RABW 6: Their King

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Nervous was not appropriate to describe what Apollo, Karina, and Arthur were feeling at that very moment. It doesn't show on their face but it can be clearly seen from their stiff posture. It was the first time they would encounter the king in this kind of environment. Ever since they worked in the palace, they were treated with fairness and kindness although the king would get angry from to time but it was not at a level like what they are experiencing now.

They can literally feel the killing intent coming off from the king. They remained silent and waited for the king to speak first. Although they consider the king as their benefactor, right now they are facing a father who was ready to erupt anytime. They stood there as if they were waiting for their deaths.

It was their responsibility to protect the prince. The task was given to them personally by the king after they were saved and employed in the palace. Their sole purpose was to be Orion's shield but they failed and they were ready to face the consequence of their failure. If the prince was not able to pull out of that predicament, their heads would surely be not attached to their bodies that very moment. The fact that they were still well, gave them a slight hope that they would continue to live, though they might face something similar to death, it was okay because they would rather suffer any punishment than to face death.

"Now tell me what happened." The king spoke in his commanding voice that shook the entire room. It also sent shivers of fear to the members of the Order.

Hearing the command, Apollo did not waste time and immediately responded with a stiff posture. He cautiously reported everything not leaving anything unsaid. As Apollo recounted the events earlier that day, the king's angry expression turned to rage as he clenched and unclenched his fists trying to suppress his rage.

"Where is my son right now?" the king asked.

"He is currently being examined by the palace physician," Apollo answered.

King Leon stood up and left the room without giving them any glance. He'd rather go and check if his son is alright than talking with the Order of the Blue Phoenix. The Order breathes a sigh of relief after the king left. "That was intense," Karina spoke.

"Yeah, I almost forgot how to breathe," Arthur admitted. He was considered fearless in their group but when it comes to the king's temper, he was also like the other two, tense and nervous.

"Don't be relieved yet, you will still face your punishment after the king is done with his visit to his son." A voice from a corner echoed in the room. The order stood in attention.

"We understand General Reious," Apollo spoke for the three of them.

"Well, then you are dismissed. Await for the king's order in your quarters," General Reious ended the conversation. The Order returned to their quarters and waited for what would happen to them.

Leon entered the room without knocking and saw that the physician was currently bandaging Orion's neck. A frown formed on his mouth after seeing the scene. He silently stood at the side while waiting for the physician to finish.

"How is he?" his low commanding voice asked the physician after he was finished with his task.

"The prince is fine your majesty, the wound on his neck is not deep so it will heal naturally. He just needs enough rest since he expended too much internal energy," the physician politely explained. He could feel that the king was not in a good mood. It seems that he needed to warn the others to be careful for the following days.

"Okay then, you may go." The physician silently left the room while the king remained. Silence remained inside the room as the prince observed his father. He can feel the oppressive aura emanating from the king's person. Orion knew that his father was not in a bad mood but nevertheless he will still say what is on his mind.

"Father you need to calm down," Orion's calm voice pierced through the suffocating atmosphere. "It was no one's fault, what happened already happened you can't undo it. What we should be focusing on right now is how to capture the intruder," he calmly added. In this situation, he needed to become the calm one.

"That's easy for you to say. What you did was beyond reckless. You almost lost your life. What would happen if you did not have your affinity? You were lucky Orion, but remember this it will not always be the case. Luck can run out," Leon answered in a serious voice as he leveled his gaze at his stubborn son. "I've already mobilized the Castor Infantry to track the woman who trespassed in our lands, while you, on the other hand, will remain inside the palace and reflect on what you did wrong," the king announced which made Orion angry amidst his vow to remain calm.

"You can't do that!" Orion was not happy. "I'm not a-"

"Enough!" He was cut off by the loud booming voice of the king. He averted his eyes as he met his father's. "It's within my power to do what I deem is right, you are not to oppose this order. Do you understand me, Prince Orion?" he emphasized on the word Prince to remind Orion of his position in their kingdom.

"Yes, your majesty." Orion quietly answered. He hated it when his father would use his authority to impose his orders on him but right now he can't do anything. It is obvious that his father would not listen to his words.

King Leon left Orion's quarters and returned to his study, he sent for the Order once again. The king sat on his chair and remained silent for a long time. He was in deep thought and did not notice that the atmosphere became more and more stiff and uncomfortable.

"I've employed you to protect my son and that includes protecting him from himself, do you understand?" the king's deep voice broke through the oppressing stillness.

"Yes your majesty," the three answered simultaneously with a steady voice as much as they could. They don't want to give the king any more bad impression about them just because they showed any weaknesses in front of the king.

"I will tolerate this incident since you are the only ones I can trust enough to protect my son so you should do your job well. The prince's life is above everything else, do you hear me?" The Order knew what those words imply and they are willing to do everything in their power to uphold the order given to them.

Without any more words and just a wave of his hand, the king dismissed them. The king leaned on his chair and closed his eyes. He remained in that position for the rest of the day.

Apollo, Karina, and Arthur went to the prince's quarters only to see him frowning. "So I guess you were also punished." Arthur sat on a chair adjacent to the prince's bed.

"More like I was shut down," Orion muttered. The Order remained silent at those words since even they were scolded. It's true that they remained unscathed but the pressure on them became heavier than before. It is equivalent to being punished.

Arthur sighed, "You're not the only one who was shut down, we all were. Well we can't do anything about it either, it is the king's orders."

"You don't need to listen to my father, you know that right?" Orion faced his personal guards with a serious face.

"We owe him our lives your highness and we pledged our allegiance to him. This whole thing, this is how we repay him for his kindness and generosity. I hope you understand," Apollo interjected. "We can't very well defy his orders just because you said so."

"Stubborn as always," Orion shook his head. The three of them were extremely loyal to his father and even though they were also loyal to him, they will always prioritize his father's words.

"Tsk, you're one to talk. Let me tell you this, you are more stubborn than us," Karina huffed and sent a glare towards Orion.

"You know me very well then." He can't help but chuckle. He shoved the recent conversation with his father in the back of his mind and just picked the book lying on his bedside table and opened it.

"Just call us when you need anything," Karina reminded as they left him in the solace of his room.

"You are not my servants, you are my guards besides I'm not an invalid to rely on the three of you on small matters that I can do by myself," Orion mumbled before they closed the door which made Karina roll her eyes. Orion remained silent and stared out the window.

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