while playing a game on his mobile.

She took the contract paper and looked inside.

'I am busy. Since I have agreed for 3 months. So make it 2 days a week. It will still be 24 or 25 dates. And it's too much for me. And the one who needs this is you. So if you don't agree then I have no problem.'

Y/N shrugged off as she took out a pen and wrote her conditions.

'No phone call after evening time. Because I will be spending time with my family members. No call when I am at work. Text me anytime. I will be replying to you whenever I am free.'

The conditions were all at a disadvantage for Jungkook but he said nothing.

After Y/N finished writing, she looked at Jungkook.

'And this contract will be at my place.'

Jungkook nodded.

'Since all of your conditions are disadvantageous for me and I gain nothing, I suppose I could add a request?' He finally spoke.

Y/N nodded.

'What is it?'

'You have to spend at least four or five hours with me those two days out of seven days.'

He deliberately mentioned the number of days he would be getting.

Y/N sighed and nodded.

Dino and Mingyu came together a few minutes ago as Y/N and Jungkook sighed the papers and Y/N put it in her bag before standing up.

'Dino-ya, Mingyu, and Yongbok come sit here.'

When the three boys sat, Y/N spoke again.

'Where is Taehyung oppa, Mingyu?'

'Ah, he is outside. So I picked up Dino and came.'

Y/N nodded.

'He will be here soon. I called him when we reached here,' Dino said.
The afternoon ended with the six of them drinking and eating desserts after Taehyung arrived.

Y/N also avoided being alone with Jungkook not knowing Jungkook prepared something surprising for their next official date....


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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