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Y/N sniffed because of the cold weather as well as the sorrowful past memories. She finally found the place she wanted to go to. But she only looked at the palace and walked back.

She didn't have the courage to walk inside. She felt the past memories were haunting her down.

The bloody faces of her parents, siblings, cousins, and friends came to her mind. She tried to think of other things but her mind won't budge.

Finally giving up, she started to cry a little as she finally walked inside the building. Feeling cold, she sniffed again.
Y/N couldn't sleep at all that night. The familiar place made her scared. She was having insomnia.

She sighed as she looked at her reflection and put on some makeup to hide her dark circles.

'Ma'am, the ingredients have arrived.' Becky reported.

Y/N nodded.

She went to the kitchen with Becky and found her staff already putting the ingredients into a corner.

'Thanks, Habib.' Y/N said.

'You're welcome, miss.' The foreign staff's Korean was quite understandable.

'Everyone! Let's work hard!' Y/N cheered.

Y/N took the lead for the spice team and let another capable boy lead the dessert team.

Jungkook found her and kept seeing her from time to time.

He wanted to see her reaction when she saw him. But never thought that the moment would arrive this soon.

Y/N who got food stains on her dress walked out to clean it and found a frozen Jungkook.

Jungkook was frozen on his spot and blinked.

Y/N blinked in return until she understood what was happening.

'H-how did you-'

Jungkook quickly covered her mouth and pulled her to the store room beside the kitchen.

Y/N wiggled and tried to push him away.

'Before you accuse me of following you, I will clarify that I am here to attend my friend's wedding. Also, it is true that I would have stalked you even if it wasn't my friend's wedding.' He smirked.

Y/N bit his hand and pushed him a little further from her.

'Fuck! Why do we have to cross paths again? Why can't you just leave me alone!' Y/N cried out.

She felt overwhelmed again.

Jungkook crouched down at her level and pulled a few hair strands away from her face.

'Exactly. It never happened to me before. Why do we cross our paths so much? It's as if we have a connection that keeps us connected.'

Of course, Jungkook was saying nonsense because they only met coincidentally twice and the last time was intentional.

But he was surprised to see a bitter yet frightened-looking Y/N. Y/N had this frightened look which made him doubt if she really thought they were destined.

But Y/N knew the truth. She knew that their past was keeping them connected. She didn't want to spend a single time with him alone.

She was afraid.

Afraid to lose her family and friends. Afraid of the past King, Jeon Jungkook who was ruthless and murderer, who murdered anyone without even thinking.

Palace of Blood|Jeon Jungkook FF|Where stories live. Discover now