Chapter 8

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After getting back from filming, it was close to midnight. We were almost done with the movie and would've been done sooner if it hadn't been for Logan screwing up his likes multiple times. I feel he did it intentionally so he could be around me longer. Whatever the reason, he had annoyed me. Logan Brookshire was not one to quickly forget his lines.

I was exhausted, so I showered and went straight to bed. The rest of the household was asleep, but I couldn't keep my eyes shut long enough because of a loud noise on my window.

There was a tree outside, and sometimes, the branches hit the window, making a loud, annoying noise. When this happened, I switched bedrooms for the night, and lucky for me, Arianna wasn't here tonight. The spare bedroom she stayed in was on the other end of the house, and it was one of my favorite rooms because it used to be my mother's bedroom. Arianna kicked in her sleep; I learned that the hard way over the years and have vowed never to sleep in the same bed as her unless I have no other choice. I love her to death, but I will not be kicked when trying to get my beauty rest.

Not wanting to get out of my cozy bed, I did anyway and slipped on my gray silk robe, which had my initials across the left side. Thankfully, the house floor didn't creak when I walked, so I shouldn't wake anyone up.

A hand slipped over my mouth, and I shrieked, but the sounds of my screams were muffled. Someone forcefully turned me around, and my eyes went wide.

"Miss me?"

My attacker from that night. How was he here in my house? I thought Theo took care of him. I was not going to let him take advantage of me again, especially not in my home.

I did the only thing I could think of, considering my nonexistent fighting experience. I kneed him where the sun didn't shine and ran down the staircase into another figure. I backed up, afraid it was someone else.

"Woah, Tori, calm down, it's only me," Oliver said.

"H-He's upstairs," I stuttered.

The two bedroom doors where Theo and Archer were staying swung open. Theo's eyes met mine. "Stay here with her. I'm going to take care of him."

Theo grabbed something from his room—a gun. I had never seen him with one before, but I should've known he had one. It was customary for an agent of almost any kind to carry a weapon because, usually, your enemy had one as well.

Oliver pulled me into his and Theo's bedroom and closed the door. I sat in my mother's chair, my knees curled to my chest, and I closed my eyes.

"Did he hurt you?" Oliver asked.

I shook my head. "No, he said miss me. It's the same guy from-"

Theo barged into the room, looking annoyed. "Tori, there was no one upstairs. I checked every room. Not even a window was cracked."

My feet hit the floor, and I stood. "What?! H-He was there! I'm not crazy, Theo! It was the same man that attacked me after the ceremony!"

Theo became puzzled. "What the hell do you mean it was the same man from after the ceremony? It can't be. He's not even supposed to be in this state, Tori."

"It was him! I was walking to another bedroom because I couldn't sleep due to the tree branch hitting my window. He came up behind me and said miss me! Why would I make that up?"

Theo shook his head. "I'm not saying you made it up; it's the fact that when I went upstairs, no one was there. I did a thorough check. I'll do another one in the morning. For now, we all need to get some rest. Oliver, why don't you stay upstairs to be on the safe side? Tori can stay down here with us."

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