Night 5

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-Shelly and Spike work on repairing the last bits of their camp through the night, careful not to make too much noise and attract unwanted attention

-Amber searches for allies and help, barely able to walk from her injuries. She ends up unconscious in an open clearing, staining the grass dark maroon

-Bo, Leon and Jessie treat Nita's wounds and try to heal them after the battle earlier in the day, when El Primo had been eliminated and Amber had receive numerous gouges across her legs, and Nita had been burned badly by Amber's flames

-Bea, almost completely healed, sleeps soundly through the night as Barley watches out for the two of them

-Brock and Squeak fall asleep in their underground base after a long day of tiring work

-Bull seems to return to his original point of sanity and takes turns to watch for other tributes through the night with Crow and Bibi

-After a lot of hard work shifting their items here and there, Penny and Darryl fall asleep on the banks of the crater, deciding to return all their belongings there and set up base the next day

-Carl, Jacky, 8-Bit and Rico take turns to sit at the mouth of the cave and watch for dangerous enemies or ambushers. Jacky, who takes the first shift, also drags a boulder to hide the entrance of their base from sight. Carl, 8-Bit and Rico use certain fluorescent glowing gems to mark the branches of the cave to record the numerous tunnels that they had already explored; while doing so, they discover yet another network of hidden caves on the far right of their main cavern, leading away from the dozens of other caves that branched out from the left inward tunnel of the main cavern

-Thankfully, Colette wakes up in the night, barely conscious as Edgar tries his best to treat her wounds and help her steady her mind

-Hank and Frank keep watch with their binoculars, sleeping in turns

-Grom completely recovers from his physical wounds, but still requires help from R-T and Ash to train his weak leg as a form of "physiotherapy"

-Confused as to why nobody is taking their bait, Angelo and Willow venture out from their swamp for the first time in days, and end up running into a collapsed Amber on the floor. They then face a dilemma as to whether to help her or not, but end up deciding to help her out of pity. They seal her head and wounded leg and arm with a tight bubble, bringing her into their underground cavern, then use the magical trident to blast the water out of the cave and keep it completely dry

-With half of their shelter built, Eve and Sprout continue working on it while the Goldarm Gang chops down more trees and watches for ambushes and other enemies

-Mandy and Chester sleep for the night, almost done with their base

-After finding a small stock of food somehow hidden in a hole in the ground, Maisie and Fang return to Buster and the three of them sleep in shifts, observing their surroundings from the small peephole at the entrance of their cave

-Gus, Chuck and Janet practise their combat skills with Stu and Bonnie through the night, outside their base in a nearby clearing, bracing for future battles

-With Lola almost completely recovered, Byron and Mr. P sleep in shifts through the night

-Doug and Lily continue to search for Cord, each with their own suspicions

-Gene rest safely in his underground base, thinking about other plans for his base to increase its security

-Kit, Clancy and Sandy continue to work on their camp; Sandy obviously extremely tired from not sleeping for so long

-Mico and Melodie decide to dig out a large cave below ground, deciding it is a better hiding spot and more useful for shelter, slowly beginning to dig it out

-Lou rests among the trees for the night, hoping for more success for the next day

-Draco and Charlie sleep peacefully

-Otis continue to observe his surroundings

Deaths : 0

Tributes: 6

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