14. Pinky promise

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Joost and I have spent the rest of our day together, cuddling. It might sound cheesy but I really couldnt help it. I mean, when you see such a cute boy next to you, you cant help but nuzzle into his chest, right? We watched some movies, and took it slow. Joost had planned something for us tonight, I kept on questioning him about what we were going to do, but he hept his mouth shut. The only thing I was told was to wear something warm and comfortable, and to take my phone and airpods with me. I was so confused by the little information I got from him, but didnt complain.

It was pretty late and we ordered some pizza for the both of us, we talked and talked about everything, even though we already knew everything about eachother. He asked me about the music I wanted to make in the future, I thought about that question a long time. I wasnt sure if I really wanted to be a singer. I liked the writing part, writing was my escape from reality. I wrote about everything and everyone, my own perspective, and those from others. About things I have experienced, and things I will never experience in my life. I have always heard from people that I had a beautiful voice, and that I should do something with it. So I started singing, turning my poems into songs. I realized that since that, I slowly lost the joy in the writing part. Singing had always been one of my hobbies, but I never wanted it to be my job. I still wrote in my free time, poems and books, something else than songs. That was what I really wanted to do, what I wanted to do with my life.

Joost told me to just follow my dreams, forget about what other people expect me to do and be myself. I knew he was right, but I earned my money with singing, I couldnt just drop it. Writing a whole book takes alot of time, and what if you publish it and no one buys it? No money, and no money is no life. People say that money doesnt buy happiness, thats true, but without money, you cant live. I never needed alot of money to buy myself expensive desinger bags, but I needed money to survive. I was so afraid that I would fail, and my overthinking thoughts got the better of me. But would I rather live in fear that I would be unsuccesfull, and do something that makes me unhappy. Or do what I love to do and take a risk, for once in my life?

The last slice of pizza lay mournfully alone on the diner table of Joost's apartment, waiting to be eaten up. Joost nodded to me, asking if I wanted it. I declined his offer and not even a second later Joost grabbed the last piece and consumed it as fast as the light, making me snicker.

''Okay, we should go, are you ready?'' He asked me while getting up from the wooden chair, scraping the seat along the floor, creating an unsettling sound. I nodded to him and got up to, curious where he would take me. He told me it wasnt that far away, and that we could easily walk there.

I followed him outside, holding eachothers hands, never letting go. It was dark outside, a cold breeze blowing into our faces. It was quiet, no one else around, just us, against the world. Facing our problems together, finding solutions together, helping one another. I only needed him, and he only needed me, we only needed eachother. I could have a million men crushing over me, but it wouldnt even feel half as much as Joost's love for me.

Where's my love?

We arrived at the beach, the same beach where we shared our first kiss. Where all my problems seemed to fade, where I was alone with my favorite person on earth. I looked at Joost with love in my eyes, lots of love. Love for Joost, for remembering this, for caring. Tears started forming in my eyes, I couldnt help but get emotional over something as simple as this, im just sensitive little girl.

He took me to a open spot on the endless sea of tiny grains of sand, he laid down a large towel. He went to sit on the edge and patted the spot next to him, wanting me to come sit down next to him, which I did. My butt touching the hard ground beneath the towel, Joost grabbed my hand again and laid down. I did the same, Joost looked at the sky and I followed his gaze.

''So, what are we doing here?'' I asked him softly, my voice barely above a whisper. I turned my head to look at him, but he just kept on staring at the dark atmosphere above us.

''I wanted to take you on a date, and at first, I didnt really know what to do,'' He started as he slowly looked at me, our eyes locked. ''I didnt want it to be boring, I wanted it to be special. And I thought, that stargazing was the perfect idea. At the beach, where we had our first kiss, you know.'' He told me, a small smile appeared on my face again. This man, I swear to god.

''Joost stop, thats so cute.'' I told him as I gave him a small kiss on his pink rose lips. I was so in love with him, I dont think I have ever loved someone as much as I loved Joost. And i dont think that I have ever felt so loved by someone as I have with Joost.

And I dont think I will ever experience that love again.

I grabbed my phone and my airpods and gave one to Joost, which he happily accepted. And started playing Iris, my song, our song.

We both turned our heads to look at the beautiful glowing stars again, each one a little different than the other one. But what caught my attention, were three stars, shining so brightly. I grabbed Joost's hand and pointed to the three luminous stars that were floating in the dark sky above us.

''Look, you see those stars?'' I asked him, to which he nodded.

''They are shining so brightly, do you think that are your parents and my dad?'' I asked him, tears forming in my eyes, but still having a smile planted on my face. I saw a soft tear rolling down Joost's cheek, which I was quick to wipe away with my thumb.

''Im sorry,'' I mumbeled to Joost.

''Dont be,'' He turns his head to me again, holding my face with his hands, caressing my cheeks softly.

''Justine, do you promise to love me forever, and never leave me.'' He asked me, more tears falling from his breath-taking glowing eyes, shining just as bright as the stars.

''Ofcourse I promise.'' I answered him, feeling myself getting emotional to. I want to spent the rest of my life with him, I'll love him forever.

''Pinky promise?'' He asked me, pointing his pinky out for me.

''Pinky promise.'' I said to him while keeping our pinkies intertwined. I stared into his ocean eyes, his oh so beautiful ocean eyes, which I could never shut up about, and never will. How they still shine in the pitch dark, my light in the endless darkness.

Who turned the light off?

Okay okay, I did it yall,

and I honestly fucking love it?!!?

Btw expect another chapter later tonight...

Kisses author😘

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