Chapter 21

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My body felt warm and fuzzy, but a slight pain ran down my leg. I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the bright light. I wasn't dead.

I was in the hospital.

"Tori, thank goodness you're awake. I was beginning to worry. The femoral artery is dangerous. I'm so glad you made it through."

"Dad, where is Theo?"

Patterson sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I knew you were going to ask that first thing. Tori, I'm sorry, but Theo quit and hopped on a plane to a random state. He told me to give you this." Patterson handed me an envelope. "I'll give you a minute."

As my heart raced, I tore open the envelope and yanked out the letter.


I understand you might be upset with me for leaving and explaining things in a letter. I apologize, but I believe that it was the best decision at the time. I want you to know that I do love you. Your recent brush with death has made me realize some important things, and there are matters that I must attend to. Please refrain from trying to locate me. I don't want you to find me. I will find you when the time is right. Pursue your aspirations without feeling constrained by my absence. I regret not being able to keep you safe and prevent what happened. I know I will see you again in the future. If you can't wait for me, then don't try. I know my leaving is sudden and not at a perfect time. Gain back your strength during your recovery time. You mean so much to me. I love you, Tesoro.


My eyes welled up with a mix of sadness and anger. How could he leave me after I got shot? It feels like a betrayal, especially since he was the one who rushed me to the hospital and saved my life. I can't help but wonder if he's blaming himself for what happened.

"Dad," I called. My father returned to the room and took a seat. "Has Theo told you anything?"

"Not much. He said you need to move on from him and find someone else. Theo left Tori, and he doesn't want you to find him. Maybe it's meant to be."

"Is it possible that it was all planned? Dad, Theo, and I share a deep bond! Since the day we reconnected, he's been my constant support. It's hard to believe he would suddenly vanish without a proper farewell. Perhaps there was an unexpected family emergency he never disclosed, or... wait, did you intervene and send him away? Did you compensate him or fabricate a story to dismiss him like you did with Royce?"

Patterson's brows furrowed as he stood up. "I'm doing everything I can to ensure my daughters' safety! With everything happening recently, I can't bear the thought of Morgan ending up with a volatile boyfriend or, worse, someone who can't keep her safe!"

I scoffed, "Theo, along with Oliver, Archer, and Daniel, did an incredible job protecting me. They all put their lives on the line. If it weren't for Theo, I wouldn't be in this hospital. Yes, I was injured, but I'm still alive, Dad. And what about you? You outsourced the help and did nothing while I was missing and suffering at the hands of someone you failed to confront initially! Don't lecture me on safety when your concern is only for yourself!"

"Tori, that is n-"

"I welcomed you back into my life after you left. It wasn't necessary, but I chose to. I placed my trust in you! Now leave!"


"Get out," I yelled.

My father disappeared, and I was left alone for several minutes—minutes that let me think about my next move. I wouldn't let Theo get away so easily; I loved him. The man is always chasing after the woman; maybe it's time for the woman to chase after the man.

*Two Months Later*

With the help of Arianna, Oliver, Daniel, and Archer, we have searched for Theo for the last two months. It wasn't easy because we hardly had anything to go on. I hadn't given up on finding him, and my heart still raced for him anytime I thought we were close. I wish he never disappeared from me. I understand why now, but he never had to.

"Is this the right address?" Arianna asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, 5430 Walnut Street, Henderson, Nevada. It's empty. Why would we be led to an empty house?"

A reassuring squeeze on my shoulder made me turn. "Tori, you're going to want to see this," Oliver said.

I followed Oliver, and we stopped in front of a house similar to the one we were looking at. The grass was freshly mowed, and flowers were planted outside. Inside the house, there was movement. A woman wearing a head wrap looked young and pale. A man entered the room—a man named Theo. He kissed her and led her to the couch to sit down.

Memories of helping my mother flooded my mind. She was so weak she could hardly stand or move by herself. Cancer sucked, and some people needed twenty-four-hour care.

"Is this why he left Oliver? Do all of you know the reason, and you didn't tell me?" I asked.

Daniel and Archer looked at each other cluelessly, but Oliver nodded. "I knew about it and was sworn not to tell you, Tori. He's my best friend, and trust me, he loves you."

I began to cry, and the tears blurred my vision. "If he loved me, he would have told me what was happening. Who is she?"

"Her name is Holly. Theo and Holly grew up together, and they were best friends. They had a pact that if something ever life-threatening happened to one another, they would be there for each other. Holly was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and has not improved. She's at her last few months of life."

"Does he love her?" I asked.

"Of course, he loves her, but nowhere near as much as you. Holly was always more of a friend, but she had feelings for him. Theo didn't tell you for many reasons. Theo hadn't planned to leave, but he made the hard choice when Holly called him. Holly has no one, and Theo didn't want her to be alone."

I wiped my tears and nodded. "I understand. I wouldn't have wanted my Mom to be alone either. I was with her every step of the way. Why did he never mention her, though?"

Oliver gave a noncommittal shrug. "I'm not sure about that part. Theo has always been secretive about his life, even with me. He seldom shares anything, but I make it a point to keep his secrets. It was necessary for you to see this and understand that our journey here wasn't in vain. Theo is safe, and I believe you will be as well. With some time apart, I'm confident you both will find your way back to one another."

I hoped Oliver was right because the man I was looking at through a window was still the same man who saved me those months ago. Theo loved me for who I was and who I am becoming. He wanted me to pursue my dreams with or without him, so while I wait for him to come back to me, that's what I'll do.

"Can we go now?" I asked. "I think I've seen enough, and I don't want him to spot us lurking outside. Theo kept himself hidden for a reason."

Oliver nodded. "Yeah, we can go. I'm sorry, Tori. About all of this."

"It's alright, Oliver. I'm not angry, just disappointed. I will continue to live by my mother's advice: live as if tomorrow is not promised, whether Theo is in my life or not."

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