Chapter 20

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They couldn’t hide from the morning any longer, the sun streaming through the window when Seokmin pulled the curtains back.

Joshua groaned, sitting up and stretching, reaching for Seokmin’s phone to check the time.

I have to get back. We have a strategy meeting at nine-thirty.

Strategy meeting?

So far, everything we’ve tried to keep the Omega House where it is has failed, but we’re not ready to give up just yet. Officially, our permit doesn’t run out for another three months. We’re already developing a contingency plan in case we need to find a new home by then.

It sounds like they’re lucky to have you on board.

Unlucky, you mean. If my father had just been sensible about it and appointed an alpha, none of this would be happening.

You can’t know that.

Joshua climbed out of bed, picked up his sweatpants, and searched around fruitlessly for the rest of his clothes.

Basement,” Seokmin reminded him with a smirk, pulling open a drawer and tossing the omega a T-shirt.

Joshua rolled his eyes and yanked the shirt on over his head, tugging it down. The hem hit him mid-thigh. He pulled his sweatpants up under it.

Right, I’ll go hunt down my clothes and make tracks.” Joshua paused at the door, looking back at him. “Will you need me tonight?

No, I think I’ll be okay.” It was bittersweet to admit it, since he’d have liked another night with Joshua, maybe one where they spent all of it in his bed. But when a look of relief crossed Joshua’s face, he felt bad about his selfish thoughts. Joshua was running himself ragged trying to keep everything afloat. He didn’t need Seokmin monopolizing half of his day.

Well, if you change your mind, you know how to get in touch,” Joshua said lightly before he hurried away.

Seokmin sat down heavily on the side of the bed, listening to the omega’s footsteps fade into the distance.

His phone rang, the sound shrill, and he rolled across the bed to answer.

It was Seungcheol.

Morning, Seungcheol.

Seokmin, we’re at Duke’s house. Can you come over?

Sure. Is something wrong?

We’ll explain when you get here.

At that ominous statement, Seokmin rushed to get dressed. He threw on some clothes, grabbed his car keys, and headed out. Joshua was already gone, the smell of exhaust lingering in the driveway.

Seokmin hoped Seungcheol’s call wasn’t what he feared—that the army ‘welfare’ officers were sniffing around again. They were waiting for Seokmin or his pack to slip up. Sooner or later, they were going to get their wish.

As he drove to Duke’s house, he distracted himself thinking up reasons to see Joshua again. He didn’t want to be that person who just called up when they needed something. And he liked the omega far more than he was willing to admit to himself or the pack. Joshua had more than repaid the favor Seokmin had called in. If anything, it was Seokmin who now owed Joshua, a hundred times over. How could he repay him? Maybe he could offer to take over permanently as the Phoenix Omega House’s physician and make calls to the town council on their behalf? He could leverage his father’s name, his own background, and his alpha status, and see if that didn’t elicit a better response. It shouldn’t have been necessary, but it was what it was. Seokmin wasn’t above using the situation to their advantage, especially if it benefited Joshua and eased some of the omega’s many burdens.

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