Chapter 28

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They broke the news to the others, not that anyone was surprised. Seokmin, his arm wrapped around Joshua’s shoulders, still couldn’t quite believe the omega had accepted. But there was no doubt lurking behind Joshua’s eyes, no uncertainty in his smile. He wanted what Seokmin wanted.

Joshua returned to the city for a few days, for some important casework he couldn’t put off any longer. Because of the early mornings and late evenings he needed to put in to catch up on his work, he spent his nights in his apartment. Even though he was only gone for three days, Seokmin was surprised by how much he missed the omega’s presence. The whole house seemed to feel it, and it was a relief when he arrived back late the evening of the third day.

We’ll get used to that,” Zane assured Seokmin over breakfast the next morning as he waited for Joshua to wake up. “The pack’s still settling. But things feel so much better now than they did a few weeks ago.

Duke, Jack, and Zane had moved into the house on a more permanent basis, while Vernon and Seungcheol were daily visitors. The Omega House staff had created a new roster that balanced the in-house and off-site staff well.

And Seokmin had finally got to grips with his father’s office. They’d be ready to open their doors to patients in a matter of weeks. It would be slow to get people back, or so he guessed. Some of them would have moved on to other doctors; others would have had a long relationship with his father and might not feel as comfortable with him. But Seokmin needed something to keep himself occupied, and this was it. Once they made it clear they were taking on patients again, he was sure people would come.

Tell me there’s coffee,” Joshua said from the doorway, leaning heavily against the frame. He blinked at them, his eyes tired and his hair mussed.

Just made a fresh pot,” Zane said, pouring him a cup.

Morning, Shua,” Seokmin said, crossing the room to the omega. Joshua frowned at the nickname but didn’t say anything else as he hid a yawn behind his hand. “Did you get all your work squared away?

Uh-huh. One client awarded full custody of his toddler. Another granted a garnishment of his ex’s wages to pay for child support. Two very pissed off alphas as a result.

Seokmin frowned, looking Joshua up and down. “Did something happen? Are you okay?

I’m fine,” Joshua assured him. “Nothing happened. People are always angry when they lose. The vast majority aren’t stupid enough to take it out on their exes’ legal representation.

But it’s happened before?

Maybe he should have gone with Joshua to the city.

Once or twice I’ve had alphas follow me, make threats. The worst wasn’t even an alpha, but their newest omega boyfriend. The police dealt with it, like they always do.

Seokmin suspected it wasn’t that simple. There was a long history of the police not taking threats to omegas seriously.

If there is ever anyone who worries you, you’ll tell me, won’t you? They won’t be so reckless if it’s made clear to them that you have an alpha at your back.

Joshua looked like he wanted to be angry but couldn’t quite muster up the energy.

I can stand on my own two feet, Seokmin. I’ve been doing this job for years.

Don’t be mad, Joshua. He can’t help it,” Zane interjected, thrusting a cup of coffee into Joshua’s hands. “He was the pack’s Guardian before he was our Leader. It’s his job to get worked up over a perceived threat, and to roll in behind you all growly and overprotective.

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