Night 3

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-With their camp mostly repaired, Shelly and Spike sleep in shifts, in case of a sudden night attack or ambush, ready to defend each other when required

-Amber and El Primo settle between two large, tall trees for the night, sleeping in shifts in case of a run-in with other tributes

-Jessie, Leon and Nita sleep peacefully while Bo keeps awake and ready to fight passing enemies, armed with rifles

-Barley and Bea rest and recover through the night, hoping Bea's condition will improve as she sleeps soundly

-Unable to find any shelter, Brock rests in a large bush near the bombsite of Bo's ruined camp

-Squeak rests, unworried, in his little underground den

-Bull, completely crazy, attempts to commit suicide at night. However he is stopped by Bibi and Crow, who finally realise how much he has been struggling with his mental health problems. They try to help him recover his sanity, but it may be too late

-Darryl and Penny notice Dynamike setting up traps and rigs around their campsite; deciding to ambush him and get revenge, they use their shovels to dig a large underground passage that leads to his campsite, staying up all night to work on it, as well as think up a plan to activate the traps without exploding their tent and all their belongings

-Dynamike spends the entire night placing more traps and rigs around Penny and Darryl's campsite, unsure why some of the traps he set earlier had disappeared as if they were triggered by someone

-Carl, Jacky, 8-Bit and Rico sleep in shifts staying up to watch for ambushers or unsuspecting, easy targets to capture and kill

-Gus, Chuck, Janet, Stu and Bonnie work on fortifying their camp and watch out for nearby enemies 

-Edgar and Colette continue to search for some weapons to arm themselves with, and some extra food and water to keep them from starving

-Hank and Frank sleep in shifts just like the other tributes, keeping watch with their binoculars

-Ash and R-T encounter Nani and Pam while searching for food and water; a small fight breaks out and Nani is eliminated

-Angelo and Willow search the underwater cavern in interest and end up finding old stocks of food, and numerous weapons, including a golden, sapphire-encrusted trident resembling Poseidon's trident

-Hungrily, Sprout and Eve attempt to fall asleep but end up awake the whole night because of hunger pains

-Mandy and Chester sleep in shifts in the narrow mineshaft

-Unable to find a base, Belle, Pearl and Sam sleep in clumps of bushes and use it as a temporary hiding spot

-Maisie and Fang keep watch for enemies carefully as Buster rests and recovers through the night

-Pained, tired and losing a large amount of blood, Kit faints on a rock while searching for help desperately, unsure of where he is and whose camp he is near

-Cordelius goes completely insane, muttering to himself at night as Doug and Lily sleeps

-As the night continues, Gene continues to enlarge his hiding spot as quietly as he can, not wanting to attract unwanted attention from passing tributes

-Byron and Mr. P work on Lola's injuries

-Mico and Melodie find a small stock of water by a large river; crossing it carefully, they get to the other side and manage to seek shelter in an abandoned part of the arena with a small cave hidden from view by trees

-As Charlie sleeps, Otis continues to set up more traps around her shelter, wanting take over his territory once again and eliminate any potential threats from the shadows

-Lou takes temporary refuge in a cluster of bushes

-Sandy sleeps peacefully in a bush not far away from the Superheroes' camp

-Clancy heads out into the forest, chopping down trees for wood with a discarded axe he found on the ground fortunately. He gets a scare when he spots Kit collapsed against a rock, the rock stained with his red blood, and even more of the red liquid leaking from a place where Kit's big toe should be. Taking pity on the poor kitten, he brings Kit back to where Sandy is, attempting to wrap up his wound and treat it

-After making a round trip, Meg, Max and Surge are unable to find additional resources nor tributes, returning to their camp and sleeping in shifts, bracing for any possible attack

-Draco sleeps soundly, tired from working on his camp

Deaths : 1


Tributes left : 6

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