Boundary Lines

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You see, everyone has those boundary lines that either stop people from coming in OR stop you from going out.
Jayde crossed them. She broke down my wall and crossed them.
People in this school cross those boundary lines and that is why there are fights just because you passed them.
In Humanities today, we're learning about boundary trading lines. The people trying to cross would have to sell their hard work goodies to the boundary line people OR go a different route.
Like always, teachers ask the obvious question, 'What is yadda yadda yadda?' So yes, our teacher asked "What are Boundary Lines."
At this point in time all the smart people leave their hands down to let the not so smart people answer.
Josh raises his hand and of course the teacher picks him "Boundary lines are the lines you have set out when you're mad at your best friend. Like in Scooby Doo, Scooby drew a red line across the room to keep Shaggy out."
"Yea. I watched that one!" Angel shouts out and everyone laughs
The teacher on the other hand looks not so happy so then, Mr. Kissup Nes, raised his gay little hand. "Ness." The teacher picks him
"Boundary lines are either the physical OR imaginary lines that you aren't supposed to cross."
Everyone looks back at him because he always does that. Spoil the fun. It's like that's what he lives for.
The teacher nods "Yes thank you Nes." He turns to the board and writes down some notes for us.
Last year we didn't take Humanities, so we all have to do it this year which is like doing Social Studies and History.
Right now we're doing History. It doesn't suck but it's boring. How he teaches it is boring.
We watch a documentary on how people back then had to trade to cross the boundary lines and how it was a hard journey to get the goods and have to trade them just to cross.
All I know is that half of this class is asleep. I want to sleep but I can't so I just don't pay attention. I draw on that tables, draw a mustache on Ivy draw on my arm, draw on everything in sight.
Poor Ivy when she woke up she saw my drawing on her skin but not the mustache. Now me being the good friend pushed her in a bathroom to look.
I hear her mumble a few curse words and the water running. She comes out mad as ever but the mustache is off.
I took a picture because it was a priceless moment, and she doesn't know about it.
"Why Oshanna? Out if all things a mustache?!" She starts to argue while we're walking to English
"Because I had nuthing else to do and a mustache seemed needed in your situation." I answer back and she scoffs
"True." She sadly admits and I just laugh "I know right!"
We go to Ms. Sam's English Class. I can't believe we have her again It's just so cool because she is like the coolest teacher here.
"Hello again class." She greets us
"HI!!" We all say back
"Today we will be doing a bit about writing." A slide comes up and that indicates that we write while she talks "In English Writing, you express imagination and a image-like reality. While writing, there are a few what we call, boundary lines." She changes the slide
'Why is everyone talking about Boundary lines today!? Is something wrong!?' I think to myself
"There are a few lines that you mustn't cross. Like talking about a peer in a bad manner. Understand?" We all nod and she smiles "Good. Now write my beautiful minions! Write your story and don't cross the boundary lines!" Yep that's Ms. Sam.
We're here beautiful minions, but I call Dave!

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