[1] The new girl

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Hollywood Arts was a sanctuary for the strange and creative, a place where conformity was practically a sin. In this world of vibrant colors and eccentric personalities, Jade West was an enigma—dark, brooding, and fiercely independent. Her reputation as the school's resident bad girl was well-earned; no one crossed Jade unless they wanted a snarky remark or a death glare in return. But today, the atmosphere at Hollywood Arts was different, charged with the excitement of something—or someone—new.

Jade leaned against the graffiti-covered lockers, watching the usual morning chaos unfold. Her dark, kohl-lined eyes scanned the hall with practiced indifference, though inside, she was already irritated by the incessant buzz of gossip. Word had spread like wildfire: a new student was transferring in, someone supposedly brilliant and mysterious. Jade couldn't care less—until she saw her.

Harper Evans entered the school with an air of calm confidence, her crimson hair cascading in waves down her back. She wore black, but where Jade's style was sharp and intimidating, Harper's was soft and inviting, with lace details and velvet that contrasted against her pale skin. The rose tattoo winding up her arm caught Jade's attention, its intricate design standing out as a piece of art in its own right.

Jade's interest was piqued, though she'd never admit it. Harper was clearly different from the other students—there was an ease about her, a quiet self-assuredness that Jade found both intriguing and annoying. As Harper walked by, her green eyes locked with Jade's for a brief moment, and in that split second, something unspoken passed between them. It was as if Harper could see through Jade's tough exterior, straight to the core of who she really was.

Jade quickly looked away, annoyed with herself for even noticing. She wasn't the type to get flustered by some new girl, no matter how striking she was. But as she turned to head to class, she couldn't shake the feeling that Harper was different—dangerously so.


Harper's first day at Hollywood Arts was everything she expected and more. She had transferred from a prestigious art school in New York, where she had been somewhat of a prodigy, her paintings showcased in galleries at a young age. But despite her achievements, she had always felt out of place among the pretentious art crowd. Hollywood Arts, with its eclectic mix of talent and unfiltered creativity, felt like a fresh start.

As she navigated the unfamiliar hallways, Harper couldn't help but notice the stares. She was used to being the center of attention, but this was different. The students here weren't just curious—they were assessing her, sizing her up to see where she might fit in their world.

Harper had never been one to shy away from a challenge, so when she noticed a group of students whispering about her, she decided to introduce herself. Among them was a bubbly redhead, a girl with impossibly big eyes, and a tall guy with shaggy hair who looked like he belonged in a rock band.

"Hi, I'm Harper," she said with a warm smile, extending her hand. The redhead—Cat, as she introduced herself—immediately enveloped Harper in a hug, much to her surprise.

"I'm Cat! I love your hair! It's like a sunset!" Cat exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

"Thanks," Harper chuckled, not quite used to such exuberance. "I'm really excited to be here."

As the group exchanged pleasantries, Harper's attention kept drifting back to the girl she had noticed earlier—the one with the dark hair and even darker eyes. She had a presence about her that was hard to ignore, like a storm cloud hovering on the edge of a clear sky. Harper had always been drawn to complexity, and this girl radiated it in spades.

"Who's that?" Harper asked, nodding in Jade's direction.

Tori Vega, the tall brunette who seemed to be the unofficial leader of the group, followed her gaze and sighed. "That's Jade West. She's... well, she's a little intense. But once you get to know her, she's not so bad."

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