[7] Baby Girl (smut)

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Jade West stood outside Harper's front door, her heart pounding in her chest. Apologies were foreign territory for her, especially when it involved admitting that she'd been wrong. But this time, she couldn't just let things fester. Harper meant too much to her. She had to fix things, even if it meant swallowing her pride.

The cool night air bit at her exposed skin as she hesitated, hand hovering over the doorbell. She had rehearsed what she wanted to say a dozen times, yet now that she was here, every carefully chosen word seemed to slip through her fingers.

Finally, she gathered her courage and rang the bell. Seconds passed like hours until the door opened, revealing Harper on the other side. Harper's expression shifted from surprise to something more unreadable, guarded. It made Jade's stomach twist with unease.

"Jade," Harper said cautiously, standing firm in the doorway. "What are you doing here?"

Jade swallowed, trying to meet Harper's gaze. "I came to apologize," she began, her voice wavering slightly. "For... everything. I messed up."

Harper's eyes narrowed slightly, skepticism etched on her face. "Everything?" she echoed.

Jade nodded, taking a small step closer, but Harper's posture remained unchanged. "I was out of line. I shouldn't have said those things. I was angry, and I let it get the better of me. But that doesn't excuse it. I hurt you, and I'm sorry."

The silence that followed was excruciating. Jade could see the wheels turning in Harper's head, the uncertainty lingering in her eyes. Jade was bracing herself for whatever came next, whether it was forgiveness or more anger—she was ready for anything, except what happened next.

Without warning, Harper took a step closer, her expression shifting to something Jade couldn't quite read. Before Jade could fully process it, Harper reached up and gently pressed a finger to Jade's lips, cutting off any further words.

"You talk way too much, baby girl," Harper whispered, her voice low and teasing.

Jade blinked, momentarily thrown off. The words reverberated in her mind, that nickname causing something to stir deep inside her. A mix of confusion and excitement washed over her, leaving her breathless. Jade was never one to back down from a challenge, and Harper's words felt like just that—a challenge she was eager to accept.

Jade leaned in without hesitation, capturing Harper's lips in a kiss that started soft, but quickly grew more urgent. It was as though the floodgates had opened, every ounce of frustration, longing, and unspoken emotion pouring into that kiss. Harper responded in kind, her hands tangling in Jade's dark hair, pulling her closer still.

Their bodies pressed together as the kiss deepened, both of them moving with a hunger that surprised Jade. She hadn't expected this—hadn't expected Harper to want her back with the same fierce intensity she felt. And yet, here they were, caught in the midst of something neither could control.

The kiss grew more heated as they stumbled backward, somehow making their way to the stairs. Each step was clumsy and rushed, their lips never parting, their hands roaming over each other's bodies, desperate to touch, to feel.

By the time they reached Harper's bedroom, they were both breathless, flushed, and more than a little wild with desire. The door swung open, and Harper pulled Jade inside, pushing the door shut with her foot.

Jade wasted no time. She pressed Harper against the nearest wall, her lips finding Harper's neck, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin there. Harper gasped, her nails digging into Jade's shoulders as she arched into her touch.

"Jade..." Harper's voice was a mix of a plea and a command, but Jade wasn't sure which.

Jade lifted her head, her eyes locking with Harper's. There was a fire there, a raw need that mirrored her own, and it was all the encouragement Jade needed. She pushed Harper toward the bed, their bodies never losing contact, never slowing down.

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