Chapter 32

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Six days after the end of Joshua’s heat, Seokmin leaned over to kiss the omega good morning and noticed that something was different. He said nothing about it, accepting the plate of breakfast Zane offered him and taking a seat next to Joshua at the counter. Side by side, it gave him time to appreciate what he’d picked up on. Once again, Joshua’s scent had changed. Unlike the subtle spice of his heat, this was more of a faint sweetness. Glancing around the kitchen, he was pretty sure he was the only one who’d noticed. Vernon or Seungcheol might have, if they’d been there, but Duke was altogether too distracted trying to get Jack to eat his oatmeal rather than wear it.

Seokmin didn’t want to broach his suspicions in front of everyone, so he stayed quiet. He hoped he and Joshua would get the chance to talk in private after they’d eaten. But right after breakfast, Joshua disappeared into his office for a conference call, and Seokmin had to head out with Vernon to pick up supplies for the stables. Their talk would have to wait until later.

Later was right before lunch, when Seokmin poked his head into the omega’s office.


Oh, hey.” Joshua lifted his head and smiled, looking a little dazed.

Lunchtime already?

Uh-huh. Busy morning?

Crazy. There’s so much happening next week that just the paperwork alone seems like it’ll take forever. I might just grab a sandwich and eat it while I work?

I’ll make you one and bring it to you,” Seokmin offered. “But you and I probably need to have a talk.

The expression on Joshua’s face turned wary. “Is it about my work? Because we talked about this…

Not your work,” Seokmin said firmly. “I’m not going back on my word. I won’t make you choose between me and your job.

“I sense a ‘but’ in there somewhere,” Joshua said lightly.

I left a pregnancy test for you in our bathroom. Maybe you could take it when you get the chance?

Joshua put down his pen and pushed back his chair.

Is this aspirational, or do you know something I don’t?

An omega’s scent changes for all sorts of reasons, but this morning yours is… sweet. Maybe you’ve been eating cotton candy by the bucketful when I haven’t been looking, or…

Joshua groaned, pressing his hand to his forehead. “Or maybe the pitter-patter of tiny feet is imminent, huh?” He got to his feet. “The test’s in the bathroom?


Will it work this early?

If this was a normal pregnancy, no. But a pack pregnancy? Yeah, it should light up like a Christmas tree.

Joshua walked toward him.

I thought it was a pink cross.

It is. I think it’s a missed opportunity for flashing lights.

He was working hard to keep his tone light and having a hard time reading Joshua. The omega stopped in front of him, making no move to leave the room.

Nervous?” Joshua asked.

About the pregnancy? No.

Then what?

You. Me.

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