Night 6

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-After finding a bit of food and weapons, Shelly and Spike rest for the night, sleeping in shifts as they watch for enemies warily

-Leon and Jessie tell each other spooky stories as they watch for enemies in the bushes outside their camp; Bo is busy treating the asleep Nita's wounds

-Barley and Bea continue to search for food and water through the night, prepared for any possible ambush that could come from anywhere in the dark forest

-Brock and Squeak continue working on the emergency exit tunnel; Brock widens it to make it easier to pass through while Squeak works above ground hiding it from view

-Penny and Darryl go out searching for more resources; stumbling upon Bibi, Crow and Bull's camp, they raid it but are forced to escape quickly with only about half of the resources inside when they hear the Retropolians returning from their tribute hunt

-Carl, Jacky, 8-Bit and Rico return to the main cavern and sleep in shifts, watching for enemies carefully by the light of the fluorescent gems around them

-Colette rests and recovers as Edgar watches out for them through the whole night, leaving his torch off to avoid detection

-Hank and Frank sleep peacefully, protected by their fortress of a base

-With Grom's condition almost completely improved to a state of normalcy, he, Ash and R-T watch out for enemies and take turns to do so as the night progresses

-Amber works on furnishing the underground cavern while Angelo and Willow re-setup the trap, waiting for enemies to take the bait

-Sprout, Eve, Pearl, Belle and Sam stay awake through the night and tell each other some fun stories, the Goldarm Gang especially chatty about their many heists

-Mandy and Chester both sleep the night away, tired from their work

-Maisie, Fang and Buster rest in a small cavern deep in the tunnels, right in front of the branching of a tunnel, confused by the numerous glowing gems lighting up the tunnels

-Gus, Chuck, Janet, Stu and Bonnie sleep in shifts as the night goes on

-Mr. P and Byron finish healing Lola and give her a bit of physiotherapy

-Doug and Lily finally face the ugly truth; Cordelius was dead, but how?

-Sandy, Kit and Clancy run into the Superheroes while searching for more resources. A massive fight breaks out, with Sandy and Max being eliminated, and Kit being seriously injured yet again alongside Surge

-Mico and Melodie continue working on their underground secret base

-After a while, Charlie's condition seems all better and she and Draco talk about life while watching for enemies

-Otis rigs his territory with strategically placed traps

Deaths : 2



Tributes left : 58

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