The Border

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Earlier Today...

In Science Class, Nes sat by me and Oshanna. He wouldn't stop yapping so we were forced to talk to him. Here's our conversation.
"Hay Nes." Oshanna said through her teeth with a smile on her face.
"Hay." He responded back "You know Ivy the fact that you got back together with Josh makes you a whore."
Oshanna and I just glared at him then I spoke up. "Look Nes, there is this line that you can't cross and you just kinda crossed it."
Oshanna smiled and flipped to the back of her Science book and drew a line. "This is the line that you can't cross and same goes for us." She drew something else on the line and showed us again. "This 'X' is where you're supposed to be and the circle is where you are now. Then these two scribbles are me and Ivy and it shows that we are still behind the border." She closed her book to show that she had made a point. "Understand?"
He nodded "Yea. But it's true and now Oshanna-"
She cut him off and looked pissed. I know our family well enough to know that if you piss us off enough, you'll see our hands fly.
By that I mean hand movements to make a point and right now Oshanna is doing exactly that. "Look. Don't say anything about me before you regret it and I work very fast."
He just smirked "Try me."
She smiled "I will."
So what happened just now is that Nes challenged Oshanna's strength and I thought by now that he knew what she could do by now.
The thing is, that in Science we were just doing an activity so we could talk all we want, just not too loud. So I was not surprised when the teacher did nothing.

Finally the bell rung, because it was a quiet and tense feeling in the air. Oshanna and I got out as fast as we could and just go to the library and breathe.
"Oh. Look who's coming." I told Oshanna who then spun around with a frown and scoffed. "Nes. Do you have common sense?"
Oshanna snickered but tried to hide it and failed miserably.
"Yea." Nes answered and gave Oshanna the stink eye and walks to sit on the opposite end of the library.
Another whore named Ana came by and smiled at me and Oshanna as she walked past going to Nes. We have a lot of whores in this school.
Of course Oshanna and I heard the whole thing.
"You know that Angel will never love you." Ana told Nes when she reached in front of him
"Yea whatever at least I'm not a whore." He fires back
What's his problem. Why does he keep insulting girls like that. Calling them whores and prostitute and shit like that.
It makes me sick.
Angel and Jefry crossed and saw them arguing and smirked
"Well it's better to be a whore than be a lesbian." She answered him and walked away smiling.
Oshanna and I died laughing and Filip came up to join us laughing after we recapped him on what happened and sat in the corner by Oshanna.
Now by this time Nes has heard us and is coming over here to, I don't know, call us whores.
Angel walks back when Nes sits down then Oshanna went crazy. "Angel na true Nes is a lesbian?!" She yelled that at him and with Nes right beside him.
Now the response that Angel gave was priceless. He said "Yea he a fucking queer!" He kept walking with Jefry laughing and looking at Nes.
Oshanna, me and Filip died. laughing then stop when Nes is silent.
We all look at his face and see that he's tearing up. We all look to Oshanna. A tear fell and In shock, she got up and just walked away.

Now that was the story behind my loud outburst. After she left Gay Lord Nes was now full on crying. I didn't know what to do and Filip didn't know what to do so we just got up and left, Filip got Oshanna's bag.
We find Oshanna sitting by the table telling everybody and by the time she's finished, like half the Academy knows.
"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT!!!" She responds just as angry "I didn't expect that response." She explains mentioning the boy that Nes loves reaction.
"But it was funny." Filip interjects and we all laugh again remembering
"Well he told me to go ahead so that's his problem." Oshanna tells us and I nod because that is what happened "Exactly so he shouldn't be crying like a little baby. We should just shut up and take it because this is what he asked for." With that being said Oshanna puts her hands down.
From all the hand movements she used today she could use some happiness.
Filip goes by her and wraps his arms around her. "I love you."
She smiles "I love you too."
Well that wasn't the kind of happiness I had in mind but yea that's good too.
Now we're back to the problem, now there is no more border, just a war zone.
Jayde's in there, Nes' is in there and now Oshanna. This should be fun.

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