Chapter 53 - Licked Wounds and Shattered Hearts

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The lights were off when we pulled into the driveway and the house was very still when we walked inside.

Nothing but the hum of the fridge and the familiar, ever-present sound of mechanical beeping that came muffled from the master bedroom, maybe a cough every once in a while.

I looked in the direction of mine and Cassandra's bedroom. The door was shut with the faint warm light of Cassandra's bedside lamp, spilling out the door.

Ben did as he always did when we arrived home and immediately went to his bedroom to check on his wife. Lately with the door closed, as her condition worsens.

I almost never see her awake these days...

I felt odd being so shy going into my own bedroom. However, Cassandra had become somewhat of a recluse since yesterday.

I could see her spirit waning over the last week with every new problem, and I felt for the younger girl.

I knew not being able to see Nick was taking a toll on her as well. Her head always bent to pier at the phone she was holding, grasping it like a lifejacket.

I nudged the door open subtly, peeking my head in first to Cassandra on her side, curled in a sort of fetal position. Her head picked up at the sound of the door opening.

"It's just me." I whispered; afraid I had woken her from a nap. It didn't surprise me when her head immediately dropped back down to her pillow. Her movements go still and it's as if I never stepped into the room.

I try not to feel hurt, trying to understand that she was sad. I crept over to my bed and sat, staring not sure if I should engage her or not.

I took a deep breath, letting the stillness of the room settle around me.

Cassandra had always been the more vibrant one between us, her energy filling the space wherever she went. Seeing her so withdrawn was unsettling, like watching a light slowly dim.

"Cassandra," I began softly, testing the waters. "Do you want to talk?"

There was no response, just the faint sound of her breathing. I bit my lip, trying to find the right words, the right way to reach out to her without pushing too hard. I knew she was hurting, missing Nick, and probably feeling trapped.

I leaned back against the headboard, staring at the ceiling. The events of the past few days played on a loop in my mind, taking over every thought and action. I felt so selfish wanting to tell her about my family, wanting her to comfort me when she needed help.

My hands run down my head. I suck in air, trying to muster the courage to speak.

"I'm sorry," I said finally, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry you and Nick got tied up with my problems."

For a moment, I thought she hadn't heard me, that she was too lost in her own thoughts to respond. But then, slowly, she turned her head to look at me. Her eyes were red-rimmed,anger spreading like a small cloud of smoke now a full fire as she fully turned toward me.

"Cass?" I said again, my voice trembling as I took in her expression. The anger in her eyes was undeniable, a bubble of emotion that had been building for days, maybe even weeks.

I could see her jaw clench as she struggled to find the words, and I braced myself for whatever was coming next.

"You're sorry?" she finally spat out, her voice low but dripping with venom. "Sorry for what, Jane? Sorry for dragging us into this mess? Sorry for almost getting us killed?"

I flinched at her words, the guilt tightening around my chest like a vice. I had expected this—knew it was coming—but that didn't make it any easier to hear.

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