Day 3

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-Shelly and Spike continue working on repairing their camp

-Amber and El Primo search for a base, armed with weapons in case they run into other tributes

-Jessie, Leon, Bo and Nita search for tools to chop down trees for wood such as axes or large blades

-Barley continues treating Bea's injuries; her condition and blood amount slowly stabilises as she rests and recovers

-After grabbing the weapons, Brock tries to find a nearby shelter around the bombsite, not wanting to be out in the open for too long

-Squeak observes Brock from afar, wondering whether he should form an alliance with him

-Bull slowly goes crazy, however Bibi and Crow remain in the dark about the situation of his mental health

-Bibi and Crow continue to chop down more trees for wood, hoping to build a large shelter in the midst of the messy woods

-Darryl and Penny head out to find more food and water, as well as hunt down other weak tributes

-Dynamike goes out in search for more explosives to rig traps around Darryl and Penny's camp

-As Carl and Jacky exit their cave to search for the source of the suspicious noises yesterday, they are ambushed by Rico and 8-Bit with their powerup gear. After a large fight, however, the four end up forming a truce and a temporary alliance

-Gus, Chuck and Janet return to help Stu and Bonnie fortify the camp slowly, protecting it from possible intruders and raiders spying on them and waiting to attack them

-Edgar and Colette return to their base nervously, deciding to arm themselves with more weapons and searching around secretly for more weaponry to create a larger arsenal

-Hank works on fortifying their base further as Frank searches for food and water

-Ash searches for food and water while R-T stays behind to protect and help Grom, who is recovering from the big battle not too long ago

-Needing a break, Nani and Pam search for food and water, having left their supplies behind when they went searching for Jessie

-Angelo and Willow explore a hidden underwater cavern that they hadn't noticed before-full of fish, seaweed and darkness, they delve deeper wondering what other secrets hide in the large cavern

-Sprout and Eve continue to search for more resources to stock up on in their camp, wanting to camp to the end of the battle peacefully. However, the food, water and weapons seem to have magically disappeared since the first day

-Mandy and Chester continue to explore the mineshaft, making it more comfortable to camp in

-Belle, Pearl and Sam continue to explore the forest, searching for a shelter to stay in and wait for the other tributes to destroy each other

-Kit is busy stalking the Goldarm Gang, but stops when he finds an empty camp with an amount of food and water inside. But he doesn't know that was the Pirates' camp, and as he attempts to enter the camp, two large mines explode, and Kit barely escapes with a broken leg and a toe blown off

-Maisie, Fang and Buster decide to properly treat Buster's injury before they continue exploring the cave; stuck in an almost pitch black cavern, they only have one torchlight to see through the darkness

-Cordelius struggles with his mental health as Doug and Lily work on fortifying their camp together

-Gene begins digging out a pit, trying to make his hiding hole even larger and better suited for camping

-Byron purposely runs into Mr. P and forms an alliance with him, showing Mr. P his healing potions as proof. Together, they bring Lola over to Byron's camp, shifting all the resources in Mr. P's camp to Byron's as well

-Mico and Melodie, extremely hungry, search for food, water and a safe shelter to rest in

-Charlie heads out, looking for even more food to store and her hands full of weapons ready to attack and eliminate any tributes she encounters

-Lou searches for a camp as he walks through the jungle, heavily armed

-Otis begins setting up his traps around Charlie's camp, ready to reclaim his rightful territory

-After Sandy awakens, Clancy stifles his scream with a cloth and proposes forming an alliance. Sandy agrees gladly, needing someone to protect him while he sleeps

-Max, Meg and Surge head out, wanting to obtain even more resources like daggers and bombs, as well as eliminate other tributes who stand in their path

-Draco continues to fortify his base, placing traps and rigs around it in specific positions, as well as layering it with some wood as a shield of sorts

Deaths : 0

Tributes : 67

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