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Upon returning to the camp, Dreigh and the other remnants were called to assemble to the ground. The surrounding was silent and the anger from the commanding officer can be felt in waves. He was staring down on them like they were convicts, the animosity was too much to bear.

"I heard that you messed up during the operation?" The commanding officer asked.

"We didn't mess up. The enemy was faster than us. They targeted the soldiers who were supposed to make an ambush," one remnant explained but the commanding officer was not convinced.

"Yes, I've heard but you didn't move to save them. It is a capital crime to abandon one's comrade," he sneered in contempt. The longer he looked at these remnants, the more he felt sour in his heart. They were completely useless even with those abilities they have.

Endo became angry with the accusation and before he could even say something, the girl saved by Dreigh spoke up, "How can we save them when we can't even save ourselves? The man who did the attack was much more powerful than us, several of us even died without a fight!" She exclaimed in rage. These people were blind, it didn't mean that just because they have abilities they are invincible and can save everybody. Nobody can do something like that.

"That only means that you are a bunch of useless ability users. You can't even defeat one man with all your combined abilities. You are just making excuses to justify yourselves." The commanding officer did not believe the girl's words.

"Excuses? I'm telling the truth! You're the one who is deaf for not listening to whatever we say! We accepted the truth that we are used as your shield as you cowardly ran for your lives while we sacrifice ourselves to save your sorry selves." The girl did not hold back. She was fed up with all the high and mighty act of all the soldiers in their camp.

"Enough! Do you think you have the right to question me? You're only a tool for us to use, we can dispose of you anytime we want," the commanding officer threatened. "What happened today will be reported to Commander General Rozen, you will be waiting for your punishment."

The girl wanted to speak again but Dreigh held her back. He shook his head to tell her not to continue anymore. The girl reluctantly backed down and they all went to their tents and sat there dejectedly. Vira got to the task of helping Dreigh and the other remnants that were injured.

No one talked throughout the night and not one of them had a good night's sleep. They were worried about the punishment they would receive, they just hoped that nothing severe will be given to them. The anger and frustration they have been feeling are slowly building up and anytime it might explode. No matter what they say or do, those soldier's looks will never change.


At the military institute, Commander General Rozen received the news of their defeat that day and what the remnants had done. According to the letter, the remnants did not fulfill their role on the battlefield causing more of their soldiers to die. The letters also said that the remnants acted against their commanding officer and are currently waiting for punishment.

Rozen threw the letter on the table and sighed. He didn't expect that the remnants will not change their attitude and even had the nerve to talk back to their superior. It was a disappointment to not have at least one decent remnant they can coax to their side.

Captain Mathis picked the letter and browsed through it, "what will you do now commander general?" He put the letter down and waited for the general's answer.

"They'll receive their punishment once the war is over, let them continue what they are doing right now. Whoever survives will receive the punishment," Rozen casually answered. He doesn't want to think about them anymore or he will only be reminded of the failure he experienced. "I also want you to the base and help the commanding officer to keep those remnants inline."

Mathis immediately set off after the command was given without questions. It would also give him the excuse to go and observe the remnants in action. He wanted to see if they really are helpful in a real battle.


A wisp of wind blew through the battlefield carrying the decaying smell of rotting bodies and the metallic smell of blood. The surrounding was littered with bodies and discarded weapons but that is not the end. That war will continue to leave lost lives in the wake of its destruction. Dreigh looked out on the horizon and felt the weight of the lives that perish on that battlefield but he cannot do anything to change it. He could only close his eyes and whisper a small prayer for them.

They were not ready, Dreigh knew it in his heart but they were thrown into this chaos so all they could do was to fight in order to survive.

"Hey, why are you out here?" Dreigh looked behind and saw Vira.

"Nothing," he returned his gaze into the horizon and fell silent once again.

Vira flopped beside Dreigh, "I hope we can stay alive after this battle."

Dreigh did not speak. The silence lasted until they were once again called for the night patrol. The officers assigned in that camp were cruel and without consideration, they would send the remnants as the first line of offense and defense, it was the reason why many of them had died. Yes, they were humans with abilities but they are not steel nor rock that cannot die. For the past days, this has become the norm among them, send the remnants to shield the other soldiers from the fire.

They could see that everything the officials do were intentional. Even the soldiers who were supposed to be their comrades were looking at them differently. It was very different when they were still with their own families or just wandering around alone, at least in those situations, no one would constantly throw them a look of contempt every day.

"We should get a rest, I bet that we will have a very long day tomorrow, especially you Dreigh, you sustained injuries so you need to rest," Vira spoke and urge the other three to their tent and lie down.

The following morning, they assembled on the grounds early and waited for what the officials will say. Most of the remnants silently hoped that their punishment would be to not fight while the others didn't want to take a guess.

A man in a familiar uniform walked and stood before them, Mathis only arrived an hour ago to relay the Commander General Rozen's command that he didn't even take proper rest. He silently stood there only to see the once-proud remnants reduced to a sorry and messy state. He moved his gaze on the crowd and saw that most of them were injured and covered with bandages.

"Commander General Rozen decided to postpone your punishment until the war is over. You will still remain on your original posts," he announced and saw the disappointed look on some of them. He didn't know if he should be happy with this look or would be angry.

The atmosphere around the camp became tenser as the day passed by, everyone was waiting for something to happen. In the midst of all this, Mathis visited the area patrolled by the remnants.

"What do you want?" one remnant asked, annoyed.

"Tsk, nothing changed in your personality even after staying in this place," Mathis mocked.

The remnant only glared at him and returned to ignoring him. Mathis roamed around until he saw Dreigh. He walked up to the young man and stood beside him. "Why don't you tell me what happened?"

Dreigh eyed him and didn't speak but Mathis did not stop. "If you can tell me what happened I might be able to help you in explaining to the Commander General."

"We faced a person who can control the wind. He was stronger, a lot stronger than any of us. The soldiers lying in ambush were all killed instantly without even a chance to fight back, they all died before we could even lend them a hand. The man attacked us, he only used sharp wind blades to destroy the walls we made. After the confrontation, fairy shaped air floated towards him before he turned back and left us." Dreigh summarized what happened. He doesn't have the intention of concealing what had happened but the commanding officer in charge of them didn't want to listen to them.

Mathis was stunned at the information, especially about the man who can be able to command the wind. Based on the description given by Dreigh, he had a rough guess on what kind of remnant the man was.

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