Ep 5 The Mirror monster part 4

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EP 5 Grimwood Ghouls, The mirror monster part 4

Miss grimwood sat in her office going through some old books of hers with her reading glasses..matches was relaxing peacefully on his small dragon bed..

" mmh..I don't know matches..sibella was acting very strange a dinner..I know for sure their was something up with her..
but I notice all day she was acting strange.." she said putting down her book. " I really should go and see if their is anything bothering her.." she said to matches. who looked up at her and nodded..he then let out a few mutters and growls..

" what ? you say there was something off about her too huh ? I think we all ca agree to that

matches then stood up and nodded..he then began growling and muttering again..

" something off about the way she smelled ? that's...very peculiar . " miss grimqood said rubbing her chin

matches then nodded and growled at the door ....pointing at it with his webbed paw..

" well then...certainly I will look into this..I know for sure when something is up with my students.." she said making her towards the door.. " come on then let's go find her.." with that she opened the door and headed out..though matches began to smell the air and growled s he looked back into the room. but was called to fallow by miss grimwood...

as she left the room she was unaware of the dark glowing red eyes that appeared on the wall behind her fallowed by a evil chuckle..

meanwhile in sibella's room...

the ghouls all looked around when they notice that she was no where in her room..not even the mirror she seemed to be so obsessed with...

" I wonder were she went ? " tanis said

" I don't know..I think this is really strange..Ii tell you I knew something was up.. " winnie said.." and why did she take that mirror with her were ever she went..

" I'm not sure..But I think this confirms it has something to do with that Mirror.." Elsa pointed out..

" umm girls ? " tanis said looking worried..

they both turned to look at her.." what is it ? " elsa askdd..

" um..were did phantasma go ? " she said noticing she was not among them...

" what ?! " winnie said looking around..." how did we not notice she was not here ? " she said eyes darting around the room..

" yeah she was just with us when we were heading up here, " tanis said..

winie then narrowed her eyes.." hmm friends acting strange . people going missing...some defiantly fishing is going on in the grimwood school . " she said ...

" yeah..And I don't think I'm liking it at all. " Elsa said..

" I-I think we should inform miss grimwood. " tanis said sounding a little scared..

" yeah..I agree..this is sounding to be serous.." Elsa said..

" fine..but don't you think we should try and find what happened to our friends ? " winnie said raising an eye brow.."

they all thought for a moment..they had to admit..as much as they were a little spooked by all this..they needed to make sure their friends were okay..."

" alright..well who wan't to be the one to tell miss grimwood about this ? "Elsa said..

" I would if you don't mind. " tanis said sounding a little shaken," I mean..I want to make sure phanty and sibella are okay..but..I don't want to...come across anything bad if that be the case. " she said a little sheepishly..

" hey..it's no big deal tanis..you just inform miss grimwood.we'll ge and see what happed to phantasma..she can't be to far..maybe she just decided to use the little ghouls rooms. " winnie said rubbing her head.

" well..I honestly hope that's the case. " Tanis said with a nod..as she then quikly made her way out of the room..and down the hall..

" come one elsa..let's go and solve this little mystery. " winnie said tugging on her shirt...


as tanis made her way down the hall's of the school. she could not help but worry about sibella...she knew phantasma was missing at the moment as well..but if winnie was right..and that phantasm just had to do something else real quick..
but as for sibella..she had been acting strange all day..and now knowing that she was missing..it only made her worry even more..


miss grimwood was making her way towards sibella's room not knowning tanis was on her way to see her in her office..so when she got to sibella's room with matches..she saw that the room was empty...

" hmm..odd..I wonder where she could be..? " she said rubbing her chin..

Matches who was looking around began sniffing on the air..he then let out a small growl as he did..

" what is it matches ? " miss grimwood said noticing his behavior ? he then began smelling the ground..he looked back up at her and muttered something with a small series of growls and his dragon gibberish..

" something strange was in here you say ? " miss grimwood said rubbing her chin again.."

matches nodded,,he then began smelling the ground like a blood hound again...apparently fallowing a trail along the ground...miss grimwood watched him as he did so.....she looked back behind her and decided to fallow him..knowing he was on to something...


" sibella ! Phanty ? " winine called out..now hearing a single thing from wither of them as she and Elsa walked along the cooridoors of the school..

" alright..I'm sure that if phanty was just stalling behind us..we'd have run into her by now. " Elsa said glacing around..

" I agree..I don't like feel of this..we should probably try and figure out what the last things they done before disappearing . "

elsa thought for a moment then nodded in agreement.. " Yeah that would make sense if you ask me....lets see then..that last time we saw sibella was at dinner time..right before she quickly went off.." she said.." and phantasma..right as were heading towards sibella's room..she then just vanished without a trace..with no sign of her at all. "

winnie ponder for a bit at that.." well..it seems to be that sibella would straight up to her room..but what if she is out for a night flight ? "

" that does seem possiable..I mean she is a vampire and the night is her natural hour to be awake..but I know she usually takes an evening flight just before sunset..and the sun head gone done nearly an hour ago now. "

" hmm your right...then what do you suppose could have happened to her ? "

" well remember that the mirror she had gotten yesterday..well it was missing as well..I know that sense as soon as we returned home she went and put the thing in her room. "

" do you think...it was taken..along with her ? " winnie suggested..

" well I sure hope not.if only we saw the women she said she got it from. " elsa shook her head..

winnie thought about it.." hmm now that I think about it...why would a human women have a magical mirror ? I mean i'm sure she had to be human..I never heard of any ghouls actually living in the town of shadehaven. "

" your right about that...something is defriantly amiss about that..and the fact the women just happend to be giving away the mirror when sibella was about.." Elsa added.

" so...do you think that maybe....maybe this could have been a set up ? " winnie said eyes widening a bit..

" I don't know...we have to know what happened to sibella and phantasma first. " she said as she motioned for them to move along....


Tanis had finally made it near miss grimwood's Office..where she was hoping she could explain to her what's going on..she just hoped her friends where doing okay..and that Winnie and Elsa had found them. she though tried not to worry too much as she shook of any bad thoughts. plus she knew she'd feel better when miss grimwood got involved..

she went up to her office door and knocked on it. she waited for an answer but got none..so she tried to call out to her

" um..Miss grimwood..are you in there ? " she said " I'm sorry to disrupt you...but you see..well the girls and I think somthing's wrong with sibella and we can't find her either.." she said hoping for a response..and to her surprise..she did..

" Oh..tanis dear..I'm sorry I was busy, come on in, " she heard miss grimwood say..

tanis turned the door knob and opened the door..and stepped inside.

there she could see miss grimwood sitting at her desk..apparently reading something..

" so I guess you heard me ? " tanis said walking up to her. while she stilled continued to read her book.

" oh yes my dear,,I heard you..It's a real shame to hear that. " miss grimwood said with a sigh..

tanis cocked her head a little.." well..I we are hoping you could help us finder her..not to mention phantasma is missing as well.." she also informed her,,

" oh..I would not need and worry.for I know exactly where they are. " miss grimwood said looking up at her with a slight smile..

though tanis did not get a good vibe from it..normally she would always trust and feel comfortable around miss grimwood..but the way she was acting wad making her feel anything but that..and the fact she doesn't seem concerned didn't help

" oh..would you like to see them ? " she said standing up..tanis could hear a slight..drop in her voice..one that sounded almost cold..

tanis felt a shiver run down her back...she didn't know what..but she now felt the urge to leave...something was not right with her Headmisstress...

" A-a actually...I think I better g-go....I hear w-winnie and elsa calling to me.." Tanis said backing up as miss miss grimwood watched leave..

" oh..but I thought you were worried about your friends..." she said with a slighty creepy tone...

" I-I " tanis said still backing up..

" cause I can take it you right to them.." she said..only her voice then became gruff and steep..sounding nothing like miss grimwood at all..

tanis's eyes widen when she heard that.." who-who are you. " she said in a shaky voice..

tanis then watched as she saw her teacher tranform right before her eyes... and that was into Sibella causing tanis to gasp in shock ." the one who is going to make sure you never bother her plans again, " she said as her eyes turned bright red..

Tanis then let out a small shriek as she watched in alarm as this ghoul disguised as sibella got up and began to approach her..grinning evilly

" you can not escape the mirror monster ! " he laughed manically to himself " ACK ! " he said as tanis in a panic had quickly thrown a nearby book from off a stand at him. she then quickly bolt toward the door and made her way out..

" ooh..you'll pay for that ! " he said rubbing his head in pain.."

Tanis looked back but did not see the ghoul chasing her, however didn't stop and continued run straight down the hall..hoping to find winnie and Elsa..she had to warn them that their was some sort of shape shifting monster in the school...

to be continued..... 

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