Night 4

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-Tired from their hard work, Shelly and Spike fall asleep peacefully, almost finished repairing their shelter

-Once again, Amber and El Primo seek temporary refuge in a cluster of bushes deep into the forest, sleeping in shifts but unaware that they are near Bo's group's base 

-Jessie and Leon work on the inside of their base, strengthening its resistance as Bo and Nita keep watch outside, chattering lively

-After finding a small stock of food hidden in a hole in the soil, Barley returns to his camp and stays awake through the night, watching for enemies, as Bea sleeps

-Brock and Squeak sleep in shifts and look around their base carefully, ready to retaliate at the first sign of nearby danger

-After Bull falls asleep, Bibi and Crow remain awake, telling each others spooky stories as they watch for other tributes from their camp

-When Dynamike returns to his bush for the night, Darryl and Penny emerge from the hole they made earlier that day and surprise their enemy, stabbing him to death with a cutlass as revenge for rigging the traps around their camp

-Carl, Jacky, Rico and 8-Bit rest for the night, tired after the long days of the Hunger Games Championship Challenge. They take turns to observe their surroundings throughout the night, watching out for tributes

-Edgar tries to treat Colette's wounds after she passes out for blood loss, hiding in the darkness of his camp to prevent any other enemies from noticing them

-Hank and Frank sleep in shifts and keep watch for enemies as the night goes on

-R-T and Ash go out searching for more medical supplies as Grom rests in their base

-Angelo and Willow begin to think up a plan to lure tributes to their lake and kill them, chattering through the night

-Sprout and Eve, looking for allies desperately, run into Belle, Pearl and Sam in the woods. The two groups decide to join forces to forge a larger alliance together

-Mandy and Chester take turns to keep watch for enemies

-Buster's condition begins stabilising slowly as Maisie and Fang continue to treat his wounds and search for food, water and medical resources outside their cave

-Kit, Clancy and Sandy delve into the woods and chop more trees down for wood; storing all the logs they have by the side of their bush-camping spot as they sleep in shifts and watch out for unsuspecting tributes

-Gus, Chuck and Stu work on the camp while Janet and Bonnie watch out for enemies and entertain themselves through the night

-Byron and Mr. P stand ready for an attack through the night while Lola sleeps

-In the middle of the night, as Doug and Lily sleep peacefully, Cordelius commits suicide by drowning himself in a river

-Gene sleeps peacefully

-Mico and Melodie sleep in shifts 

-Otis stays awake for the entire night, prepared to face any kind of ambush from anyone, anywhere

-Charlie, exhausted from using all her energy to flee from her camp and dizzy from losing a lot of blood, loses consciousness in the woods, just outside of Draco's camp

-Lou yet again sleeps in a bush for the night

-Max, Meg and Surge sleep in their camp, taking turns to stay awake and keep watch with their pairs of binoculars

-When Draco heads out to gather more wood to light a campfire to roast some food, he discovers Charlie half-dead on a patch of blood-stained grass just outside his base. Shocked, he brings Charlie back to his base and tries to treat her wounds

Deaths : 2



Tributes left : 63

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