Accidental Deadbeat Dad

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Deku yawned, resting his head in his hands as he stared at his computer. Another late night at the agency, he was supposed to go home at five, but he had offered to take Denki's shift so that he could be home for his son's birthday party. He wondered how Ochako was doing, he hadn't really seen her since Kyoto. He knew she had stayed there, met a guy or something and just stayed. Part of him wondered if that was true, or if she was just avoiding him. He knew that the morning of the mission she had been humiliated, waking up naked in his arms. She had called herself stupid, he had told her she wasn't stupid, that he cared for her very much and wanted to rekindle things after the mission, but she had brushed him off. He supposed that was fair, he wasn't a very good boyfriend. He sighed, well at least this way he could give his entire life to his work, lonely as that was. He hadn't had anything all night, he was bored out of his mind. He thought about calling Kacchan, but he knew he was either at that party or asleep, so he just sat, staring at his monitor and thinking about all of the things he had done to make himself so lonely. He never should have let Uraraka slip away. Than maybe he could have birthday parties he needed to be in attendance at lest there be tears. He wouldn't go home to an empty house. He frowned when he realized he was getting a call, his heart fell from his chest as he saw Uraraka's name on the phone. He accepted the call.

"Ochako! Are you okay?"


"H-Hi. Ochako. Are you okay?"


"Hi. Ochako.. Are you drunk?"

"I'm not Ochako."
Deku sighed, rolling his eyes, of course Ochako's phone had probably been stolen. Now he would have to change his number again. He didn't want to be rude though, so he stayed on the phone. "Who is this than?"
"I'm Kaz! What's your name?"

"I'm Deku." Deku said with a frown

"Deku! My mommy talks about you a lot! I like you Dekukun."

Deku's heart broke, he was speaking to Uraraka's child. "I like you too, Kaz." he said with a slight whimper, "Why are you awake so late?" this kid couldn't be older than three..

"I had a bad dream, but I didn't want to bother mommy. She said you never sleep. So I called you."
Deku frowned "What about your daddy?"
"My daddy isn't here."
"Where is he?"
"I don't know."
Deku frowned "I'm sorry to hear that Kaz, but you don't need him anyways. Your mommy can take care of you better than anyone else can. She's my hero."
"You're my hero Dekukun!"
"Thank you." Deku felt a little smug about that, whoever this child's father was could deal with that.

"I love you Deku."
Deku frowned slightly at that, what was he supposed to say? "I.. Love you too Kaz. How old are you?"

"I'm three and a half!"

Deku felt tears begin to streak his face, so this child was conceived pretty much immediately after his tryst with Ochako. For as much as she had cried about it, it sure hadn't meant much to her. He frowned, unless this was his child, but.. If that was the case than.. why would Ochako hide the child from him? Did she think he was an unfit father? Deku felt like the room was closing in on himself.

"Kaz.. Are you okay?"
"I-I'm going to hang up, okay? I'll talk to you again, though, I promise! Go see your mommy, I have some hero work to do."
"Okay Dekukun."
"I love you Kaz." he whimpered
"I love you too! Dekukun!"

"Goodnight sweet boy."
"Goodnight Dekukun."

Deku hung up the phone and started sobbing, calling Katsuki.
"Everything okay Deku?"
"I just spoke with Uraraka's child."
Katsuki frowned "Damn. I'm sorry."
"His name is Kaz. H-he's three and a half. So that means that you either got pregnant right after our night together, or I have a child in Kyoto."
Katsuki frowned "You didn't know?"

"Know what?"
"You didn't know about Kazuku Uraraka?"
"No. I just found out about him." Deku whimpered
Katsuki sighed "That bitch. I'm sorry Deku. Do you want me to come over?"
Deku nodded "Yes please." how was he unaware of this child's existence? No headlines? None of his friends had told him? Did the kid just look nothing like him? Even if he didn't. People asked him if Melissa's child was his, and he wasn't even in America the year he was born. So what was going on with this kid? He googled his name, tears streaming down his face as he found the announcement the hospital he was born in had issued on the day of his birth.

Kazuku Uraraka

Born July 4th 2055
Mother Ochako Uraraka Father unlisted

Weight 9 pounds 4 ounces Length 50.8 cm

Sex: Male Hair color: Green Eye Color Brown

Blood type: 0 Other features: Freckles on cheeks and nose Pink pads on finger tips and toes.

Quirk: Unknown

Either Ochako really had a type, or this was his baby boy.. And he had missed three years of his life. How could Uraraka do this? Did she think he was a monster who wouldn't love his kid? Before he could think better of it, he was calling her to ask her.
"Hello?" Ochako sounded sleepy

"How could you?" He whimpered
"Who is this?"
"The father of your fucking son!" Deku whined "How come you didn't tell me? What did you think I would do?"
"Let me get away from him, okay? I don't want to wake him."

Deku nodded "of course."

Ochako went out to her kitchen where he started to cry, Deku felt bad, "Ocha I just.."

"He was the result of a one night stand and I didn't want you to be with me because of a mistake we made the night before we thought we were about to die."

"I loved you. I told you I loved you before I knew about him! And even if I didn't! I had a right to know."
"I didn't want-"
"Do you think he wasn't going to find out? He's the child of the number one hero! He sees me on the news! He knows my name."
"If he ever asked.. I was going to.."
"Tell him I'm too busy for him? Like Shigaraki's dad? Sounds like a great fucking plan! I thought you were smart and kind! But you shut me out of my son's life because you were insecure."
"I'm sorry Dekukun."
"Fuck you." He whimpered "I.. I still love you, but you broke my heart. I-I'm going to meet him. I'm coming tomorrow."

Ochako nodded "Okay."

Deku frowned, he felt awful. "Ochako.. I.. I meant it. I love you. I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much, but I love you." He whimpered "I'm going to make it right. I'm going to be in Kaz's life."

Ochako nodded "I'm sorry Dekukun. I don't hate you. I just didn't want to tie you to me forever. I figured you probably had lots of kids.. Why would mine be special?"
Deku started sobbing "Why? Why would you think that? I don't sleep around!"
"You slept with me."

"Because I love you! I wanted to be with you and I assumed you wanted to be with me!"

"But Melissa Shield-"
"Had a kid with her husband! Kaz is my only child!" How could Ochako believe that? That he was just some sort of Casanova who slept with everyone and didn't care if he got them pregnant. He was a dork who didn't have time to sleep around. He was also a child who was abandoned by his dad, he would never abandon his own child.

Deku sighed at the floor "Kacchan is coming over. I'm going to ask him to take over my role for the week and I'm coming to meet my fucking kid."

"I'm angry with you, Ocha, but I still love you. I-I want us to patch things up. Is there any way you can move here?"
Ochako frowned "I-I don't know Deku.." She whimpered

"We'll talk about it when I get there." He sighed, "I-I love you."
"I love you too Dekukun." the next day was going to be hard. She had worked hard to bury the rumors that Kaz was Deku's kid, and with Deku coming to see them.. it was going to be obvious she lied. Her son was about to be the middle of a media shit storm. She sighed, she should have known this would happen. She brewed herself some tea and started to prepare her home for Deku to come over. When Kaz woke up they would go get groceries. She wasn't sure how to prepare him for everything, but she supposed she would have to try.

Kazuku UrarakaWhere stories live. Discover now