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The night before Dreigh's departure, their family of three ate dinner. All the tension has calmed down and they eventually came to terms with what was going to happen. After the simple dinner, Levhon nagged all night to remind Dreigh of the things he should look out for and to always be careful of his surroundings.

The newly built military institute is an unknown territory and utmost vigilance is needed in that place. A propaganda was done months ago about that said institute but Levhon has still some misgivings inside his heart about that place. Even though they have said that the institute was built to nurture the next military force of their kingdom with the best facilities and teachers, no one really knows what will be going on inside this kind of institute. Levhon was full of worries but he dare not say it out loud. He didn't want Dreigh to feel worried or to be anxious over a baseless feeling.

An overcast sky greeted them the next morning, it was like even the sky was feeling desolate together with them. Mr. Mazir also came early to keep the father and daughter in sending Dreigh. Even he was wearing a rarely seen unsmiling face. They all rode the carriage brought by Mr. Mazir towards the central plaza where members of the government would come to escort the remnants to the institute.

Along the way, they could see people walking in the direction of the plaza. This scene resembles those celebrations they had in the past but except there were no decorations or happy laughter. You could see people grouped and are whispering with each other. Upon reaching the plaza, they saw people scattered at every corner. The carriage stopped at a vacant space, Dreigh was the first one to get down followed by his family and Mr. Mazir. They also stood there to wait for the escorts to come. The plaza was specially vacated for this day, normally it would be filled with lined stalls of food, garments, weapons, books, and more but now it was just full of people who were there to send their family members or just to spectate and gossip.

Remnants could also be easily spotted among the crowd because they were either stared at or being isolated by the others. Most of them can be noticed to be alone and stood a bit away from the other people, they were like outcasts.

Mr. Mazir patted Dreigh on the back albeit a little stronger, "Don't be nervous boy. You shouldn't fear anyone believes that you are stronger than any of them. Don't get intimidated by whomever they had sent to instruct you in that institute and remember to always watch your back."

"Thank you Mr. Mazir," Dreigh nodded. "Please take care of my family while I'm away."

"Don't worry, I'll help them whenever I can," Mr. Mazir smiled at the young man.

"Stop worrying bout us, you should be worrying about yourself," Levhon spoke up for the first time that morning.

Dreigh can only smile helplessly at his father's stern attitude. "I understand."

"Please take care of yourself there brother," Everleigh was sad but she cannot do anything aside from hoping that her brother will stay safe always.

Dreigh patted his sister's head gently, "yes, you need to take care of yourself too."

They fell into silence after those words and silently waited for people to come. Not long after, the sound of hoofs echoed through the place and the whispering came to a hush. All eyes were focused at the main entrance of the plaza, anticipating the entrance of the people sent to get the remnants away.

Horses entered the plaza, all of which were black, magnificent, and tall. The horses came to a halt at the center of the plaza. An intimidating presence can be felt from these magnificent creatures coupled with the sharp temperament of their riders. One by one, soldiers dismounted from the horses and stood in attention. They were wearing the standard issued uniform of a red jacket with the kingdom's insignia embedded on it. The insignia showed a circle which symbolizes the infinite authority the rulers of Glasfale hold. Inside the circle was an oak tree with a dragon coiling around it. In ancient times, many had considered the oak tree as a symbol of unyielding strength and was then later on considered as a sacred object. The dragon symbolizes the immeasurable power their kingdom holds. The whole insignia was summed up into two words, power and authority.

Below the insignia, a V letter was carved showing which group the soldiers belong to. Seeing the carved letter, everyone understood that these soldiers came from the well known fifth battalion of the army under the Supreme Commander's direct control. They were composed of soldiers who were feared on the battlefield because they were not afraid to die. The fifth battalion was vicious and ferocious and was called by most as the den of beasts.

The whispering once again started at the sight of these elite soldiers. Some people even took a step back in fear after knowing who their guests were. The poker face of the soldiers remained as they didn't care what the people around feel or think. A man, radiating power, stepped forward, unlike the others, he was wearing a long red coat with an all-black fitted shirt and pants underneath it. He was a bit dressed casually than the others but it can be easily understood that he was the leader of the group.

"Scram!" He shouted in a deep and coarse voice. "We are not here to give you a show, so if you are not the ones we are looking for, better leave this place immediately."

Very reluctantly, one by one the onlookers left the plaza. As much as they wanted to see what's going to happen they did not dare to stay in case they offend these fierce soldiers. Family members of the remnants also bid farewell to their sons, daughters, and husbands.

Everleigh reluctantly left with his father and Mr. Mazir. She was scared when she saw those soldiers and became more anxious for his brother but Dreigh gave him a reassuring smile. With a nod from his son, Levhon pulled Everleigh towards the carriage and they left.

There was at least a hundred remnant who remained and waited for what the other party would say. The man's gaze swept through the crowd in silent scrutiny. Captain Marthis Corven was assigned to look after the recruits for the new additional men to their forces. He was told that these people are different and they will greatly increase the fighting power of every troop they have once they were trained. He had doubts and was not a believer in unique abilities that a person can have but he still accepted the job because it was from the higher one on top.

Captain Corven randomly picked someone and gestured for him to come forward. The person he picked was a girl about the age of sixteen or seventeen, she stepped forward without a hint of fear or nervousness. Corven was impressed by this, it was a very good impression.

"How old are you?" he asked to confirm her age.

"Seventeen," the girl answered without flinching.

"I was told that all of you here had unique abilities, so what's yours?" he asked in an authoritative voice that can normally scare away people but the girl remained stoic in front of him.

"I can summon a tornado," she nonchalantly answered. Corven raised an eyebrow, summon a tornado, that would be helpful but on a battlefield what they need was more than a tornado, maybe a hurricane.

"Show me."

The girl lifted her right hand and made a swirling motion, slowly the air gathered in her palms until a small swirling air was formed. She looked at the captain and smirked before she threw the swirling wind towards the captain which Corven easily dodged.

"Is that it?" Corven was not impressed.

"Tsk, why don't you try looking behind you?" the girl pointed at a spot behind him. Corven looked up and saw a raging tornado creating damage to the nearby buildings until the girl waved his hand and the tornado dispersed in an instant. Corven didn't speak, well that was unexpected on his part.

"You'll pay for that right? Since you asked me to use my ability," the girl taunted and gave the captain a wide grin.

Corven waved his hand indicating for the girl to return to where she was standing. The girl turned back and shrugged his shoulders like nothing happened. One by one, Corven asked them to step forward and made his subordinate make a list of their names, ages, and abilities. He also made some of them demonstrate what they can do.

They were at it for almost three hours now, until Dreigh was called for his turn. Dreigh calmly walked towards the captain and stood in front of him.

REMNANT: A Battle WithinWhere stories live. Discover now