Chapter 30

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Seokmin was good at managing his frustration, but a convalescing Joshua was really testing his limits. It took all of two days before the omega, ignoring everyone’s advice, decided to get out of bed. Only Seokmin’s insistence got him back in, but even that wasn’t enough to ensure the omega was resting.

Every time he took his eyes off him for more than a few minutes, he’d turn around and find Joshua working. Whether it was work emails or reports, the omega seemed determined to do anything but rest while Seokmin insisted he stay in bed.

He went out to run errands after breakfast one morning, heading upstairs once he returned to find his bed once again unoccupied. Biting back a growl of frustration, he went to track down the errant omega. The only reassurance he had was that he’d seen Joshua’s car in the driveway, so at least he hadn’t taken off into the city. When he did track Joshua down, it wasn’t what he was expecting to see.

Pausing in the living room doorway, he spied Joshua camped out on the couch, playing with all three of the kids. Eric was sitting beside Joshua, busy squeezing some playdough between his hands, babbling away to the omega as he worked. Toby was rolling his playdough into a sausage shape.

Even Jack was taking part, mashing his into the floor. Eunbi sat cross-legged nearby, a smile on her face as she watched them. Her eyes met Seokmin’s and she grinned. She got to her feet and padded over to him.

They seem calm today,” he said. All three were usually full of beans just before lunch.

I think they can sense that he’s injured,” she admitted. “So they’re being careful.

Clever kids.

It’s an instinct they’re learning from the pack. It should be second nature to all of us.” But it wasn’t. So much that should have been normal for them was strange or just… gone. They’d lost touch with so much.

Would they ever get it all back?

She glanced at her watch. “Nathan has their lunch all set up in the playroom.” She turned around. “Time to eat, boys,” she called. “Who wants beans on toast, huh? Yummy.

Me!” Toby yelled, careening across the room toward them. Seokmin reached down and ruffled his hair as Eric came over to join them. Jack toddled in their direction, as walking was still new to him, so Eunbi met him halfway, swooping him into her arms and blowing a raspberry on his stomach. It set all three of them giggling as they headed off to lunch. Seokmin glanced back inside to see Joshua watching him.


Hey yourself.

Got tired of being cooped up in bed?

Joshua yawned and stretched, only a very slight wince belying the fact that he was injured. “There’s a lot to be said for the magic of toddlers.



Why don’t you stay here while I rustle you up something?

The omega’s face fell.

Or you could come with me to the kitchen and sit quietly while I cook?” Seokmin offered instead.

I’ll take option number two,” Joshua said easily, throwing off the blanket over his legs and getting up. He didn’t jump to his feet, but it was a close thing.

Remember what I said about taking it easy?” Seokmin reminded him.

I think you’re worrying over nothing. I’m much better.

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